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Lexy's: Legacy of The Dragonborn Special Edition

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Hey guys I have decided to confirm since most probably have guessed by know that an SSE guide based of the popular SRLE Extended LOTD is currently in a "pre-Alpha"

you can find out mad plans I have here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PHe5x9-qR90J1EkCF8c9BTa_3JXZgQwICyPHeHc6T8M/edit?usp=sharing


The pre-requites guide is mostly built still needs some ironing out and tarting up you can find that here https://wiki.step-project.com/User:DarkladyLexy/Lexys_LOTD_SE_Prerequisites

the main guide is under construction but will be written over the next few weeks and months but you can watch the progress here https://wiki.step-project.com/User:DarkladyLexy/Lexys_LOTD_SE


Before you all nuke your game and start building a few things to beware of, this new guide is currently untested and as such I am saying for now it is for TESTERS AND EXPERIENCED MODDERS ONLY. I just wanted to get it out into the wild cos I am very excited about this project.


This is great! You could add some like the fix waterflow script or converttoskyrimSE.bat for animations..like I said in the other thread most of the mods not ported yed can be converted to SSE..


After playing for a month with SSE..this is what I got..





  Reveal hidden contents



Hey Lexy.  I'm thrilled to see this being given an SE makeover.  Hunterborn would be a great addition.  I'd love to see open cities added this time around.  It ran flawlessly for me in SE when I was playing around with Tech's guide a little while back.

  On 1/13/2018 at 1:58 PM, cstarkey42 said:

Hey Lexy.  I'm thrilled to see this being given an SE makeover.  Hunterborn would be a great addition.  I'd love to see open cities added this time around.  It ran flawlessly for me in SE when I was playing around with Tech's guide a little while back.

I'm using both of them..they work great...Hunterborn could use an mcm ..didn;t tried to port the oldrim one thou...the only things I miss from Oldrim are some SKSE plugin that need to be recompiled for 64bits..


ok a few rules i need to set out:


Self ported mod - while this guide may contain some texture and meshes ported from the Legacy version of Skyrim these will only be used if there is no SE equivalent. Mods that are used by the museum wont be ported by me.


I will be adding mods that are supported by the museum but for one reason or another was left out of SRLE Extended LOTD.


For the moment I ask you keep mod suggestions to a minimum (or until the guide reaches a more stable Beta state).

Posted (edited)
  On 1/13/2018 at 2:10 PM, DarkladyLexy said:

ok a few rules i need to set out:


Self ported mod - while this guide may contain some texture and meshes ported from the Legacy version of Skyrim these will only be used if there is no SE equivalent. Mods that are used by the museum wont be ported by me.


I will be adding mods that are supported by the museum but for one reason or another was left out of SRLE Extended LOTD.


For the moment I ask you keep mod suggestions to a minimum (or until the guide reaches a more stable Beta state).

It would be interesting if the guide had instructions on how to port mods, in true "Neo" tradition ;) I had to watch a few videos but now I think I can port a good deal of the simpler mods, using the CK to resave esp's (and clean them subsequently in SSEEdit) and SSE Nif Optimizer for meshes - I'm not aware if there's a need to further optimize textures as well. New stuff to learn but hardly more complicated than using DDSOpt.


Mind that not all SSE ports on the nexus have been ported by the original author. Might be good to test each one before deciding it's better than doing our own port. I've found a few that were no ports at all, wrye bash still flagged the esps as being of an older version.


By the way, here's my MINIMUM mod suggestion :P There's a new"er" version of Wyrmstooth, 1.17 alpha, available since last May. Not published on the Nexus but TheCaretaker is trying to contact jonxr to let it be uploaded there (https://archive.org/details/Wyrmstooth116225704116 and there's also the link to that file if you want to test it, it's probably the only version now publicly available). Maybe it could make a comeback to the oldrim guide (because for the time being LOTD SSE dropped wyrmstooth integration).


Love to hear that you'll be adding the rest of the content for the museum!

Edited by godescalcus

OK guys i see you are all just as excited about this project as I am. All the boring waffley bits should be in now (barring any copy and paste errors).


Please note I have added A section about porting mods (thanks to TechAngel) but we will only be going a far a saving plugins in the CK if the have they wrong formID.

Posted (edited)

I'm super excited, but my pc seems gonna die :'( (that's why I don't post a lot since two weeks).




I pretty sure that my mod are ok to be converted to see as is. I will take a look when my pc is back (a new one or after I found why mine chooses to shutdown when it wants)

Edited by memnochs
  On 1/13/2018 at 4:40 PM, xXSHMATTOXx said:

This is wonderful! I've been waiting for this guide since SE came out, I've been neglecting playing it this whole time in anticipation.

Well we've been wait for certain thing to mature like MO2, SKSE and the SSE modding community as a whole now it has the time is right. Lexy has taken t lead on this project so roles have reserved. I'll be taking a back seat and supporting and encouraging her like she did for me. I have already made a start on some patches for mods she will be including, I have bashed together a quick main CR and the NPC Retexture merge and NPC Retexture CR are also done.

  On 1/13/2018 at 4:05 PM, DarkladyLexy said:

OK guys i see you are all just as excited about this project as I am. All the boring waffley bits should be in now (barring any copy and paste errors).


Please note I have added A section about porting mods (thanks to TechAngel) but we will only be going a far a saving plugins in the CK if the have they wrong formID.

You could add cleaning after that in SSEdit, converting meshes(nif optimizer and facegendata), converting animations (converttoskyrimSE.bat), update the oldrim mods to newrims update.esm (_fix waterflow for Oldrim mods.pas)..


  On 1/13/2018 at 5:30 PM, Darth_mathias said:

Well we've been wait for certain thing to mature like MO2, SKSE and the SSE modding community as a whole now it has the time is right. Lexy has taken t lead on this project so roles have reserved. I'll be taking a back seat and supporting and encouraging her like she did for me. I have already made a start on some patches for mods she will be including, I have bashed together a quick main CR and the NPC Retexture merge and NPC Retexture CR are also done.

Careful around the facegen meshes conflicts ...found that the hard way..but since I am a lazy bastard I decided to convert them to bsa

  On 1/13/2018 at 5:42 PM, mavanaic said:

You could add cleaning after that in SSEdit, converting meshes(nif optimizer and facegendata), converting animations (converttoskyrimSE.bat), update the oldrim mods to newrims update.esm (_fix waterflow for Oldrim mods.pas)..


Careful around the facegen meshes conflicts ...found that the hard way..but since I am a lazy bastard I decided to convert them to bsa

all we'll be doing to provided a merged esp like we do for SRLE Extended LOTD been all over the place not seen anything off as yet (in fact i think it looks better). She says she going to add a section about SSE Nif optimizer (probably before the waffle about converting) and link is gamerpoets video.


Also any esp that is "converted" we will probably just provide that via our dropbox (that is until mod authors fix there esps) that way we are singing from the hymn sheet

Posted (edited)

Replacement for Compass Mod - Immersive Undiscovered Locations



Undiscovered Means Unknown - Map Markers



Its compatible with SkyUI & Skyhud.

It has options for both compass & map markers as well as enemy markers.

Also has options variety of colour options.


Another suggestion since Timing is everything is not ported.


Better Start Timing for Dawnguard and Dragonborn


Edited by cptmcsplody
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