Neovalen Posted November 21, 2015 Author Posted November 21, 2015 On 11/21/2015 at 9:33 PM, Noobsayer said: Updating to most recent XPMSE and rerunning FNIS seemed to do the trick. Thanks. :) Out of curiosity, is there a reason you don't use the glowmaps for DynDOLOD?There is an issue with ENB and glow maps causing flicker on things like Ore Veins. I think Sheson is working with Boris on a resolution. On 11/21/2015 at 9:46 PM, quangtk said: enb 2015_11_22 04_24_42_04.jpg enb 2015_11_22 04_24_46_60.jpg I don't know why, but it seems wrong when I'm turning the camera :(Any ideas what causes this?That is normal. Too many lights in that location due to the RaceMenu light. If you reload the game after character creation I believe the problem goes away. In any case, it's perfectly normal in that location at the start. I will add a note in the known issues section later tonight. Gotta go out with the wife right now. On 11/21/2015 at 9:49 PM, Darth_mathias said: a few updats Wiseman303's Flora Fixes - SMIM patch longer on the mod pageXP32 Maximum Skeleton ExtendedComplete Alchemy and Cooking OverhaulThink I already updated XP32 Maximum Skeleton,,, I'll update the other two when I get back home.
Neovalen Posted November 22, 2015 Author Posted November 22, 2015 Guide updated. Be sure to read the authors instructions carefully for Wiseman303s Flora Fixes when updating.
Darth_mathias Posted November 22, 2015 Posted November 22, 2015 On 11/22/2015 at 1:39 AM, Neovalen said: Guide updated. Be sure to read the authors instructions carefully for Wiseman303s Flora Fixes when updating.the SMIM patch it back for Wiseman303s Flora Fixes, campfire been updated to no more magically turning sweetrolls into Fur plates.
Neovalen Posted November 22, 2015 Author Posted November 22, 2015 On 11/22/2015 at 7:40 AM, Darth_mathias said: the SMIM patch it back for Wiseman303s Flora Fixes, campfire been updated to no more magically turning sweetrolls into Fur plates.Yep, already updated. :)
cstarkey42 Posted November 23, 2015 Posted November 23, 2015 Thanks. Can you define "start fresh" for me? That's what I'd prefer to do as well but I delete the contents of the output folder, go to the merge tab and delete the previous merge, and all of the individual esps lose the association they previously had on the opening screen. I just tried deleting the actual output folder and closing and opening the program after deleting the merge within the merge program, so it seems to be as "fresh" as it can be but it still gives me the limited output. Most of the files are still active in their original folder, so at least the lose of the texture folder isn't a huge deal, but esps that need to have their translations included are showing up with the $ at the beginning of every line in the mcm so it is giving me a few problems. I'm assuming face tints will be a problem as well.
darkside Posted November 23, 2015 Posted November 23, 2015 @cstarkey42, I found remerge or new merge with auto asset copy don't always copy everything (buggy). This happen especially large mod with lots of files such as NPC mods / follower mods for example. Start fresh mean delete old merge from MO mod folder as well as in Merge plugin list. Exit the Merge plugins. Restart the Merge plugins and create new merge.
maedrhos Posted November 23, 2015 Posted November 23, 2015 I noticed today that when leveling up I get a variable amount of health, stamina and magicka points added to my stats: +30 if I chose health, +10 for stamina or magicka. I've never noticed this before and suspected Elys Community Uncapper was the cause but my SkSE/Plugins/SKSE_Ekys_Uncapper.ini file is just as installed and should only be generating 10 points for each attribute at level up based on the settings. Is there another file in the setup that is changing this aspect of the game?
cstarkey42 Posted November 23, 2015 Posted November 23, 2015 @darkside Thanks again, I'll start doing that from now on. Hopefully this gets fixed soon as I find the need to redo a handful of merges frequently, whether it's because of an update to the mod or patches or because I'm just trying to slip yet another esp into the mix. I like the merge program but I miss the flexibility that doing it in Tes5Edit provided, both in terms of simply deleting the old merge and instantly starting from scratch and also the ability to edit the merge before saving, with all the merged esps and the final product all lined up nice and neat.
