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DynDOLOD 3.00 Alpha 180


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38 minutes ago, MisterMorden said:

Sheson, just reporting back that everything seems to be working great on my end...nothing appearing nor disappearing outside Solitude anymore (though I personally wasn't bothered by any other city, it was just the surrounding mountainside + trees rising up behind Solitude was a particularly unavoidable annoyance). 

Also, I think my issue with the junipers is that I wasn't checking "visible when distant" on my rule as I didn't think they had vanilla lod and so my rule of "full, billboard4, billboard1" wasn't producing any billboards even past lod level 4.  I plan to test this assumption with a run tonight.

https://dyndolod.info/Help/Mesh-Mask-Reference-Rules#VWD-Visible-When-Distant explains what the flag controls.

The VWD flag determines if the rule is applied or not depending on LOD asset existing or not.

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6 minutes ago, chemistofgor said:

I think I see the issue, Sheson. I downloaded a gildergreen tree replacer mod recently, and it seems to include leaves.dds/_n.dds. i did upload that log, initally in the second most recent post, btw.

Where is the debug log for DynDOLOD?

What is the URL of the mod?

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5 minutes ago, sheson said:

Where is the debug log for DynDOLOD?

What is the URL of the mod?



this is the log that mentioned leaves/leaves_n

didnt see anything on the page about not having it active in lod generation. should be as simple as renaming the textures/rerouting the mesh paths

Edit: can confirm tamriel is generating lods now. also, apparently texgen really does complete in 3 minutes now! wow! you're a god dang miracle worker my friend.


Edited by chemistofgor
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12 minutes ago, chemistofgor said:



this is the log that mentioned leaves/leaves_n

didnt see anything on the page about not having it active in lod generation. should be as simple as renaming the textures/rerouting the mesh paths

Edit: can confirm tamriel is generating lods now. also, apparently texgen really does complete in 3 minutes now! wow! you're a god dang miracle worker my friend.

Where is the DynDOLOD debug log?

As explained many times before, disabling mods is a troubleshooting step and not a fix. Preventing a problem from happening by disabling something does not fix the actual cause of the problem. The changes of the mod are now not reflected in the LOD patch.

According to your logs, TexGen already completed in about 3 minutes.

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5 minutes ago, chemistofgor said:

yes, it did complete that quickly. i was simply applauding the improvements that allowed it to do so! :) I am friends with the mod author of the gildergreen replacer and we are working on a solution on our end

Where is the DynDOLOD debug log?

Why do you believe you can or should even attempt to fix problems in the tools?

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6 minutes ago, chemistofgor said:

it's not the tools, it looks like the author accidentally used the same texture paths that dyndolod is supposed to create. it was a mistake on their end, from my understanding.

Where is the DynDOLOD debug log?

This is not how any of this works. 

I did a quick generation with vanilla + G.I.R.T.H. - Gildergreen Is Really Thicc HD 4k version and there were no errors.

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Just now, chemistofgor said:

i do not have a debug log for dyndolod

The log and debug log are saved when the program shuts down Do not interrupt the shut down process so it can write the log files. If there are no logs or debug logs because the tool is being terminated prematurely, check the Windows Event log for related messages. Add RealTimeLog=1 under [TexGen] or [DynDOLOD] in ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\[TexGen|DynDOLOD]_[GAME MODE].INI respectively. Then execute the tool again to generate a debug log in the Logs folder in real time and upload that.

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4 hours ago, chemistofgor said:

i do not have a debug log for dyndolod. i apologize, man, i'm just trying to help. as soon as i disabled that mod, because that is what this log said was the issue: LODGen_SSE_Tamriel_log.txt it started working just fine. i assumed it must have been the problem.

Download DynDOLOD 3 Alpha-132
Generating with it should let LODGen then be able to generate object LOD without problem.


