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Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback

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Thanks for the tip. Now Mod Organizer is just behaving strangely. I've deleted the old mod organizer install, installed it into a new folder, rebooted several times and cannot install anything as MO immediately deletes the mods folder again.


Anyway, that's obviously just my opinion, and I don't mean to completely knock what is obviously a very good mod overall. For me, it just makes too many changes to the game while not really addressing the issues that I find most important. In general, I have found that I've been much happier using a collection of mods, each focusing on just one area or aspect of the game, rather than the huge overhauls that try to accomplish everything within a single mod and are much more hit or miss on how well they cover specific aspects.



These are my thoughts exactly. 


SkyRe is an aquired taste.  You either love it or strongly dislike it.  It changes too many things.  With its changes to encounter zones, enemy AI, enemy scaling, stealth, standing stones, and stamina based combat it fundamentally changes the way that Skyrim plays.  Requiem is an even worse offender.  Is that the mission statement or vision of Skyrim Revisited?  To completely change the way that the game is played?  Only Neovalen can answer that. 


Let me put it to you guys in another way.  Is completely changing the ways that we play Skyrim the reason we were attracted to STEP and Skyrim Revisited in the first place? For me the answer is no.  For my part, I got into STEP and by extension Skyrim Revisited because it was an effort to collect the best mods to make the game look better and more consistent and funner to play not necessarily because it made the game harder or vastly different to play.  That's the reason I got into STEP and Skyrim Revisited.  Why did you? Does SkyRe complement the reason you got into STEP and Skyrim Revisited?


The latest version of STEP is nearing completion and without SkyRe, Skyrim Revisited is per Neovalen, 85% done.  But SkyRe is a huge undertaking.  Touching and conflicting with almost every other aspect of the game.  It is going to have to be worked on and play tested extensively to work with everything else in Skyrim Revisited.  Do you know what that means?  Time.  How much time will introducing SkyRe and making it work with Skyrim Revisited delay Skyrim Revisited itself?  Does Neovalen have that time?  Do we?  I wanted to play the latest STEP two months ago. I wanted two play Skyrim Revisited one month ago.  Right now we can see the end of the tunnel on both.  I think others are in the same boat as me.  Waiting with bated breath until we can all enjoy all the hard work that Neovalen has put into Skyrim Revisited.  Will incorporating SkyRe delay Skirim Revisited for another week?  Another two or four weeks?  Is it worth it?  I'm sorry but I just don't think so. 

I know it is not a competition, but lets face it, at the end of the day how many of us are just going to say


"The latest version of STEP just came out, since Skyrim Revisited is still trying to incorporate and playtest SkyRe, it wil be delayed a little bit.  You know what, I am tired of waiting, I have been wating for months.  I just want to play dammit.  I will play STEP now and play Skyrim Revisited whenever." 

For me, I feel the other way around.  I want to play Skyrim Revisited now and play STEP whenever.

One last thing, there are a few mods tout there hat are a little less ambitious than SkyRe and Requiem but are in my opinion, funner to play.  Less is more.  Such as:


Better Magic at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4374

Character Creation Overhaul at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21587

Skyrim Perk Enhancements and Rebalanced Gameplay at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24445

XSO - Tweaker Customizer Extender Awesomizer at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1992

PerkUP at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9359

ASAP - Automatic Perks and More at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12872

Enhanced Highlevel Gameplay at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14449

Sustained Spells at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13450

Classic Classes and Birthsigns at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16736

A Race Overhaul Project at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20588

ASIS at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18436

ERSO Erkeil Real Skyrim Overhaul at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26217

Aleks Weapon Skills Overhaul - AWSO at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9419

Aleks Armor Skills Overhaul - AASO at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10471

Auto Perk Stats Level at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3198

Racial Traits Improved at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10540

Perks Unbound at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19538

ASAP - Automatic Perks and More at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12872

PerQ at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/5451

Flexible Perk Trees at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10773

Natural Talents v2 - Racial Bonuses Overhaul at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18649

SKYrim Perk Extravaganza - SKYPE at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21512

Leveling Perks Original at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16942

SCA - Skyrim Character Archetypes at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13782

Leveling Perks Lite at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16943

Exciting Skill Ranks at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27588

DUT - Expanded Perks at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26651

Autostat - Perk Based Stats at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4007

Freelance Perks at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27066

Beyond81 an Experience Reduction at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13509

Alternate Perks Plus at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9883

Auto-cast Racial Powers Plugin at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12575

Thats Racist at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18911

Complete Cstom Race Stats at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12202

Guardian Stones Overhaul at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15704

Racial Perks Instead of Skills at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15809

Zohars Class Mod - 14 Starting Classes at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/5909

Races Reviewed by theme at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19298

Simple Magic Rebalancing at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26848

Invested Magic - A Better Magic Paradigm at https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11397


Stepping down from my soapbox now.