Neovalen Posted November 23, 2015 Author Posted November 23, 2015 On 11/23/2015 at 4:56 AM, maedrhos said: I noticed today that when leveling up I get a variable amount of health, stamina and magicka points added to my stats: +30 if I chose health, +10 for stamina or magicka. I've never noticed this before and suspected Elys Community Uncapper was the cause but my SkSE/Plugins/SKSE_Ekys_Uncapper.ini file is just as installed and should only be generating 10 points for each attribute at level up based on the settings. Is there another file in the setup that is changing this aspect of the game?Nothing in the load order should be changing that aspect from Vanilla.
cstarkey42 Posted November 24, 2015 Posted November 24, 2015 @darkside (and anyone else who'd care to chime in) Well, that didn't work for me either but I think I know why. At the end of building the merge I realized I should scroll up through the output display (I know, right, sometimes I feel like I've been using a pc for like 2 days of my life! ) and I find that it's only looking for the assets in the folder where the esp is located. I've always made it a practice to create a new folder, copy all the esps that I am merging over to it, and hide them in the original folder. Then, when I need to redo a merge I can simply select that folder, run T5E (now the merge program) and then deselect the folder. It's saved me countless hours. Am I really to understand that everyone is going to each individual folder, double clicking it, selecting the tab, moving the esp, rinse and repeat, and then doing it all in reverse? Every single time? That's pure insanity to me. Can someone please tell me what this program has over the merge script? I thought I liked the program but it's got too many drawbacks compared to running it in T5E, at least as far as it stands now. I know it was needed to get ICAO to merge correctly but, now that that's being left as is, is there any other major advantage I might miss out on if I use the scripts instead? Thanks.
darkside Posted November 24, 2015 Posted November 24, 2015 To be honest, I like the merge script with TES5edit more than standalone as well. More straightforward.
Neovalen Posted November 24, 2015 Author Posted November 24, 2015 Personally the standalone is great. As you stated it only copies assets where it's in the same mod folder as the esp. I always keep optionals in separate folders and it works just fine copying everything merged into one mod. The only one exception is ESMs that are not included in merges that need to be moved manually. If I need to redo a merge I just delete the merged mod folder contents, reactivate the originals, open merge Plugins and select remerge, then deactivate originals again. Works just fine.
cstarkey42 Posted November 24, 2015 Posted November 24, 2015 It has some advantages, especially for smaller merges of just patches, but it's the big 15-20 esp merges that are frustrating, especially when it's composed of multi-mod esps, such that activating and deactivating the esps requires finding each folder if the esp is left in the original folder. Do you think I'd be fine if I just used the scripts for my larger, non-standard merges and used the standalone for patches and more manageable merges? Or are there other advantages/bugfixes/etc... with the standalone that I'm not aware of or am overlooking?
Neovalen Posted November 24, 2015 Author Posted November 24, 2015 For that, you'd have to ask Mator. :)
cstarkey42 Posted November 24, 2015 Posted November 24, 2015 Thanks. Rereading the description from the standalone page makes me want to keep using it so I guess I'll have to compromise. I've already made separate profiles for a few of the merges, avoiding have too many active mods and a longer standalone initial load, so I think I'll just move the folders in those profiles to the top of the list which should at least save me the time of having to run searches for each mod. It just becomes a matter of how quickly can I click through a list of folders. Hopefully I'll figure out a few tricks with the remerge option in order to save me some hassle in the future. While I have your ear, Neo, I'm not sure if I missed a step but LOOT was placing Vividian ENB after the Vividian Expanded Weathers plugin, which seems to defeat the purpose of have the expanded weather plugins. I added a rule to change the order, but then I just merged them all into one Vividian ENB plugin instead and saved an esp. I was also curious if you were considering adding Art of the Catch. It seems like a good mod but I haven't played with it too much and wasn't sure if you had and what your thoughts are on it. Thanks.
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