Solist Posted January 23, 2013 Posted January 23, 2013 Neovalen - I know you have your hands full with just updating the guide and getting things tested, but I wanted to throw a question out there that I'm sure you have a faster answer for than I would simply by your repeated expertise in testing all of this through the guide. I play Skyrim on two different PCs, before Skyrim Revisited I just setup STEP on both, and copied the mods folders between and synched my saves and it was great. Before I do so though with Skyrim Revisited I'm wondering if it's as simple as copying a few directories over to my other PC and getting Skyrim Revisited on both, or a more complicated matter. Thoughts?
Kal Posted January 23, 2013 Posted January 23, 2013 Quote Quote Anyway, that's obviously just my opinion, and I don't mean to completely knock what is obviously a very good mod overall. For me, it just makes too many changes to the game while not really addressing the issues that I find most important. In general, I have found that I've been much happier using a collection of mods, each focusing on just one area or aspect of the game, rather than the huge overhauls that try to accomplish everything within a single mod and are much more hit or miss on how well they cover specific aspects. These are my thoughts exactly. [snip] Stepping down from my soapbox now.That was a fantastic post, thank you.
Igormaiden Posted January 23, 2013 Posted January 23, 2013 hello allI am following the guide with interest, but I have a problemwith the optimization of vanilla in the distance I see purplewhy? thanks N.B.: sorry for my bad english, but i'm italian
Kal Posted January 23, 2013 Posted January 23, 2013 In the instructions for Atlas Map Markers, you tell the reader to open the "00000D74" node without telling them to expand the "0000003C" node so they can see it first. They only have "0000003C" selected at that point. EDIT: Oh! And while I remember, I know it's very minor, but throughout the guide you have written "Copy as Overwrite into...", when in fact the TES5Edit dialogue says, "Copy as override into...". EDIT2: Found another one: In the instructions for creating the AS-SkyTEST patch, you don't specify which mod's Worldspace entry you should be opening up.
Neovalen Posted January 23, 2013 Author Posted January 23, 2013 Quote hello allI am following the guide with interest, but I have a problemwith the optimization of vanilla in the distance I see purplewhy? thanks N.B.: sorry for my bad english, but i'm italian I believe you forgot to remove the effects folder as specified in the optimization guide.
Satyre Posted January 23, 2013 Posted January 23, 2013 CRAP - I have spent days working my way carefully through the guide and I can't get past the loading screen. Right now I'm going through and enabling mod for mod. Thus far wearable lanterns and static mesh improvement kill the game once I try to start a new game. No CTDs just a black screen and processor usage drops to 1 or 0.
Neovalen Posted January 23, 2013 Author Posted January 23, 2013 Black screen on new game generally means you corrupted an esp somewhere. Fixed that last night with thalswon he had skipped a few steps fixing Alternate Start.
Satyre Posted January 23, 2013 Posted January 23, 2013 OK, so how do I find the corrupted esp? - I find it so incredibly frustrating that people can run STEP, Skyrim revisited, etc. yet I haven't been able to get any real combination of mods running stably. The list of mods that cause the black screen is increasing rapidly. Experimenting launching with skse skyrim.esm, update.esm, dawngard.esm and hearthfires.esm and static mesh: I can launch with either dawnguard or hearthfires and smim but enabling both dawnguard and hearthfires with smim causes a black sceen.
Neovalen Posted January 23, 2013 Author Posted January 23, 2013 Quote OK, so how do I find the corrupted esp? - I find it so incredibly frustrating that people can run STEP, Skyrim revisited, etc. yet I haven't been able to get any real combination of mods running stably. The list of mods that cause the black screen is increasing rapidly. Experimenting launching with skse skyrim.esm, update.esm, dawngard.esm and hearthfires.esm and static mesh: I can launch with either dawnguard or hearthfires and smim but enabling both dawnguard and hearthfires with smim causes a black sceen. Try reinstalling SMIM. If that doesn't work restore the non cleaned DG and HF esps and try.