There are a LOT of minor overhauls out there... with infinite time and resources I might be able to view them all, but... I am simply one man working full time and has a 1 year old. I don't have a set schedule for release, this project quite honestly started as a way to document my own changes and play the game I want to play. That all of you have come along for the ride is great and I welcome you and appreciate any and all comments. In the end though... we'll see how it goes. I haven't decided on any one combat overhaul / playstyle yet but I just know Vanilla is kinda bland and boring so I want some new challenging things to do.

First of all: Thanks Neovalen for the awesome guide.


I'm still in the process of setting up SkyRe (been at it for almost a week now, my wife is wondering when I'm actually going to play Skyrim instead of modding the game, breaking it and cursing).


One of the best parts about the guide is actually gradually becoming familiar with TES5edit and using the various tools together.


While carrying out the fixes described in the guide, I've often seen other red entries which are not addressed. For example: More Interactive Items differing DATA values, so these show up as red. The Better Guard Dialogue mod also contains a number of red entries. Currently, I assume that this is due to the dialogue itself, so I've refrained from messing about the them.

However, I've also found one or the other red entry due to XCLR - regions. I generally refrain from messing about with them, because I have no idea what I'm doing.


Hopefully I'll have my base version of SkyRe up and running by tomorrow. Then I'll see how long it takes the game to crash.



I ran my previous Skyrim STEP install on this system:


Processor: i7 3930k @ 3.8 Ghz

Motherboard: ASUS P9X79 Deluxe

Memory: G.Skill TridentX 16GB (4x4GB) DDR3 1600

Video Card: Gigabyte 680GTX 2GB

Sound Card: ASUS ROG Phoebus

Hard Drive: Samsung 830 512GB SSD


and it ate all 2 GB VRAM and began irreparable CTD's in the forest just after Helgren. :(

Not all entires I felt needed addressed. in fact, some of my changes actually CAUSED an item to turn red because that was the correct "fix" to merge things together. Trust me when I say, I went through pretty much everything with a fine toothed comb (did I miss anything? sure! but I did my best not to and investigate all trouble reports).

Another note: Following your instructions about installing SKSE only results in "data/scripts" being installed as Mod Organizer only installs files in the data directory. All of the SKSE files for the Skyrim folder (Skse_loader.exe, etc. and the src folder) are not installed.


How do I work around this? Or have I missed something?


The Guide states:


"In the Prerequisites section, SKSE was installed without the required script files"


and the Prerequisites section states:


"Notice: Do NOT install the script files manually. Follow the instructions in the Create The Skyrim Revisited Profile section."


However, there are no explicit instructions about what to install at the prerequisites stage. A wee bit more detail here would reduce confusion and unnecessary ID-10T errors. I have assumed that all of the files except for the scripts are installed manually.


(Yeah, it's anal but I work a lot with instruction manuals and guides)

I'll put a little extra notes in. As another user answered already the dll and exe goes manually into Skyrim folder where TESV.exe is and the Scripts folder installed through MO.


Stepping down from my soapbox now.

While I agree with much of what you said, just to play Devil's Advocate I'll say that Skyrim Revisited is not STEP, it is the personal config of Neovalen that he just happens to be nice enough to share and document at an amazing level of detail. :)


What I might suggest would be to have Neovalen finish up whatever the 'last 15%' is that is not SkyRe (or other overhaul), and basically stamp it as "v1.0" and those folks that don't want any overhaul are good to go. Then, start up a v2.0 that delves into SkyRe. Or, a v1.0-SkyRe, v1.0-SPERG, v1.0-ASIS, whatever, depending on the level of effort involved and if he wants to try out various configs. People would then be able to follow the "mod pack" of their choice, or branch out from the base v1.0 and do their own thing.

