dreadflopp Posted January 28, 2013 Posted January 28, 2013 @satyre. Thanks. Information like that would be great. People like me would than be able to use the guide without installing all mods. I didn't install unp blessed body or fitness body as they were not in my taste. Therefore I should install the meshes from unp.
Solist Posted January 28, 2013 Posted January 28, 2013 @Neo: in your opinion, are the textures from SRO still superior to those found in SkyrimHD and SeriousHDRetexture? Given by the simple fact that you still use them in your modded version of STEP I am going to assume that yes, this is the case but I thought I'd ask anyway. I'm simply interested in your take on SROs textures vs the ones STEP has moved forward with that appear to still be receiving updates. I have the SRO files, with the 1.6 update so I got lucky, just happened to download them the day they released...but before I installed thought I would ask this little question that was nagging at me. Thanks in advance!
Neovalen Posted January 28, 2013 Author Posted January 28, 2013 Quote @Neo: in your opinion, are the textures from SRO still superior to those found in SkyrimHD and SeriousHDRetexture? Given by the simple fact that you still use them in your modded version of STEP I am going to assume that yes, this is the case but I thought I'd ask anyway. I'm simply interested in your take on SROs textures vs the ones STEP has moved forward with that appear to still be receiving updates. I have the SRO files, with the 1.6 update so I got lucky, just happened to download them the day they released...but before I installed thought I would ask this little question that was nagging at me. Thanks in advance! SRO is the most complete and highest quality large texture pack for Skyrim. You would have to pry it from my cold dead computer before I personally would go without it. :)
Spartacii Posted January 29, 2013 Posted January 29, 2013 Quote USKP update? Just when I got my Skyrim to be stable. I'll be watchin for the new updates. I just removed RCRN so I can try out the recommended ENBs. RCRN plus is amazing except during the day the snow is waaaaaay too bright. EDIT: Everything is up and running fine on my end. A quick question. Are you going to show how you go through the mods and check for incompatibilities at all? I know when this is finished, Im going to want to add Achieve that! To my modlist.Oh yes! Achieve That is great. It got over 1300 endorsements in just one week.
Neovalen Posted January 29, 2013 Author Posted January 29, 2013 Achieve That will definitely be going into the load order soon. As a side note, the Author of Guard Dialogue Overhaul sent me a PM asking about my changes/merging with the USKP. He contested some things and I sent him some constructive feedback. He is considering making some of the changes in his next version. More on that as it develops.
Kelmych Posted January 29, 2013 Posted January 29, 2013 Quote Achieve That will definitely be going into the load order soon. As a side note, the Author of Guard Dialogue Overhaul sent me a PM asking about my changes/merging with the USKP. He contested some things and I sent him some constructive feedback. He is considering making some of the changes in his next version. More on that as it develops.I really like the idea of getting some small rewards for achievements. While many of the rewards in Achieve That seem reasonable, a few seem a bit too generous.
Satyre Posted January 29, 2013 Posted January 29, 2013 @Neovalen - How did you get attk working with MO?
toshaka Posted January 29, 2013 Posted January 29, 2013 Hi Neovalen, I am following your guide and I notice that Silly Level of Detail - Potions and Poisons is set redundant in MO with that order.
MorningLightMountain Posted January 29, 2013 Posted January 29, 2013 Quote Quote Oh snap! I got CTDs while piking armors! Twice!First time a vampire armor, next a Thalmor one. What the heck it may be, USKP really?I haven't actually TRIED the new one in game yet... but I know for sure that doesn't happen with the old version and SR. To all: I've updated everything EXCEPT the USKP now. Will see how far I get but I should get done before the evening is out. Updating for the new USKP slowly in increments, please be patient. Mod patches updated so far (will update as finished):Clanking ArmorGuard Dialogue Overhaul (Weapons and Armor section changes only)Better Skill and Quest Book Names (simply update)More Interactive ItemsSkyrim Coin ReplacerSkyTESTDistant Detail Hearthfire EditionConsistent Older PeoplePelagius Wing - Unlit CandlesArs Metallica (No changes - waiting for Arthmoor to fix - requires script merge. Not a show stopper though.)Non-Essential Killable ChildrenBring Out Your Dead UPDATES COMPLETED. Hey Neovalen, Just wondering exactly what this entails? Does this mean after updating the USKP, that I should delete and reinstall these mods with instructions that have been updated in the Wiki? It's hard for me to tell if any changes have occurred there. Thanks for all your work and for bringing me back to Skyrim! I should have my GTX 680 w/ 4Gb VRAM incoming soon, so I'm going to blow out these hi-rez textures.
