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Dear MO users,

As you may have already read on the Nexus news (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/news/12905/?), I've recently joined their ranks.

If you haven't read it yet: Yeah that happened.

Over the coming weeks and months we will keep the community informed on what we're planning
and working on for the future of NMM but right now many of you may be more concerned with
what this means for MO.

First I want to assure you that the primary reason of Robin hiring me was to take advantage of my experience with MO and to integrate it into the Nexus offering, not to kill off MO.

And the primary reason for me to take the job was that it will allow me to invest serious time into creating a better modding experience when previously it was becoming increasingly difficult for me to find time and motivation to work on MO in my spare time alongside a demanding job.

Obviously I won't be working on MO any more which unfortunately means that, unless someone else picks up where I left, MO v2 won't appear in a stable version. I know that will appear as a loss now and I apologize to everyone who was looking forward to a new release.

I do hope however that you trust me, and everyone else at Nexus Mods, to understand what you liked about MO.

I'm confident that with what we're planning you won't be missing MO for long.

  • +1 9

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Thank you all for your kind words. I have to admit I was a bit worried about how you'd take this.

I'll try to answer a few questions to the best of my knowledge but please realize we're early in development and we have big goals.



I am going to have all kinds of revamping to do on my tutorials in the future I see LOL

Man, your tutorials are invaluable for MO users and I'm immensely grateful for the work you put into them. :)



Can you share any specifics?  Will new NMM use virtual directories?  Will we get good x64 support?

I can't promise anything yet. As has been mentioned, the new mod manager will be modular and the mechanism putting files into the game directory is extensible.

The default setting will probably work similar to what NMM is doing currently, using symlinks or hardlinks into the game directory because this is simply more robust and doesn't upset antivirus tools as much (can you imagine NMM being updated, a million users download it and 10% get warnings from their AV?)

Plus we want to keep Linux and MacOS support an option and the MO vfs is impossible to port.


But I can't see a reason, apart from the time investment, we can't providing an extension for the mechanism using the vfs library from MO.

I have also played with the thought of using an actual virtual filesystem driver based around dokan (https://github.com/dokan-dev/dokany) which may be easier to implement and more reliable with the disadvantage of requiring an admin install and worse performance (at least theoretically).


So I put effort into keeping the option available and DarkOne is open to the idea but we haven't committed to it yet.



I tried to use NMM but I didn't the UX.

Maybe Tannin will make the NMM more like MO and less like NMM.

The new UI will be complete new and will take pointers from what was sh*t about either UI. I doubt everyone will like the new thing but that shouldn't be surprising. ;)



I'm both glad and sad, in the same way a father would be when his child grows up and get's married

Don't worry, I'll still come by and bring you my dirty laundry ;)
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This is GREAT news, Tannin.


Most importantly: I love seeing the best people in the modding scene end up earning something even approaching fair compensation for the boundless talent and work you guys put in. So, yeah - go you!


And also, in more egocentric terms: Besides the obvious stuff (like a serious 64 bit modding tool!) I really look forward to using just ONE tool for Nexus mods. I know this is stupid - switching back and forth between NMM and MO isn't all THAT difficult. But it's annoying, and every time I revert back to Skyrim from some other game, I make a pig's ear of it.

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Just wondering would the new solution be viable for Oblivion OBSE plugins(.dll)

The current MO solution is to use the script extender but then the other plugins never hook because they dont exist yet.

One solution is to change the way OBSE works which I think is happening but I havent checked on it in a month. The other solution is to physically copy the dlls into the data folder which defeats the purpose of MO.


Another question what about cross game support.

The most common one is Tale of Two Wastelands which is FO3 in FNV.

MO outright blocks downloads because it doesnt match the game mode. The reasons make sense but it'd be nice to have all the mods like to the proper nexus pages.

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I think that this was a very smart move by Robin ... bout time we had more consolidation of key resources and innovators in the community ;)


If you think file-system links can work as smoothly and transparently as VFS, then I am game ... works very well in Linux!