Amen brother, this is what SR is all about. Having fun modding and playing the game I wanted Skyrim to be. Nothing is off the table though as you can tell, I like to keep things fairly lore friendly but not overly so. It is my artistic vision. As far as versions/forks go, I'll think on it but keeping a single guide maintained is hard work let alone multiple branches. I am one man. :)

In the Guard Dialogue Overhaul fixes, nodes 000D27E7, 000D27E8 and 000E0FA:


The "HighElfRaceVampire" condition from the Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp is an "Equal to" condition and not an "Equal to/Or" condition.

As such, does it need to be listed at the end of the ElfRaceVampire conditions in Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp?


In the fix for the Faster Bolts Improved - Explosive Bolts Visialized conflict you list the node 020190D8F.

In my case the node was 02010D8F.


I will investigate this and if I find a problem I will update the guide.

In the instructions for Atlas Map Markers, you tell the reader to open the "00000D74" node without telling them to expand the "0000003C" node so they can see it first. They only have "0000003C" selected at that point.


EDIT: Oh! And while I remember, I know it's very minor, but throughout the guide you have written "Copy as Overwrite into...", when in fact the TES5Edit dialogue says, "Copy as override into...".


EDIT2: Found another one: In the instructions for creating the AS-SkyTEST patch, you don't specify which mod's Worldspace entry you should be opening up.

Same as above, sounds like a few typos. :)

I have actually played through the whole game a number of times with different characters and completed all of the factions etc.. and even with vanilla it's a great game. I've also played the game modded (lightly) but was more interested in the new things that the mods added, novelty value and such. The biggest let down for the game though is that it is too easy. Even on Master setting, once you are past a certain level reachable in just a few hours gameplay it just becomes retreading old ground trying to find something new with little sense of danger that the early levels had. Modding the STEP way makes the game look much better and the game works more coherently, fixes and common sense mods included, but as I have always understood it STEP is just a platform upon which to then build your preferences such as the various packs that are in the pipeline. On its own STEP does not make the game more interesting or fun than vanilla, just better.


For example using Alternate start to begin on a shipwreck way out in the frigid waters of the north with Hypothermia enabled as well as SKYTest etc.. is exhilarating - just trying to survive getting to shore then reaching some kind of settlement when you literally can't see very well (severe hypothermia) to get warm. Or taking a pot shot at a bandit, maybe killing him (higher more realistic damage ala Requiem), then having to get away fast circle around to gain advantage again as they can one shot you as well. These sorts of things add a whole new element to the game, forcing you to plan, explore and think as well as react quickly - develop your skills both as a character and as a player.


Sure large overhauls can change too much (probably why so many are modular) and they can conflict in many areas - lots of different mods covering the same areas are just as likely to cause conflicts with each other as to make any benefits irrelevant.


I would like to see a much more hardcore game that really challenges you to think because that is how you improve by increasing the challenge and level of concentration. Important to keep it real and immersive - but definitely much harder than vanilla or base STEP, because then it is exciting.


So my advice - if you haven't played the game through then there is little point going beyond the basic STEP install as the game has so much in it as is, loads to do and explore - but once the novelty of clearing out yet another Forsworn camp, or casually taking out another dragon wears off then it is time to up the stakes. Requiem does it best IMHO or a blend of ERSO, ASIS, Deadly Combat or Duel, and SkyRe (parts of) with perhaps a sprinkling of ACE can give you a similar effect. Sure it changes the game but that is the point.


Since it's inception Dungeons and dragons was meant to be a game of planning and strategy as well as fun - vanilla skyrim is kind of for beginners in that respect. I personally would like to see SR go more in that direction as there is no point in it being the same as STEP.


I'll shut up now.

Totally understand your concerns and I share your need for harder and more fun gameplay. Vanilla Skyrim becomes a bore pretty quickly. I'll be evaluating many gameplay change mods in the near future, but I am one guy and testing EVERYTHING might be a bit difficult to do. I like SkyRe cause it has the reproccer, etc which helps with compatibility and really liking how it works watching Gophers latest Lets Play but looking at all options.

I'm not at home so I can't look but what mod patches come with SkyRe?

I'm sorry to answer that late. But you don't need patches no more with SkyRe and any mod.

