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DynDOLOD 3.00 Alpha 180


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1 hour ago, z929669 said:

Taken from DynDOLOD FAQ:

This last point is commonly the issue in my XP. I run AMD and routinely kill all AMD background processes while generating LOD or creating the grass cache. If I don't, then grass caching and specific DynDOLOD Alpha version run times dramatically increase for me. Not all DynDOLOD alphas of the past have had the issues on my system, so I just disable all of my GFX driver software now every time, which totally resolves the issue.

Search this topic, and you will find many more posts and specifics on slow gen times.

it still took longer than usual, been running for 2 hour now but i decided to cancel it and reuse old output from previous build, idk texgen was running fine tho (only 4 minutes as usual) just dyndolod

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8 hours ago, Jackal99 said:

Hello I have updated the new Dyndolod 3 I already cleaned plugins before generated successfully. For this update I have this:

Error: Large reference bugs workarounds requirements not met. DynDOLOD.DLL: NG, Scripts: NG, Deleted references: yes Either meet all requirements or remove DynDOLOD.DLL NG and Scripts from the load order. Deleted reference Update.esm [REFR:000C8701] (places TreeDeadShrub [TREE:000A731C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of FrostflowLighthouseExterior01 [CELL:00008F29] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at 15,21))

Read the first post and/or https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which entire DynDOLOD log and debug log to upload when making posts.

The message reports a fact. The Update.esm loaded by DynDOLOD was not cleaned and needs to be cleaned.

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8 hours ago, PRieST said:

I wrote this, while I started a new generation for the logs and got this message:

[Window Title]

[Main Instruction]
Error: OpenGL: 2610CB97 framebuffer incomplete attachment.


Click on this link for additional explanations and help for this message

Clean install the latest recommended/WHQL (not optional and not beta) graphics drivers only without any bloatware.

If the issue persists, posts a problem report on the official DynDOLOD support forum.

[Exit DynDOLOD]

Online Help | Support Forum | Copy message to clipboard

This is new and never happened in the past even if I had one or two firefox tabs open.
LODGen is still running (very very slow) - may be because I didn't closed DynDOLOD.exe.
I am using plain nvidia drivers without anything else and also all of my 32GB ram were maxed as well as 100% CPU usage. I have no comparison to earlier generations, but this seems a bit odd, I don't think DynDOLOD/LODGen used all of my ram in the past.

Here are the logs to this point:
No Bugreport.log because I had to manually kill DynDOLOD (it just stayed open).
DynDOLOD/Debug log


I know this may be a bit of not so good report, but somehow with alpha 166 the LODGen process is taking ages.
In earlier versions DynDOLOD in whole was finished in about 30 to 40 minutes (including generatin Occlusion.esp).
But now not even Level 4 *.bto of Tamriel are finished - infact it were only about 30 files.

I could provide you the logs to this point, as I don't want to wait hours before DynDOLOD is finished, as this is a new behavior.
This is written in the cmd window:and after that the correspoding finished files (excerpt):

I didn't change anything big since the last generation with alpha 165 which could result in such long generation times. I looked at some created bto files and they also don't seem to be extra large or complex in comparison.
Maybe it's a fault on my end with too many high poly assets, but if this is the case I can't even tell which ones are the culprit.

Texconv and DynDOLOD ran out of vided memory it seems. Probably too many high resolution textures are being worked at the same time.

Add AtlasThreads=X under [DynDOLOD] in D:\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_SSE.ini
Start with X being the physical core count and lower it if problem persists.

Also enforcing to only run one Texconv convertion at a time with LockTexconv=1 should help.


Always upload entire logs, also from LODGen. Check if putting this test version of LODgenx64Win.exe in the ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts folder makes a difference https://mega.nz/file/QIBRXTjR#-As4pmm4tn1890E77GuZZqUAcRnxEpka51kPiMsDk-U

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4 minutes ago, sheson said:

Texconv and DynDOLOD ran out of vided memory it seems. Probably too many high resolution textures are being worked at the same time.

Add AtlasThreads=X under [DynDOLOD] in D:\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_SSE.ini
Start with X being the physical core count and lower it if problem persists.

Also enforcing to only run one Texconv convertion at a time with LockTexconv=1 should help.


Always upload entire logs, also from LODGen.
Test if this  text version of LODgenx64Win.exe makes a difference https://mega.nz/file/QIBRXTjR#-As4pmm4tn1890E77GuZZqUAcRnxEpka51kPiMsDk-U

As said, this never happened before and also not with alpha 165. I see that it runs out of memory. With the regular version one LODGen process used up to 24GB of ram alone.
I think the 'run out of memory' was just at that time of the atlas creation, this didn't happened another time I ran DynDOLOD, so it was a one timer (because of tha ram usage spikes).

I am testing the test version right now. It's still running, but I can tell, that the generation of the bto files is fast again and the ram usage stays quite low.

