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Skyrim SE Green Glows (Needs Research)


Posted (edited)

So we need some clever person who know about INIs perhaps to have a look into this bug. I have noticed turning 'Blending' off under the NIF alpha fixes it, and it doesn't happen with the normal blending modes. The normal blending modes don't work though for the soft water effect of foam. I don't have any time to go beyond that testing at the moment.

My friend frogprincessQ4 said this also:


When I disabled "Screen Space Reflections" the green glow is gone. There is probably a .ini fix for that, but you can also go into the launcher --> advanced and uncheck the box there.

So I am assuming this is caused by a bad interaction between the alpha blending and SSR. Here is an image:


This is a vanilla bug as it has been reported to happen with the default game from quite a few people. If you want to try reproduce it, just go to Solsteim and look at the animated hand-placed waves; or load my WATER mod as they are everywhere in Skyrim.

I'm just putting this out there as the chances Bethesda will fix this are possibly low.


I have fixed this for my WATER mod. Well it's not fixed for the vanilla game, but I have used the different method of using an effects shader instead of a normal one.


UPDATE 2: You can fix it a lot easier by turning the 'Specular' shader off on the problematic block.

Edited by Guest

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I had this. I looked in SSEEdit and I think Point The Way was not forwarding (?) height info. Problem 99.9% gone with PTW removed from my load order. At first I thought it might have been a timing issue I caused by setting time mult to 12, still wonder if there still might be an issue with that to a small degree.

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These are the settings that are probably SSR related:





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  On 11/7/2016 at 4:22 PM, Joat_Mon said:

I had this. I looked in SSEEdit and I think Point The Way was not forwarding (?) height info. Problem 99.9% gone with PTW removed from my load order. At first I thought it might have been a timing issue I caused by setting time mult to 12, still wonder if there still might be an issue with that to a small degree.

Point The Way v2.01 released, fixes the water issues I was seeing in Skyrim. In Solsteim I can still find the green water issue but it is minor until the camera is close to water level.

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  On 11/9/2016 at 8:34 PM, Kesta said:

From the changelog of the new SSE Beta:

  • Fixed issue with water flow not rendering properly

So there is hope it fixed this :)

I have been using the Beta a couple days, the green is still present but much less noticeable, until you get the camera close to the water level. 

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Do the meshes have textures on both sides or just one?

I see the green on just about every reflection if the water shader is above the water plane(with reflection) in the game, like the streams

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Posted (edited)


  On 11/9/2016 at 10:21 PM, hishutup said:

Do the meshes have textures on both sides or just one?

I see the green on just about every reflection if the water shader is above the water plane(with reflection) in the game, like the streams

I THINK they aren't double-sided rendering for the most part. In the original game, anything with blending enabled would disappear if you were underwater and you looked up above at it. The green is possibly caused by the SSR trying to reflect the part with the blending mode enabled, but it can't find anything so it defaults to whatever. Edited by Guest
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Beta v1.2 just loaded. If any thing the green directly related to reflections is far worse.


The wave/turbulence edges with green that I was seeing before might be gone, but it was just a quick check.


@SparrowPrince is there anything go want tested to try and fix the green reflection problem? (I no water mods installed)

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So, this is interesting.

With Vanilla SSE:

  • -coc whiterun
  • take a look at the falls
  • go inside an interior(meadery is close)
  • -pcb
  • leave and check the falls again

Then install WATER and you'll see some awesome green.


I have no idea why, its just something that I picked up on when messing around. Also, killall now causes instant crash...


EDIT: now the funny part, I looked at the OP image and that is pretty much what happens. 

BTW, don't use pcb or any purge cell buffer nonsense, as it tends to have some randomness.

The preemptively unload cell ini is fine though.

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Posted (edited)

Someone just posted a picture of those green planes and they are caused by the meshes in WATER, but it's hard to troubleshoot when it doesn't happen 100% of the time. I know USSEP fixed a green plane on the grindstone, but they gave no indication as to how in their changelog. Those meshes were complaining they didn't need vertex colours, but that is Bethesda's doing originally, and other meshes have this complaint without issue. The other green 'reflection' glow is seemingly a default bug and the one I meant originally. You can see this happening under animated waves and things like waterfalls and creek flows.


Edit: Updated picture in OP.

Edited by Guest
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Doh! Thanks Hish, I appreciate it. Tech, is Hana on Nexus? I don't think I'll be reading up on my lore (lol) to go and do one PM on AFK.

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