Just download and run the ReProccer https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28467 Tt's a SkyProc patcher like AV and ASIS, and it make all your mods compatible. :)

Just make sure to also use this xml: https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27092 It's highly recommended, and it is getting fast upgades, it will be by default on next release of ReProccer.


It will be soon compatible with SUM too https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29865

A SkyProc patcher that run all your SkyProc patches in a BOSS recommeded sequence, so you don't have to run one by one and maybe screw up with the order, what can make you have CTD. It's good when you use SkyRe ReProccer and/or ASIS, AV, RBS, maybe more.


Go for it.

Totally aware and it's actually as I stated in the last block, one of the reasons I was drawn to SkyRe.

In the Guard Dialogue Overhaul fixes, nodes 000D27E7, 000D27E8 and 000E0FA:


The "HighElfRaceVampire" condition from the Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp is an "Equal to" condition and not an "Equal to/Or" condition.

As such, does it need to be listed at the end of the ElfRaceVampire conditions in Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp?


In the fix for the Faster Bolts Improved - Explosive Bolts Visialized conflict you list the node 020190D8F.

In my case the node was 02010D8F.

"Equal To" creates an AND condition with the condition below it where "Equal To/Or" creates an OR condition. Since HighElfRaceVampire is the last condition on the list in USKP, "Equal To" is more proper to use than the "/Or" since it's going to the bottom of the list in the GDO esp post-patch. Now, that being said it if for some reason it's NOT the last item on the list, then it will cause problems because it's creating an AND condition and not an OR and likely this dialogue will never happen (i.e. player can't be BOTH a HighElfRaceVampire and WoodElfRaceVampire at the same time) for example.


Hope that makes sense for you. As for the reported typo, it is now fixed. Thanks for reporting it!


In the instructions for Atlas Map Markers, you tell the reader to open the "00000D74" node without telling them to expand the "0000003C" node so they can see it first. They only have "0000003C" selected at that point.


EDIT: Oh! And while I remember, I know it's very minor, but throughout the guide you have written "Copy as Overwrite into...", when in fact the TES5Edit dialogue says, "Copy as override into...".


EDIT2: Found another one: In the instructions for creating the AS-SkyTEST patch, you don't specify which mod's Worldspace entry you should be opening up.

Fixed and Fixed and Fixed. I think that wraps up fixes and catch up's for today... time to evaluate some mods! Thanks.

In regards to this part of the guide:


Once fixed, optimization can be completed by performing the following:


Execute the DDSOpt tool. *Note: Do NOT run this through Mod Organizer.

In the "Ignore" drop down deselect "Don't process any of the known file-types at all".

Click the [browse] button near the top text box and select the temporary vanilla directory(i.e. C:/Working/Vanilla).

Click the [browse] button near the bottom text box and select a temporary directory where the optimized files will be placed.(i.e. C:/Working/Vanilla Opt)

Click the "Show Recursive" check box below the center text box in the middle of the window if not already set. A list of files will appear.

Click [Process] at the bottom right corner.


This will process all the vanilla textures into the output directory (i.e. C:/Working/Vanilla Opt). Do the same for the fixed HRDLC1, fixed HRDLC2, and all DLC textures into their own separate folders. Once this is completed, manually install these mods into Mod Organizer by performing the following:

I had a question about what the output should be of this last step here. I followed all instructions to the letter with no issues, however when using DDSOpt to again process the textures that were originally processed into the "Optimized" directories, I noticed that the filesizes were exactly the same (i.e. "Working/Vanilla" Size = "Working Vanilla Opt" Size down to the last byte) for all of the output folders. Is this intended or should I have seen further optimizations that for one reason or another didn't work?




In regards to this part of the guide:


Once fixed, optimization can be completed by performing the following:


Execute the DDSOpt tool. *Note: Do NOT run this through Mod Organizer.

In the "Ignore" drop down deselect "Don't process any of the known file-types at all".

Click the [browse] button near the top text box and select the temporary vanilla directory(i.e. C:/Working/Vanilla).

Click the [browse] button near the bottom text box and select a temporary directory where the optimized files will be placed.(i.e. C:/Working/Vanilla Opt)

Click the "Show Recursive" check box below the center text box in the middle of the window if not already set. A list of files will appear.

Click [Process] at the bottom right corner.