Neovalen Posted January 29, 2013 Author Posted January 29, 2013 Quote Quote Quote Oh snap! I got CTDs while piking armors! Twice!First time a vampire armor, next a Thalmor one. What the heck it may be, USKP really?I haven't actually TRIED the new one in game yet... but I know for sure that doesn't happen with the old version and SR. To all: I've updated everything EXCEPT the USKP now. Will see how far I get but I should get done before the evening is out. Updating for the new USKP slowly in increments, please be patient. Mod patches updated so far (will update as finished):Clanking ArmorGuard Dialogue Overhaul (Weapons and Armor section changes only)Better Skill and Quest Book Names (simply update)More Interactive ItemsSkyrim Coin ReplacerSkyTESTDistant Detail Hearthfire EditionConsistent Older PeoplePelagius Wing - Unlit CandlesArs Metallica (No changes - waiting for Arthmoor to fix - requires script merge. Not a show stopper though.)Non-Essential Killable ChildrenBring Out Your Dead UPDATES COMPLETED. Hey Neovalen, Just wondering exactly what this entails? Does this mean after updating the USKP, that I should delete and reinstall these mods with instructions that have been updated in the Wiki? It's hard for me to tell if any changes have occurred there. Thanks for all your work and for bringing me back to Skyrim! I should have my GTX 680 w/ 4Gb VRAM incoming soon, so I'm going to blow out these hi-rez textures. Basically for any updated mod simply open in TES5Edit and basically recheck/add changes at least for this go round. The safest thing is to reinstall said mod and re-edit but really not required this time. USKP changes are obviously the most difficult due to the mass number of changes each go round.
Neovalen Posted January 29, 2013 Author Posted January 29, 2013 Quote @Neovalen - How did you get attk working with MO? I did a manual install. Any specific question?
Neovalen Posted January 29, 2013 Author Posted January 29, 2013 Quote Hi Neovalen, I am following your guide and I notice that Silly Level of Detail - Potions and Poisons is set redundant in MO with that order. Will check tonight when home. I'm fairly sure not redundant on my machine. Will check ordering.
Executor Posted January 29, 2013 Posted January 29, 2013 Quote @Neovalen I'm not sure if this has been asked before, but how do you tell if a mod is not in 1.8 patch format? Sorry if this is a repeat question. Open the ESP in TES5EDIT and go to the "File Header" entry. If in the "HEDR - Header" record the reported version is 1.7000, then its in 1.8 patch format. If its something else, load the ESP in the Creation Kit and save.
Satyre Posted January 29, 2013 Posted January 29, 2013 @neovalen - Most clever. I downloaded the non-NMM package installer. I've got the NMM installer now and will tinker with that.
MorningLightMountain Posted January 29, 2013 Posted January 29, 2013 Hey thanks for the quick response. Have you checked out these mods?: https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8429 Interesting NPCs by Kris Takahashi I haven't tried this one yet but it looks promising. https://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3646 Duke Patricks - Archery And Heavy Weapons Combat by Duke Patrick aka SpookyFX-com This might not be for everyone, as it slows down the combat pace significantly, but it feels real and the author has much actual experience with medieval weapons combat. It seemed slightly buggy when I used it before, but I also don't have your knowledge regarding the cleaning/compatibility/patching end of it. Also, have you considered making some kind of "theory" guide on how you are evaluating these mods and finding the compatibility or dirty issues, so others can learn from this? Or what resources did you use to learn this stuff?
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