Now, stop reading this thread and get that thing built already :P

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Dear Tannin,


Thanks for a heads-up. You guys have delivered again and again with every rendition of the program you have so far delivered. I am glad to see new people joining the illustrious rank of Mod Organizer. Keep us informed and I wish you all the best with your new position.


Kind regards,


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  On 10/13/2016 at 7:45 PM, GamerPoets said:

I rushed over here when I read this on Nexus incase others didn't here about it lol... I am going to have all kinds of revamping to do on my tutorials in the future I see LOL


1. Congrads man. =)

2. I now have a team of 10 people that I am training to create tutorials with me.

3. Exciting times = )


Your tutorials are always so informative so I'll be keeping my eye out for those, the depth you go into is definitely valuable beyond measure.



  On 10/13/2016 at 8:02 PM, DoubleYou said:

Don't let entitlement users get you down. This is awesome! Wish you luck on transforming the modding community with the new tool!


After reading some of the posts from the Nexus site and LL, I have to say I'm in 100% agreement with you, the amount of people feeling the need to voice their opinions on Tannin's moral choices alone was just disgusting, I'm glad this community and more specifically this topic, has remained above all else, civil and adult in it's dealings and responses to Tannin.



  On 10/15/2016 at 4:08 AM, z929669 said:



I think that this was a very smart move by Robin ... bout time we had more consolidation of key resources and innovators in the community ;)


If you think file-system links can work as smoothly and transparently as VFS, then I am game ... works very well in Linux!


Now, stop reading this thread and get that thing built already :P



Now here's a good point. While I tried MO because I wanted the VFS I always felt a little dumb when it came to working everything out, so I stuck with NMM for my modding, since I had become so used to how it worked and was confident in my abilities within the program but I am definitely open to trying the new manager out, even if it means learning all over again, at least this time I'll be learning along with everyone else and not feel like the class idiot.


Keep me and I'm sure many others in mind if you need testers for any build release of it as well.



Oh and above all else, Congratulations Tannin, with your talent I have every confidence that the new manager will far surpass the current one(s) offered.

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  On 10/13/2016 at 2:10 PM, Tannin said:

Dear MO users,


As you may have already read on the Nexus news (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/news/12905/?), I've recently joined their ranks.

If you haven't read it yet: Yeah that happened.


Over the coming weeks and months we will keep the community informed on what we're planning

and working on for the future of NMM but right now many of you may be more concerned with

what this means for MO.


First I want to assure you that the primary reason of Robin hiring me was to take advantage of my experience with MO and to integrate it into the Nexus offering, not to kill off MO.

And the primary reason for me to take the job was that it will allow me to invest serious time into creating a better modding experience when previously it was becoming increasingly difficult for me to find time and motivation to work on MO in my spare time alongside a demanding job.


Obviously I won't be working on MO any more which unfortunately means that, unless someone else picks up where I left, MO v2 won't appear in a stable version. I know that will appear as a loss now and I apologize to everyone who was looking forward to a new release.


I do hope however that you trust me, and everyone else at Nexus Mods, to understand what you liked about MO.


I'm confident that with what we're planning you won't be missing MO for long.

good for you, Tannin; im always glad to see devs get paid, so thats awesome


that being said, i feel many of us have developed very poor opinions of the NMM platform over the years and its almost taken on a sort of "only for noobs who don't know any better" persona (...just me?) So, it will definitely take some time to wash the taste out of my mouth and (try to) learn to accept the fact that I'll be using NMM. Hopefully as the software continues to develop and begin to resemble the MO we've grown so dependent on over the years, it will make this easier to handle. For now, Ill admit I'm a bit bummed and perhaps a little salty. (can you petition to keep the MO name and scrap the NMM? lol. that would make me feel slightly better)


in all seriousness, I'm glad to see you make this transition from a professional standpoint. Looking forward to the next MO, erm NMM, update (yeah.. it feels unnatural even saying that)

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  On 10/19/2016 at 6:21 AM, michaelrw said:


that being said, i feel many of us have developed very poor opinions of the NMM platform over the years and its almost taken on a sort of "only for noobs who don't know any better" persona (...just me?)

