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Skyrim VR - DynDOLODx64 Won't create DynDOLOD_Tamriel.txt



Running "DynDOLODx64.exe -tes5vr" from within MO2 will create DynDOLOD_Output\skse\plugins\DynDOLOD_Data\DynDOLOD_Tamriel_Objects.txt but not the non '_object' txt file DynDOLOD_Tamriel.txt.  (Also non '_object.txt' json file not created)

Running from MO2.  No obvious errors in output logs.

Running 2.65 Resource (as a mod) and running 2.65 standalone to generate output outside of data dir.  Subsequently installing the output as a mod, but the files are never created in the output to begin with.  Only the DynDOLOD_<MyWorld>_Object.txt files are all created each time. 

So when running in game, no errors other than:


DynDOLOD Plugin 2.45.0 for Skyrim Script Extender VR 2.0.10 for Skyrim VR
Reading file G:\Steam\steamapps\common\SkyrimVR\Data\SKSE\Plugins\DynDOLOD_Data\DynDOLOD_worlds.txt
Reading file G:\Steam\steamapps\common\SkyrimVR\Data\SKSE\Plugins\DynDOLOD_Data\DynDOLOD_Tamriel.txt
Error opening file G:\Steam\steamapps\common\SkyrimVR\Data\SKSE\Plugins\DynDOLOD_Data\DynDOLOD_Tamriel.txt
Reading file G:\Steam\steamapps\common\SkyrimVR\Data\SKSE\Plugins\DynDOLOD_Data\DynDOLOD_Tamriel_Objects.txt
Reading file G:\Steam\steamapps\common\SkyrimVR\Data\SKSE\Plugins\DynDOLOD_Data\DynDOLOD_Tamriel.txt
Error opening file G:\Steam\steamapps\common\SkyrimVR\Data\SKSE\Plugins\DynDOLOD_Data\DynDOLOD_Tamriel.txt
Reading file G:\Steam\steamapps\common\SkyrimVR\Data\SKSE\Plugins\DynDOLOD_Data\DynDOLOD_Tamriel.txt
Error opening file G:\Steam\steamapps\common\SkyrimVR\Data\SKSE\Plugins\DynDOLOD_Data\DynDOLOD_Tamriel.txt
Reading file G:\Steam\steamapps\common\SkyrimVR\Data\SKSE\Plugins\DynDOLOD_Data\DynDOLOD_Tamriel.txt
Error opening file G:\Steam\steamapps\common\SkyrimVR\Data\SKSE\Plugins\DynDOLOD_Data\DynDOLOD_Tamriel.txt
GetIntArray: no data for key 25556 in section index in file Tamriel
I've run out of things to try and have searched a lot.
Any help would be appreciated.

5 answers to this question

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Posted (edited)

There never will be any "none" files created. "None" means something went wrong.


You many want to check what why there is an error opening  G:\Steam\steamapps\common\SkyrimVR\Data\SKSE\Plugins\DynDOLOD_Data\DynDOLOD_Tamriel.txt that you said has been created.


Also read on screen and papyrus log messages. Then check the FAQ for those errors.

Edited by sheson
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Thanks for the response.
Sorry for not being clear.  I meant that the DynDOLOD_Tamriel.txt files are not created, but files with similar names with string _Objects appended to the name, e.g. DynDOLOD_Tamriel_Objects.txt are created.
One of these are created for each run of dyndolodx64.exe for each world that is checked: e.g. DynDOLOD_Tamriel_Objects.txt,  DynDOLOD_MarkarthWorld_Objects.txt, etc.  The corresponding files without _Objects appended (or non _Objects files, as I called them) are not created.
The on screen error messages are something like
Cannot read index data in DynDOLOD_Tamriel
Cannot find master data in DynDOLOD_Tamriel
Cannot find bunchofnumbers in DynDOLOD_Tamriel
The MCM is showing as deactivated with the last message: being the master data one above.
I've gone through the FAQ's and instructions but have probably missed something obvious.

Additional Log file here.  Not presuming that they are relevant, but if it is something to do with the dyndolodx64.exe generation then they might be.

This file was too big and had to be zipped.




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Posted (edited)

There are 5 generations in the log. They all seem to be run as an update with an existing DynDOLOD in the load order.


You answered yes to "Update an existing DynDOLOD.esm and DynDOLOD.esp? If this is not successful start from scratch."


In that case you are supposed to merge the new output with the old output (which has all the json/txt files) that is active at generation time.


It is skipping the work to create that file because it does not need to be updated.

Edited by sheson

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