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SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn

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Posted (edited)

What about NPC Retextures Merged? Is there a simple way to remove the mizzog esp?


I guess I could just merge them myself, if need be. I would just have to redownload all of the mods, as I have removed the esps and archives. 

Edited by Thenatural
Posted (edited)

The Ordinary Women states to use a USLEEP version. Is that a different version than the one contained in the Ordinary Women archive?


EDIT: Okay, it looks like the ordinary women usleep patch (the one from the link on the ordinary women description page). is no longer in the database. 

Edited by Thenatural
Posted (edited)
  On 9/29/2016 at 4:45 PM, Darth_mathias said:

you can do that or you should be bale copy those records into the newer CR if it does add the older CR as a master.

Yes, that was easier. Actually there were a few more records that needed forwarding.


I hope I don't regret adding CWO to my new game ::):

Edited by edynacio
  On 9/29/2016 at 6:57 PM, paul666root said:

well its no longer available that's why we provide the merge in the nexus.


i can send you private if you want the files for mizzog so you can use the premade merge

That would be amazing!

Posted (edited)
  On 9/29/2016 at 1:38 PM, reddvilzz said:

On second thought what I'm about to do is very frustrating. I just done around 5 or 6 mods which are overwritten because I use SMC and it already causes me a headache because the amounts of files.


For me I use Spluff to gather the textures on the Virtual Data of MO to reduce the textures in case I have problem with VRAM.


In conclusion it's complicated and time consuming. So I won't bother continuing it. Thank you for all of the suggestions.

SMC guide coming out Soon ^.^

  On 9/29/2016 at 2:13 PM, Darth_mathias said:

yes it will require conflict resolution best thing to do is  check my older SRLE Extended Conflict Resolution CR sub guide https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Darth_mathias/SRLE_Extended_Conflict_Resolution#Conflicts_and_Fixes


You can also get the older CR from the nexus page for the old guide as well.

There's also some USLEEP fixes that definitely need to happen... otherwise it re-introduces several fixed issues.

  On 9/29/2016 at 4:06 PM, Darth_mathias said:


this is how to remove


Wyre Bash Create Dummies (Uses this method if you do not have the esp plugin downloaded)

Use this method to create dummies of plugins you wish to remove from the premade Conflcit Resolution.

  1. Load Wrye Bash click on the CR and select File->Create dummy esps (this will create fake esps for what you are missing and place them into the overwrite folder).
  2. Load TES5edit with only SRLE Extended LOTD - Conflict Resolution.esp Selected wait until backgound loader has finished.
  3. Right click on SRLE Extended LOTD - Conflict Resolution.esp and check for errors.
  4. Remove the records that are broken from SRLE Extended LOTD - Conflict Resolution.esp (they will show after checking for errors).
  5. Save and Exit.
  6. Load SRLE Extended LOTD - Conflict Resolution.esp again in TES5Edit and then clean masters once done save and exit.
  7. Remove Fake plugins fron the overwrite folder.


Should also then search the CR guide with the name of the ESP you are removing so that you can revert any left over records to previous override... Otherwise you can end up with strange things going on.  Not all records modified necessarily result in a formid being used from the master thus aren't found by the mentioned script.

Edited by jdsmith2816
Posted (edited)

Just to clear my thoughts about the NPC Retexture section:

If I use Option 1, the only mod from the Skin and Body section, I need is Rustic Children, right?

Then disable the RS Children Overhaul and patches from Neo's guide.

Edited by cybexgames
  On 9/29/2016 at 8:31 PM, Monobloc said:

Paul made a video to show you my issue :


not sure if lods or full models tho.

wow wierd. Can't check ingame yet... not having a working setup. Maybe Darth can look

  On 9/29/2016 at 8:45 PM, jdsmith2816 said:

SMC guide coming out Soon ^.^


There's also some USLEEP fixes that definitely need to happen... otherwise it re-introduces several fixed issues.


Should also then search the CR guide with the name of the ESP you are removing so that you can revert any left over records to previous override... Otherwise you can end up with strange things going on. Not all records modified necessarily result in a formid being used from the master thus aren't found by the mentioned script.

Can't wait to see the SMC guide! Even though I have use it until now and it is amazing and stunningly beautiful.

The problem of using SMC and this guide is that there are some textures which are not being used by the SMC from the guide and I do not know which one is better.


Me personally just use the texture mods that are not included in SMC from this guide to overwrite SMC's completely.

Thank you.

  On 9/29/2016 at 8:45 PM, jdsmith2816 said:

SMC guide coming out Soon ^.^


There's also some USLEEP fixes that definitely need to happen... otherwise it re-introduces several fixed issues.


Should also then search the CR guide with the name of the ESP you are removing so that you can revert any left over records to previous override... Otherwise you can end up with strange things going on.  Not all records modified necessarily result in a formid being used from the master thus aren't found by the mentioned script.

Shoudnt cwo be fine with that edit though as it was the only edit in last guide and was stable then? Or what fixes would need to be made? (If you have time, pm me about it, very interesyed in adding cwo to my load order)


OK guys with the loss of both Mizzog and the Ordinary Women USLEEP Patch and now the possibility of The Ordinary Women mod itself could disappear due the the mod author being banned from the nexus; I will likely be giving the NPC section a complete overall when I come to do my Wiki redesign which likely start sometime next week as I have some time off next week to do stuff.

  On 9/30/2016 at 11:04 AM, edynacio said:

The current SRLE LotD CRs are still good to use with Makeovers by Mizzog - The Companions for the users that still have it, right?

Just to make sure.

yes if you have them you're still good to use them.

  On 9/29/2016 at 8:31 PM, Monobloc said:

Paul made a video to show you my issue :


not sure if lods or full models tho.

I did notice any odd behavior there are you also one of the guys that it using SMC?

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