This will process all the vanilla textures into the output directory (i.e. C:/Working/Vanilla Opt). Do the same for the fixed HRDLC1, fixed HRDLC2, and all DLC textures into their own separate folders. Once this is completed, manually install these mods into Mod Organizer by performing the following:

I had a question about what the output should be of this last step here. I followed all instructions to the letter with no issues, however when using DDSOpt to again process the textures that were originally processed into the "Optimized" directories, I noticed that the filesizes were exactly the same (i.e. "Working/Vanilla" Size = "Working Vanilla Opt" Size down to the last byte) for all of the output folders. Is this intended or should I have seen further optimizations that for one reason or another didn't work?



If you re-process the ORIGINAL extracted textures you should see a delta. If you re-process already optimized files it will leave them alone.

I have actually played through the whole game a number of times with different characters and completed all of the factions etc.. and even with vanilla it's a great game. I've also played the game modded (lightly) but was more interested in the new things that the mods added, novelty value and such. The biggest let down for the game though is that it is too easy. Even on Master setting, once you are past a certain level reachable in just a few hours gameplay it just becomes retreading old ground trying to find something new with little sense of danger that the early levels had. Modding the STEP way makes the game look much better and the game works more coherently, fixes and common sense mods included, but as I have always understood it STEP is just a platform upon which to then build your preferences such as the various packs that are in the pipeline. On its own STEP does not make the game more interesting or fun than vanilla, just better.


For example using Alternate start to begin on a shipwreck way out in the frigid waters of the north with Hypothermia enabled as well as SKYTest etc.. is exhilarating - just trying to survive getting to shore then reaching some kind of settlement when you literally can't see very well (severe hypothermia) to get warm. Or taking a pot shot at a bandit, maybe killing him (higher more realistic damage ala Requiem), then having to get away fast circle around to gain advantage again as they can one shot you as well. These sorts of things add a whole new element to the game, forcing you to plan, explore and think as well as react quickly - develop your skills both as a character and as a player.


Sure large overhauls can change too much (probably why so many are modular) and they can conflict in many areas - lots of different mods covering the same areas are just as likely to cause conflicts with each other as to make any benefits irrelevant.


I would like to see a much more hardcore game that really challenges you to think because that is how you improve by increasing the challenge and level of concentration. Important to keep it real and immersive - but definitely much harder than vanilla or base STEP, because then it is exciting.


So my advice - if you haven't played the game through then there is little point going beyond the basic STEP install as the game has so much in it as is, loads to do and explore - but once the novelty of clearing out yet another Forsworn camp, or casually taking out another dragon wears off then it is time to up the stakes. Requiem does it best IMHO or a blend of ERSO, ASIS, Deadly Combat or Duel, and SkyRe (parts of) with perhaps a sprinkling of ACE can give you a similar effect. Sure it changes the game but that is the point.


Since it's inception Dungeons and dragons was meant to be a game of planning and strategy as well as fun - vanilla skyrim is kind of for beginners in that respect. I personally would like to see SR go more in that direction as there is no point in it being the same as STEP.


I'll shut up now.

This is quite a good post and you make valid arguments.  I come from the other side of the fence and while I look at it differently, I can see where you are coming from. 


I think that the argument pro and con Skyrim Redone and Requiem type of overhauls boils down to those players like me who have played Skyrim less often and would like to have a better than Vanilla experience and are therefore attracted to STEP and Skyrim Revisited as opposed to those players like yourself and Neovalen who have played Skyrim much more often and have reached a point where they are finding the game boring and stale. 


Those of us who have played the game less often do not find the game boring yet and would rather have the joys and benefits that Skyrim Revisited would provide without having to relearn how to play the game which is what the effect of Skyrim Redone or Requiem would have.  On the other hand, those that have played the game more often, are getting bored with it and would like the challenge that an overhaul mod like Skyrim Redone and Requiem would give them.  


I get it now.  Patting my own back for a moment, I am good at persuading and from reading your post, I find myself in the rare position of being persuaded.


The solution of course is obvious but unfortunately creates more work for Neovalen.  Release two Skyrim Revisited guides. 


One would be a Skyrim Revisited Lite version which is about 85% done already and will not include any gameplay overhaul mod like Skyrim Redone or Requiem.  This Skyrim Revisited Lite version would be catered to those gamers like me who have played the game less often and do not have the time to play the game all the way through more than once or twice and do not want to dedicate 300 hours on one game because there are other games waiting in the wings (Far Cry 3). 


