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Not to be a cynical ******, but the whole thing is just insane. The fact that a bunch of old dudes, some of whom are off their rocker and most haven't taken a STEM class beyond what was needed for college admission, get to arbitrate anything related to technology or the Internet pisses me off to no end. Don't even get me started on the corporations either...


SOPA turned the internet community into terminators and it got shut down. CISPA has tried and failed because of vague terminology and other things. I don't think they'll make it this time either, but if the internet community would stand up against this like they did SOPA then it would be shot down quickly. CISPA just isn't getting the attention that SOPA got, though.


Posted Image


Although the implications are much worse, it's harder to "market" CISPA as it were. It doesn't directly authorize the shutdown of websites or anything like that, it's mostly about information tracking and sharing and I don't think most people (even those who regularly use the Internet) quite grasp just how much data is being gathered and how that information could be used for "evil".


You could really get me started with this stuff.  I'm a member of Liberty, and this sort of thing is on my mind all the time.


I think that people have a rather complacent perception of the nature of the internet.  Because governments only learn and adapt very slowly, it has seemed for a generation that the net was a force for increasing freedom.  But the giant has woken up, and we shall discover that it can, of course, operate in the opposite direction. 


To a large extent, I do believe that we get the government we deserve.  People can be extremely bovine and apathetic.  They show little concern now for the importance of privacy for its own sake.  It wasn't very long ago that the idea of anyone, especially the government, interfering with our mail or looking at our library records (which were used for persecutions during the McCarthy witch-hunts) would have been seen as a major violation.  Now they go much further every day, and only a small minority even squeak about it.  Just so long they're keeping us safe from The Enemy...


It is all a moot point. I lie in wait for the beginning of the end --declining fossil fuels and the decline of multinational corporations. It is only a matter of time, so I truly yearn for global anarchy and the reinvention of Rome from scratch.


The military-industrial complex will continue to get bigger and people will become more and more complacent. The end result is collapse, and it is as inevitable as gravity.


In the meantime, my goal in life is to have as much fun as possible and keep myself and my own alive and kicking and as happy as possible for as long as possible.


CISPA is a mere pittance of a threat, there are much, much more serious things coming over the next 10-20 years....


... now, back to having fun... it is Saturday after all!


I think that governments looking out for the interest of large corporations over their own people is as undemocratic as capitalism can get.


The fact that it's a step towards making 1984 real is what scares me. It often feels like there's not much I can do.

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