DarkladyLexy Posted January 19, 2018 Author Posted January 19, 2018 hey guys since the wiki is down i post this here Nexus page up https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/14614/ it currently only contains a port of Relight Skyrim tailored for ELFX. Neo gave me permission to port and distribute any of his patches we need.
Decopauge123 Posted January 19, 2018 Posted January 19, 2018 On 1/19/2018 at 8:23 AM, DarkladyLexy said: hey guys since the wiki is down i post this here Nexus page up https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/14614/ it currently only contains a port of Relight Skyrim tailored for ELFX. Neo gave me permission to port and distribute any of his patches we need.Thank You, Darklady_Lexy, for all your hard work, and Neovalen, for allowing the porting and distribution of your patches. I have that mod page bookmarked.
Jim102929 Posted January 19, 2018 Posted January 19, 2018 (edited) Hey everyone, As someone who is happily playing through the original guide i have a few suggestions, if you don't mind me chipping in that is. While i don't have anything specific in mind i would really love to see more and some different quest mods added in. Possibly complete the list of ones that are compatible with LOTD but really just anything that is new and fresh would be good. One thing that would be nice is to see the dark brotherhood and thieves guild expanded if such things exist. Another thing was maybe doing something with the major towns to make them a bit more complete. I personally use Dawn of Skyrim with JK's lite and haven't noticed too many issues other than a few items that need to be removed due to clipping, blocking doors and other such things. I can't say that i have looked to see whether they've been ported or not at this time though. I also wouldn't mind seeing ELFX removed, though that is just a personal preference because i find it too dark. Anyway that's about it in terms of suggestions for now and as i said i hope you don't mind me chirping up. I would be willing of course to help do some testing of mods, but i lack the required skills to help with patching at this time so i understand if some things are just much to incorporate. Cheers guys and whatever way you go with this i will definitely be keeping a watch on this one to see how it evolves. Edited January 19, 2018 by Jim102929
cptmcsplody Posted January 19, 2018 Posted January 19, 2018 (edited) On 1/19/2018 at 6:55 AM, DarkladyLexy said: how did you fix it was it just a matter and manually changing the folder structure? In Nifscope you have to change the path for the candle texture, for each of these meshes https://i.imgur.com/VC9E2p1.png from https://i.imgur.com/JGTuo80.jpg to this https://i.imgur.com/0YHrFqc.png It is easier to just let RCI overwrite smim and hide the candles01 in smim. Edited January 19, 2018 by cptmcsplody
DarkladyLexy Posted January 19, 2018 Author Posted January 19, 2018 yes I too would like to see the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves guilds expanded but as far as i am aware there not many mods tha deal with those quest lines. I might try Dawn of Skryim and maybe JK's as fps seem much higher with SSE but we'll have to careful about ICAIO. I was thinking of taking a looking to see what mods from REGS have been ported. I actually like ELFX but i agree certain places are too dark. There is currently one really big annoyance i need to deal with and that's the brightness of fires. On 1/19/2018 at 2:07 PM, cptmcsplody said: In Nifscope you have to change the path for the candle texture, for each of these meshes https://i.imgur.com/VC9E2p1.png from https://i.imgur.com/JGTuo80.jpg to this https://i.imgur.com/0YHrFqc.png It is easier to just let RCI overwrite smim and hide the candles01 in smim.but thought that issue was sorted in version 3.0 of RCI?
cptmcsplody Posted January 19, 2018 Posted January 19, 2018 (edited) It was for RCI 3.0, but smim meshes still use the vanilla path for the candle textures. Brumbek had a 2.8 version in the works which also fixed it by moving the textures to a new folder smim\candles& the meshes updated to use the new path. Edited January 19, 2018 by cptmcsplody
DarkladyLexy Posted January 19, 2018 Author Posted January 19, 2018 On 1/19/2018 at 2:16 PM, cptmcsplody said: It was for RCI 3.0, but smim meshes still use the vanilla path for the candle textures. Brumbek had a 2.8 version in the works which also fixed it by moving the textures to a new folder smim\candles& the meshes updated to use the new path.well for now I am happy to leave it until I have finished the pre-alpha build and we'll take another look when everything is in.