This Skyrim Revisited Lite version would be released with the full knowledge by users that it is a "complete", "finished", and "done" version.  Meaning that there will be no plans to update it nor change it in the future even when major updates to the mods that it uses come out.  Users of Skyrim Revisited Lite would basically be on their own.  I am okay with that.  Since users of Skyrim Revisited Lite would tend to be those that have played the game less often and those that have little or no plans nor time to play the game all the way through more than once or twice, then it wouldn't matter to them if Skyrim Revisited Lite is not updated since they do not plan on playing the game that often anyways.


The Skyrim Revisited Full version would contain overhaul mods like Skyrim Redone and Requiem and would on the other hand be catered to those players who have played Skyrim for a while and are getting bored with it and want a greater challenge and a different way to play the game.  


The advantage of this is that Neovalen would not have to update and dedicate time and resources in keeping up with two guides.  He could simply say next week "Skyrim Revisited Lite is done.  Go have fun.  If after you have played with it and finished the game you find yourself still wanting to play in the world of Skyrim but are getting a little bored with it then I suggest you try out Skyrim Revisited Full version which will keep you occupied until Fallout 4 comes out" :D


Neovalen - "Totally understand your concerns and I share your need for harder and more fun gameplay. Vanilla Skyrim becomes a bore pretty quickly. I'll be evaluating many gameplay change mods in the near future, but I am one guy and testing EVERYTHING might be a bit difficult to do. I like SkyRe cause it has the reproccer, etc which helps with compatibility and really liking how it works watching Gophers latest Lets Play but looking at all options."


To be honest I was surprised (in a good way) to hear SkyRe mentioned as a possible addition to SR - it would be quite an undertaking to incorporate it into SR which is already a huge amount of work". I am a fan of SkyRe as well but it's combat module is not as well developed IMO as other parts - a combination of ACE combat and Deadly Combat or Duel (meant to work together) work well instead and ASIS is great for AI and increasing difficulty but the AI in SkyRe does work well now so not needed. SKYTest - Harder Creatures works with SkyRe as well.


But as you say alot of work for one guy - but definitely a great thing to look into.




Neovalen - "Totally understand your concerns and I share your need for harder and more fun gameplay. Vanilla Skyrim becomes a bore pretty quickly. I'll be evaluating many gameplay change mods in the near future, but I am one guy and testing EVERYTHING might be a bit difficult to do. I like SkyRe cause it has the reproccer, etc which helps with compatibility and really liking how it works watching Gophers latest Lets Play but looking at all options."


To be honest I was surprised (in a good way) to hear SkyRe mentioned as a possible addition to SR - it would be quite an undertaking to incorporate it into SR which is already a huge amount of work". I am a fan of SkyRe as well but it's combat module is not as well developed IMO as other parts - a combination of ACE combat and Deadly Combat or Duel (meant to work together) work well instead and ASIS is great for AI and increasing difficulty but the AI in SkyRe does work well now so not needed. SKYTest - Harder Creatures works with SkyRe as well.


But as you say alot of work for one guy - but definitely a great thing to look into.




I'm really having a love-hate relationship with SkyRe... I really LOVE what he has done with weapons, armor, smithing, wayfarer, fingersmith, etc.. but HATE what he did to the magic schools... =/ I love playing an archer/thief/conjurer but he hurt conjuration quite badly... maybe I need to playtest it some to get used to it. In any case, that will come later....


Working on finishing up with all the stuff I want to add first before even investing time in combat overhauls/SkyRe. Tonight got sidetracked by the wife monster unfortunately but at least I was able to update everything people brought up in this thread. Tommorow I should have more time since I don't work Friday-Sunday.


For all I know my best solution is to remove all his magic changes from the ESP and put in something like Balanced Magic... despite the obvious complications that involves... like I said I haven't looked closely enough yet.


Requiem addresses magic quite well but Xarrian is planning a huge magic overhaul for his mod to improve it further. I know at the moment you are more interested in SkyRe and I am going to check out Gopher's video myself. I think you would like what Requiem does I don't want to make more work for you but it could be more satisfying and less work for you in the long run.