No, not just you. That is the general perspective toward NMM in most of the online communities, STEP included. STEP has never been able to use NMM because it hasn't allow the customization and never had the tools needed for "advanced modding" without doing a TON of manual work, which is stupid when there are other managers that do the job much easier. IMO, NMM was being held back due to needing to support multiple games and non-Bethesda games too. This, imo, limited NMM to what it could do because it had to remain simple enough to manage non-Bethesda games, but tried to fulfill management of the Bethesda games. It never was able to get there for Bethesda games when compared to MO and WB. Hopefully this new extension system will solve this problem and we'll have one manager to rule them all! :^_^:

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  On 10/19/2016 at 1:44 PM, TechAngel85 said:

No, not just you. That is the general perspective toward NMM in most of the online communities, STEP included. STEP has never been able to use NMM because it hasn't allow the customization and never had the tools needed for "advanced modding" without doing a TON of manual work, which is stupid when there are other managers that do the job much easier. IMO, NMM was being held back due to needing to support multiple games and non-Bethesda games too. This, imo, limited NMM to what it could do because it had to remain simple enough to manage non-Bethesda games, but tried to fulfill management of the Bethesda games. It never was able to get there for Bethesda games when compared to MO and WB. Hopefully this new extension system will solve this problem and we'll have one manager to rule them all! :^_^:

Nice to see you again; its been a while since ive been around here.. took a hiatus from gaming to focus on my education.


Anyways, yeah. I agree with everything youve said. What is your personal opinion on the outlook and/or potential of this new project, with respect to how it will influence TES modding, how it will influence STEP, and the potential to maintain MO-style mod management? I have all the faith in the worl when it comes to Tannin's ability.. but, the same can't be said for Nexus (no disrespect meant); and now that he's on their payroll, he is at their mercy. I hope they can appreciate the HUGE contribution he made to our community and allow him the liberty to realize his goals in their new 'products'.

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Good to see you around, as well!


Not many people are aware, but I was nearly on the Nexus payroll too. When they were looking for a Community Manager, I applied and made the short list of just 30 people out of hundreds. So I don't see that as a negative. Tannin is the head of the project, so he's running the show. I'm confident he will produce a good mod manager for the community...whatever they're going to call it.


I believe the move was a good one and the new manager will be a huge benefit to the larger modding community. NMM suffered from not be feature rich nor powerful enough to easily produce a heavily modded TES game. There's good reason the veterans and advanced users use either MO or WB. Tannin will likely bring to the Nexus manager the complexity it needs, via "extensions", to get the job done. If they do it right, I see no reason not to use it for all your modding needs. Of course, this is all stated before the product is released so time will tell.


As for STEP, we're perfectly happy with MO v1.3.11 for the time being. With SSE, we'll obviously need to find another solution. The only one currently available is WB-64bit. Once the new manager is released, we'll test it out with STEP, but that's all I can say towards it in regards to STEP. If it works and works well, then I see no point in staying with MO. We've only supported a single mod manager for a while now for both simplicity and ease of maintenance. I don't see that changing. If wet can us a single manager for all our future Guides, then all the better.

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When they were looking for a Community Manager, I applied and made the short list of just 30 people out of hundreds.

Did you not take advice from Ron Burgundy?




Sorry you didn't get it though.

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Congrats Tannin, I'm glad that Nexus hired you.  Your mod manager is the best thing EVER.  Better than any mod manager for any game.  I wish you the best of luck.


  On 10/14/2016 at 1:28 AM, bitdman said:

::(: Thank God it was Nexus that got you and not Bethesda :facepalm:

Lmfao, ahahahahaha right!!!!

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