Also it seems I am not the only one having these problems:

3 hours ago, quochunganhphu said:

it still took longer than usual, been running for 2 hour now but i decided to cancel it and reuse old output from previous build, idk texgen was running fine tho (only 4 minutes as usual) just dyndolod

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1 minute ago, PRieST said:

As said, this never happened before and also not with alpha 165. I see that it runs out of memory. With the regular version one LODGen process used up to 24GB of ram alone.
I think the 'run out of memory' was just at that time of the atlas creation, this didn't happened another time I ran DynDOLOD, so it was a one timer (because of tha ram usage spikes).

I am testing the test version right now. It's still running, but I can tell, that the generation of the bto files is fast again and the ram usage stays quite low.

The out of memory error happened while generating the atlas texture for Solstheim. Hence the suggestion to limit the number of threads used for the atlas texture generation, so it works on less textures at the same time. The execution order and parallelism of things are not consistent across runs. Memory is a finite resource used by all processes shown in Windows task manager.

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5 minutes ago, sheson said:

The out of memory error happened while generating the atlas texture for Solstheim. Hence the suggestion to limit the number of threads used for the atlas texture generation, so it works on less textures at the same time. The execution order and parallelism of things are not consistent across runs. Memory is a finite resource used by all processes shown in Windows task manager.

With the test version DynDOLOD was finished in 20 minutes without any errors. Exchanging the exe file you provided was the only change I made.

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  • sheson changed the title to DynDOLOD 3.00 Alpha 167
13 minutes ago, PRieST said:

With the test version DynDOLOD was finished in 20 minutes without any errors. Exchanging the exe file you provided was the only change I made.

Fix included in Alpha-167.

  • Thanks 1
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Replying to:

I downloaded the latest version of DynDOLOD 3, ran DynDOLODx64 without the nonsensical argument (my mistake, it's left over from a far-fetched solution attempt that clearly didn't work) and came up with the same error. Linked here is the updated .zip of log files. Please let me know if you need any more information, and thank you so far for your help.

[Google Drive]


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Hi Sheson,

Has anything major changed with grass LOD density generation recently? The reason I ask is I have noticed my grass LODs always seem to be populating at 100% - i.e. The grass LOD setting density in DynDOLOD advanced window doesn't seem to be affecting changes. I tried it at 10, and 90, on Low/Medium/High, Grass Mode 2, and it was the same result. It's probably I havent set up correctly, and wanted to ask for some pointers for where I should look to resolve my mistake.




Edited by kojak747
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1 hour ago, kojak747 said:

Hi Sheson,

Has anything major changed with grass LOD density generation recently? The reason I ask is I have noticed my grass LODs always seem to be populating at 100% - i.e. The grass LOD setting density in DynDOLOD advanced window doesn't seem to be affecting changes. I tried it at 10, and 90, on Low/Medium/High, Grass Mode 2, and it was the same result. It's probably I havent set up correctly, and wanted to ask for some pointers for where I should look to resolve my mistake.


Read the first post and/or https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which DynDOLOD log and debug log and which LODGen log to upload.

See https://dyndolod.info/Changelog to learn what changed.

Density sets the percentage of grass LOD billboards that are being generated. 50 means only half of the grass placements are added for better performance but thinner grass LOD in the distance.

50 means 50%.

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1 hour ago, sneakarcheress said:

Replying to:

I downloaded the latest version of DynDOLOD 3, ran DynDOLODx64 without the nonsensical argument (my mistake, it's left over from a far-fetched solution attempt that clearly didn't work) and came up with the same error. Linked here is the updated .zip of log files. Please let me know if you need any more information, and thank you so far for your help.

[Google Drive]


Check with this test version of DynDOLODx64.exe https://mega.nz/file/BUIhnLiL#kXf21ho7c0wk4DVQEu0ml6J-9FRns2sKp9umU64tB34
Upload new log and debug log even if it works without error. Also upload new bugreport.txt in case there is still an error.

Do not install new versions over old versions. Follow the install/update instructions. See https://dyndolod.info/Updating#New-DynDOLOD-Version

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Regarding grass LOD: I get this different colors/brightness levels on grass LOD using Folkvangr Complex Grass -> see screenshot.

Is this something I should adjust with RGB LOD brightness multiplier values or the TexGen HD Grass Direct/Ambient settings or both?


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22 minutes ago, TomForStep said:

Regarding grass LOD: I get this different colors/brightness levels on grass LOD using Folkvangr Complex Grass -> see screenshot.

Is this something I should adjust with RGB LOD brightness multiplier values or the TexGen HD Grass Direct/Ambient settings or both?

In case the grass LOD brightness or color seems off (it might depend on weathers or ENB settings), try different Direct/Ambient settings for grass LOD billboards in TexGen. In addition or alternatively change the GrassBrightnessTop*/ComplexGrassBrightnessTop* and GrassBrightnessBottom*/ComplexGrassBrightnessBottom* settings in ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_SSE.ini - those settings help if the color tone is off.

The TexGen settings change lighting equally, while the DynDOLOD INI settings allow to change the RGB channels.

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