You would need to remove some mods like Soul Gems differ and lock overhaul but it works well with SR I have already tried it and will probably go with it over SkyRe once SR is ready to roll.


Anyway I will look forward as always to your updates. By the way in the edits for DpSoB you suggest moving the head data - is that all of it where it occurs as some of it does not tie in with DG ESM and or USKP. Also in some instructions you say select a series of ESM and UF/D/H patches as well as a specific esp/s, carry out some changes then exit and save, followed by the next edit which requires the exact same selections for the next series, I am curious as to the need for this or whether we can do all of the edits at once for a specific set of selected mods. the above mod is a classic example.


All the best.






hello all

I am following the guide with interest, but I have a problem

with the optimization of vanilla in the distance I see purple



Posted Image




N.B.: sorry for my bad english, but i'm italian

I believe you forgot to remove the effects folder as specified in the optimization guide.

i removed effect folder, but the problem remains :(

From ALL the opt dirs? Think effects appears in vanilla hrdlc1 and dawn guard. Make sure you removed from all 3. Also... (will add tonight)



When using DDSopt ( pre-release 3-5755-0-8-0-upd3) on the vanilla textures from textures.bsa, ive noticed several corruptions after optimization.







Also every file in the sky\ directory containing the word "cloud". 13 files in total + skyrimcloudsfill.dds which has already been mentioned as turning the horizon purple.

OK Thanks,

the problem of horizon is OK now

the solution is here


but some mountain and rocks are purple...the problem is in terrain dir of vanilla texture...


There are a LOT of minor overhauls out there... with infinite time and resources I might be able to view them all, but... I am simply one man working full time and has a 1 year old. I don't have a set schedule for release, this project quite honestly started as a way to document my own changes and play the game I want to play. That all of you have come along for the ride is great and I welcome you and appreciate any and all comments. In the end though... we'll see how it goes. I haven't decided on any one combat overhaul / playstyle yet but I just know Vanilla is kinda bland and boring so I want some new challenging things to do.

While I think there would be a lot of value in someone doing an review on which of the partial overhauls work best together, it would certainly be quite a bit of work. This really is where the huge overhauls shine...they cut out a lot of time and energy spent trying to figure out which of the smaller mods to use together. I do believe using a combination of smaller mods produces a better overall result, but if one of the overhauls delivers what you want (or near enough) then that is almost certainly the way to go. Maybe there should be a separate topic to discuss the pros/cons of the overhaul mods or which combinations of smaller mods people have found work well for them.


I completely understand that Skyrim Revisited is your vision of Skyrim and that more than anything it represents the version of the game that you yourself are interested in playing...as it should. I've been following the progress of both Skyrim Revisited and STEP and enjoying the information produced by the discussions and detailed recommendations. No matter which direction Skyrim Revisited develops, it is an incredible resource for those of us who like to mod Skyrim, and I can't thank you enough for the work that you've put into making it available for the rest of us.


I shall use Requiem in my next char. Looks like a great overhaul.

It is but you will play with tour heart in your mouth, the world becomes very dangerous lots of running away at low levels as a new player just doesn't have the blocking or armour skills to survive being shot with an arrow or take a hit from an NPC that really knows how to use an axe. But you learn through practice at target ranges etc.. (necessary if you turn off your cross hair) and recognising how to pick off targets and work your way in. It is all adjustable though. Wise to invest in some followers that you can get at low levels if you are impatient though as it is easy to bite off more than you can chew - all of this makes the game much more realistic.




P.S. I seem to be plugging requiem but I don't actually work for Xarrian. As a former player of AD&D I naturally love the roleplay element - Dungeon masters could be quite harsh if you forgot to look for traps or bring food and drink with you or generally didn't try to think through a problem as though you were actually there - all good experience for playing Skyrim when the game is actually difficult where it should be.


Neovalen, if you have time, would you care to share your thoughts on things like Climates of Tamriel, and ENB? That type of stuff is one area that's conspicuously absent from the guide so far, and I was curious what your thinking is on those so far.


I'm also interested to know what your process is for checking out any new mods you use for compatibility with the rest of your list - are you just firing up the entire load order in TES5Edit and using a filter?


I would like to use Requiem or SkyRe but the newest versions require Dawngaurd which I do not have and really don't plan on purchasing. So, I am giving SPERG a try right now. Just got done creating my character so we'll see how it goes.


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