3D tree LOD assets included in the mod have a couple problems that should be fixed:

<Warning: File not found textures\landscape\trees\leaves_n2k.dds. Used by meshes\dyndolod\lod\trees\wrtempletreesapling01_e75a46ffpassthru_lod.nif Gildergreen Is Really Thicc HD.esp TreeWRTempleSapling01 [TREE:000461D7]>
<Warning: File not found textures\landscape\trees\branches_n2k.dds. Used by meshes\dyndolod\lod\trees\wrtempletree02_f3e8c380passthru_lod.nif Gildergreen Is Really Thicc HD.esp TreeWRTemple02 [TREE:000461C9]>

This should probably be textures\landscape\trees\leaves_n.dds and textures\landscape\trees\branches_n.dds instead. https://dyndolod.info/Messages/File-Not-Found-Textures

Also WRTempleTreeSapling01_E75A46FFpassthru_lod.nif seems define a glow map texture erroneously.


<Warning: Root block is NiNode in meshes\dyndolod\lod\trees\wrtempletreesapling01_e75a46ffpassthru_lod.nif Gildergreen Is Really Thicc HD.esp TreeWRTempleSapling01 [TREE:000461D7]>
<Warning: Root block is NiNode in meshes\dyndolod\lod\trees\wrtempletree02_f3e8c380passthru_lod.nif Gildergreen Is Really Thicc HD.esp TreeWRTemple02 [TREE:000461C9]>
<Warning: Root block is NiNode in meshes\dyndolod\lod\trees\wrtempletree01_9e62d585passthru_lod.nif Gildergreen Is Really Thicc HD.esp TreeWRTemple01 [TREE:00023611]>

The root node should be BSFadeNode. This prevents the tree from being showing in Tamriel by dynamic LOD. https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Root-Block


<Warning: Textures do not match for "Scene Root:1": textures\landscape\trees\branches.dds in wrtempletree02.nif -> textures\landscape\trees\trunk.dds in wrtempletree02_f3e8c380passthru_lod.nif for Gildergreen Is Really Thicc HD.esp TreeWRTemple02 [TREE:000461C9]>

The 3D shape names should match between the full model and the 3D LOD model.


Also the LOD models do not need the BSXFlags Havok/Articulated since they do not have those features. If all BSXFlags are unset, the BSXFlags block can be removed.

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getting lines on side of reach trees. am using enhanced vanilla trees which do not touch reach trees. apparently its a mipmap issue but i have no mods affecting reach trees or textures.


for dyndolod settings i followed the latest step guide on skyrim se modding




theyre very faint but you can see them on those trees


Edited by teadude
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5 hours ago, teadude said:

getting lines on side of reach trees. am using enhanced vanilla trees which do not touch reach trees. apparently its a mipmap issue but i have no mods affecting reach trees or textures.

for dyndolod settings i followed the latest step guide on skyrim se modding


theyre very faint but you can see them on those trees

DynDOLOD_SSE_log.txt 1.06 MB · 2 downloads

Read the first post and/or https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which TexGen log and which TexGen/DynDOLOD debug log to also upload.

As explained, always use the latest version.

Do not install any 3rd party tree LOD billboards. Use TexGen to generate all desired LOD billboards.


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5 hours ago, sheson said:

Read the first post and/or https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which TexGen log and which TexGen/DynDOLOD debug log to also upload.

As explained, always use the latest version.

Do not install any 3rd party tree LOD billboards. Use TexGen to generate all desired LOD billboards.


hi sheson, here are the logs https://www.mediafire.com/file/ziofbvoaiycxpfy/logs.zip/file


i do not think i am using any tree replacers, just mods that make trees smaller. only reach trees have the line issue. i am not using any billboards, only dyndolod resources and requirements. settings used are from the latest step guide

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42 minutes ago, teadude said:

hi sheson, here are the logs https://www.mediafire.com/file/ziofbvoaiycxpfy/logs.zip/file


i do not think i am using any tree replacers, just mods that make trees smaller. only reach trees have the line issue. i am not using any billboards, only dyndolod resources and requirements. settings used are from the latest step guide

Disable TexGen output. In MO2 right window, Data tab, unfold [+] Textures, [+] Terrain, [+] LODGen etc. if there are any files listed at all, they should be removed/hidden in their respective mod folders. Then generate\enable TexGen, generate LOD.

If problem happens with no ..\Textures\Terrain\LODGen\ folder listed with TexGen ouput disabled, let me know.

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