Igormaiden Posted January 23, 2013 Posted January 23, 2013 Quote Quote hello allI am following the guide with interest, but I have a problemwith the optimization of vanilla in the distance I see purplewhy? thanks N.B.: sorry for my bad english, but i'm italianI believe you forgot to remove the effects folder as specified in the optimization guide.i removed effect folder, but the problem remains :(
Smile44 Posted January 23, 2013 Posted January 23, 2013 I have actually played through the whole game a number of times with different characters and completed all of the factions etc.. and even with vanilla it's a great game. I've also played the game modded (lightly) but was more interested in the new things that the mods added, novelty value and such. The biggest let down for the game though is that it is too easy. Even on Master setting, once you are past a certain level reachable in just a few hours gameplay it just becomes retreading old ground trying to find something new with little sense of danger that the early levels had. Modding the STEP way makes the game look much better and the game works more coherently, fixes and common sense mods included, but as I have always understood it STEP is just a platform upon which to then build your preferences such as the various packs that are in the pipeline. On its own STEP does not make the game more interesting or fun than vanilla, just better. For example using Alternate start to begin on a shipwreck way out in the frigid waters of the north with Hypothermia enabled as well as SKYTest etc.. is exhilarating - just trying to survive getting to shore then reaching some kind of settlement when you literally can't see very well (severe hypothermia) to get warm. Or taking a pot shot at a bandit, maybe killing him (higher more realistic damage ala Requiem), then having to get away fast circle around to gain advantage again as they can one shot you as well. These sorts of things add a whole new element to the game, forcing you to plan, explore and think as well as react quickly - develop your skills both as a character and as a player. Sure large overhauls can change too much (probably why so many are modular) and they can conflict in many areas - lots of different mods covering the same areas are just as likely to cause conflicts with each other as to make any benefits irrelevant. I would like to see a much more hardcore game that really challenges you to think because that is how you improve by increasing the challenge and level of concentration. Important to keep it real and immersive - but definitely much harder than vanilla or base STEP, because then it is exciting. So my advice - if you haven't played the game through then there is little point going beyond the basic STEP install as the game has so much in it as is, loads to do and explore - but once the novelty of clearing out yet another Forsworn camp, or casually taking out another dragon wears off then it is time to up the stakes. Requiem does it best IMHO or a blend of ERSO, ASIS, Deadly Combat or Duel, and SkyRe (parts of) with perhaps a sprinkling of ACE can give you a similar effect. Sure it changes the game but that is the point. Since it's inception Dungeons and dragons was meant to be a game of planning and strategy as well as fun - vanilla skyrim is kind of for beginners in that respect. I personally would like to see SR go more in that direction as there is no point in it being the same as STEP. I'll shut up now.
Neovalen Posted January 23, 2013 Author Posted January 23, 2013 Quote Quote Quote hello allI am following the guide with interest, but I have a problemwith the optimization of vanilla in the distance I see purplewhy? thanks N.B.: sorry for my bad english, but i'm italianI believe you forgot to remove the effects folder as specified in the optimization guide.i removed effect folder, but the problem remains :( From ALL the opt dirs? Think effects appears in vanilla hrdlc1 and dawn guard. Make sure you removed from all 3. Also... (will add tonight) Quote:When using DDSopt ( pre-release 3-5755-0-8-0-upd3) on the vanilla textures from textures.bsa, ive noticed several corruptions after optimization. effect\cloudtilefrostsmall.ddseffect\fxcloudroundtile.ddseffect\fxcloudroundtilelite.ddseffect\ Also every file in the sky\ directory containing the word "cloud". 13 files in total + which has already been mentioned as turning the horizon purple.
justjr Posted January 23, 2013 Posted January 23, 2013 Quote I'm not at home so I can't look but what mod patches come with SkyRe?I'm sorry to answer that late. But you don't need patches no more with SkyRe and any mod.Just download and run the ReProccer Tt's a SkyProc patcher like AV and ASIS, and it make all your mods compatible. :)Just make sure to also use this xml: It's highly recommended, and it is getting fast upgades, it will be by default on next release of ReProccer. It will be soon compatible with SUM too SkyProc patcher that run all your SkyProc patches in a BOSS recommeded sequence, so you don't have to run one by one and maybe screw up with the order, what can make you have CTD. It's good when you use SkyRe ReProccer and/or ASIS, AV, RBS, maybe more. Go for it.
Satyre Posted January 23, 2013 Posted January 23, 2013 Well, Mod Organizer just deleted all of my mods. Back to square one. At least the overrides folder remained intact.
Daagar Posted January 24, 2013 Posted January 24, 2013 I think I narrowed down the MO bug that wipes out the mod folder. If you manually install a mod, by default it is given no name. If you aren't paying attention and fail to provide a name... I'll submit a report to the MO author if I don't see anyone else has already said something. Satyre - Grab Recuva (portable version), install it to a drive other than where MO was, and see if you can recover anything. I was able to get 98% of my edited .esp files back this way.
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