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SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn

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Summermyst doesn't have a WAFR True Weapons option IIRC... all of the lists are ordered with orcish -> dwarven -> elven ordering rather than dwarven -> elven -> orcish...


It's a serious PITA to even think about re-ordering them all by hand.

I see. Will stick with Wintermyst for now.

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Was settling in to add a few things and happened to look at Royal Armory. Icecreamassassin has said he's sent the patch for PC changes mods to PrvtI but hasn't heard back. He said this on the 21st of Jan. As I have a 5 day weekend this coming weekend I'll give it till then. If no action by Thursday, I'll add all the stuff including darkside's patches.

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From icecream regarding LotD




Version 17.5 was accidentally packed up with the old ESP for V17.4 If you downloaded this version you MUST revert to a previous save, install V17.5.1 and do the cleaning indicated before playing again.


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I'm likely going to get around to updating the LOTD Merged patch for you guys soon.  So It's the same mods in the guide but you are adding the Royal Armory patch, is that correct?

Thank you for updating. Do you have any recommendation about merging these esp? I saw you use older version of merging script. There are a few mods that has been in the pack - Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul , and Notice Boards. Should they be in the merge as well? DSR patch probably should be installed separately.


Royal Armory was planned to be added to the pack as well. 

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Thank you for updating. Do you have any recommendation about merging these esp? I saw you use older version of merging script. There are a few mods that has been in the pack - Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul , and Notice Boards. Should they be in the merge as well? DSR patch probably should be installed separately.


Royal Armory was planned to be added to the pack as well. 

Ouch. Confusion. So where would the DSR patch go?


The SFCO-LotD patch is merged into the Snazzy Overhaul Patches Merged.


I think the Notice Board patch just adds a for hire by museum? So we might not need it if we are going directly to the museum?


Also any recommendations as to merging Amulets of Skyrim and Immersive Creatures?

Edited by rayhne
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