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STEP Community Growth


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With a new year beginning I want to take a moment to show off our incredible growth in the last few months (these numbers are from the forums and Wiki combined):

  • We've gone from 6,500 unique visitors per month in April to almost 62,000 in December!
  • Our hit count per month has grown from 900,000 in April to over 3,600,000 in December.  In the whole year of 2012 we received over 18,800,000 (19 freakin' million!) hits and served over 6,000,000 page views!
  • We received approximately 3,500 visitors per day in December alone.
  • On the Nexus, STEP has received over 2,400,000 total views and 149,000 unique downloads, with 26,000 of those from v2.2.0 and v2.2.0a alone.
  • In the first 6 days of 2013 we've already gotten over 900,000 hits and 16,000 unique visitors with an average of 4200 visitors per day!
These figures are astounding to me; I never dreamed this site would grow to be so large.  I want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you guys and gals. I hope I speak for the other admins as well when I say that without all of you this awesome community wouldn't exist and STEP wouldn't be the same. 
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Also, I'd like to call out the following individuals as core STEP Members whose contributions have been integral to supporting the success of this site over the past months. This list is limited to currently-active members of the community that have provided major contributions. There are many others who have contributed a lot as well (and we appreciate it!), but I am calling out the "big dogs" to keep it simple:

  • Neovalen
  • techangel85
  • rpsgc
  • Kelmych
  • Korentin
  • Besidilo
  • torminater
  • Vond
  • JudgementJay
  • mothergoose729
  • Spiffyman
I may be forgetting some, so my apologies to you (PM me to get added to the list and to the STEP Guide credits :thumbsup:).
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Wow this has gone along way since i started the forums on that free service a while ago just as a test. And sorry to all it counts towards i have just been to busy to do anything fun on the computer the last 4 to 5 months as work and school is killing me. Anyways thxs to all who has helped this site grow and prosper!

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Happy dance!




2.2.1 will bring even more growth!

This is freaking assured.



I can't believe STEP would have gone so far, it's much more then i could have even conceive the day i've created the page on the Nexus, and the first txt file of the guide in my non-native language.


But the big jump came the last year, when you guys asked me to tie this forum to STEP and commit yourselves to it, with dedication, passion, excitement and rigorous analysis.


Now STEP is truly a community project, with all the beneficts of being so.


Sometimes, since you anticipate my ideas considering some guide/mod changes before i could even refer them to you, i feel a pleasant feeling of uselesness, like a parent whos son is finally grown up and self-sufficient, and that's oddly rewarding :P.

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Sometimes, since you anticipate my ideas considering some guide/mod changes before i could even refer them to you, i feel a pleasant feeling of uselesness, like a parent whos son is finally grown up and self-sufficient, and that's oddly rewarding :P.


It's the back of your mind going "Thank the gods someone else is doing it" :D
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Sometimes, since you anticipate my ideas considering some guide/mod changes before i could even refer them to you, i feel a pleasant feeling of uselesness, like a parent whos son is finally grown up and self-sufficient, and that's oddly rewarding :P.


It's the back of your mind going "Thank the gods someone else is doing it" :D


How do you know i'm polytheist??


See? You already know what i think, it's really weird.

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