Jim102929 Posted January 19, 2018 Posted January 19, 2018 (edited) On 1/19/2018 at 2:10 PM, DarkladyLexy said: yes I too would like to see the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves guilds expanded but as far as i am aware there not many mods tha deal with those quest lines. I might try Dawn of Skryim and maybe JK's as fps seem much higher with SSE but we'll have to careful about ICAIO. I was thinking of taking a looking to see what mods from REGS have been ported. I actually like ELFX but i agree certain places are too dark. There is currently one really big annoyance i need to deal with and that's the brightness of fires.I think Dawn of Skyrim is at least mostly compatible with ICAIO, JK's may have more issues but the only issue i noticed is one npc (from the winking skeever) in Solitude was standing in one place which i fixed by spawning a wolf to make him run away and i haven't seen him back in that spot since. Other issues were mainly around the smithing areas, where there are sometimes two of the same thing, but they can be solved by either disabling them in game or removing the records in TESVEdit. The skyforge was one such area. On the whole it i think it is mainly little things like that, although i understand it can be time consuming to remove all those small conflicts. I think the brightness of fires is possibly related to Vividian. I noticed a very washed out look at night with it and eventually switched to the one from Vivid Weathers which i think has much nicer colours. Still very dark at night though. Back to quests Beyond Reach sounds interesting but from what i read it seems to have a lot of bugs still. I saw that you added Bruma which is something i've been wanting to try. Hopefully more quest get ported soon. Edited January 19, 2018 by Jim102929
LordFrisbee Posted January 19, 2018 Posted January 19, 2018 (edited) On 1/18/2018 at 2:45 PM, DarkladyLexy said: fixed I actually haven't planned on you sound of skyrim.Awe man, I've always liked Sounds of Skyrim, IMO it adds some needed immersion and I was always hoping it would be in SRLE LOTD but it was never added. Edit: Lexy any chance that you'll be adding in the Beyond Skyrim mods as they're released? Pretty please. Edited January 19, 2018 by xXSHMATTOXx
Jim102929 Posted January 19, 2018 Posted January 19, 2018 (edited) Looking through the Dawn of Skyrim posts for SSE suggests that this version is not compatible with ICAIO unfortunately. It's a shame because it does improve the major cities quite a lot, if somewhat performance heavy. It seems like all the major city and town mods and ICAIO don't really gel properly. Going through some of the posts though and it does seem like it may be possible to convert the legendary edition version, although i'm not certain how much work that would entail. I would be willing to test it though. I assume there are instructions within the guide for porting mods. Edited January 19, 2018 by Jim102929
DarkladyLexy Posted January 19, 2018 Author Posted January 19, 2018 On 1/19/2018 at 3:43 PM, Jim102929 said: I think the brightness of fires is possibly related to Vividian. I noticed a very washed out look at night with it and eventually switched to the one from Vivid Weathers which i think has much nicer colours. Still very dark at night though.we're not using Vividain on SSE so i can't be that. plus i think fire a natural bright in SSE even of vanilla so maybe the lighting mods and enb are use over empathizing the problem needs looking into you need to look at the fire in jorrvaskr to see how bright it is. On 1/19/2018 at 3:58 PM, xXSHMATTOXx said: Awe man, I've always liked Sounds of Skyrim, IMO it adds some needed immersion and I was always hoping it would be in SRLE LOTD but it was never added. Edit: Lexy any chance that you'll be adding in the Beyond Skyrim mods as they're released? Pretty please.just cos at the moment i have no plan for Sound of Skyrim doesn't mean it won't make a appearance.well have to see how the compatibility is with other Beyond Skyrim mods when the become available. Let me get this planned "pre-alpha" build done then we can look at other things.
Jim102929 Posted January 19, 2018 Posted January 19, 2018 (edited) On 1/19/2018 at 4:08 PM, DarkladyLexy said: we're not using Vividain on SSE so i can't be that. plus i think fire a natural bright in SSE even of vanilla so maybe the lighting mods and enb are use over empathizing the problem needs looking into you need to look at the fire in jorrvaskr to see how bright it is. just cos at the moment i have no plan for Sound of Skyrim doesn't mean it won't make a appearance.well have to see how the compatibility is with other Beyond Skyrim mods when the become available. Let me get this planned "pre-alpha" build done then we can look at other things.Doesn't SSE use different shaders. All the screenshots i've seen are always way more saturated than classic so maybe it's related to that. Silly question but have you actually run without ENB yet to see if that is part of the problem? I'm going to start going through the guide now the wiki is back up so if you want me to test any base configurations then i'm happy to do that. Edited January 19, 2018 by Jim102929
Decopauge123 Posted January 19, 2018 Posted January 19, 2018 I've been playing with the Guide installed as it is today, and I'm very happy with the results. I'm definitely looking forward to playing SSE with a fully installed and tweaked Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition.
DarkladyLexy Posted January 19, 2018 Author Posted January 19, 2018 On 1/19/2018 at 4:24 PM, Jim102929 said: Doesn't SSE use different shaders. All the screenshots i've seen are always way more saturated than classic so maybe it's related to that. Silly question but have you actually run without ENB yet to see if that is part of the problem? I'm going to start going through the guide now the wiki is back up so if you want me to test any base configurations then i'm happy to do that. Yes SSE does have different shaders I've been playing around with BethINI so there are some new tweaks i need to add to guide which will be tomorrow now.Yes i have run without ENB and even without things are quite saturated I have not tried out going the Reshade route or maybe someone could compare Obsidian Weathers and Vivid weathers with Skyrim SE Re-engaged or maybe we need a different ENB altogether; but ENB's and Lighting are so subjective it can be difficult to pick.
Jim102929 Posted January 19, 2018 Posted January 19, 2018 On 1/19/2018 at 4:55 PM, DarkladyLexy said: Yes SSE does have different shaders I've been playing around with BethINI so there are some new tweaks i need to add to guide which will be tomorrow now.Yes i have run without ENB and even without things are quite saturated I have not tried out going the Reshade route or maybe someone could compare Obsidian Weathers and Vivid weathers with Skyrim SE Re-engaged or maybe we need a different ENB altogether; but ENB's and Lighting are so subjective it can be difficult to pick.I'm just starting on the guide now so i can test the Obsidian weathers and some different ENB's, although i think they need to support the weather mod no? Whats the best way to go about it? I'm thinking install everything but the quests and world expansions and then the weather mods and ENB. It will take me a while to install everything though.
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