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SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn

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so I doubt anyone will run into this problem at this point but I thought I would share...


So the update to the final dragonborn gallery had you clean the script for the museum heist quest. He tells you not to if you're on that quest. Thing is, the script triggers before the quest starts. I didn't have the quest in my journal, but the quest triggers once you have 400 items in your museum, you have to leave the museum and wait at least 24 hours to return and find it robbed. Well I had placed 400 items in, and left for solstheim for 30 some odd hours of play. Since I didn't return to the museum I didn't know the quest was active, and removed the script, effectively borking my museum permanently. So I lost a Level 40 character. Furthest I've ever gotten in the game. And now I have to restart...

ahh that sucks but thanks for sharing.

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Am roughly one third of the way into working up a new CR patch. Not finding that many new conflicts, luckily. Good to see most modders there days respect USLEEP and carry the changes through. 


Tonight I'll carry across all the MCM settings from SRLE so we have them all in one place as well. Shouldn't take long and I'll start fighting the CR fight once more.

Edited by Nozzer66
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Yeah I know what you're saying... I'm saying that not checking that box causes problems for mods with scripts, translation files and facegen data...

"General Assets" does not include file-specific assets such as Script Fragments, Translation files, and FaceGenData.

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I just tested a Skyrim merge with the latest version of Merge Plugins (v2.3.2) of 4 mods:

Inconsequential NPCs (Inconsequential NPCs.esp)

Seranaholic (Serana.esp)
Siobhan (SV.esp)
Sofia - The Funny Fully Voiced Follower (SofiaFollower.esp)

I'm using Mod Organizer v1.3.11, and set up all integrations correctly per tutorials/the documentation.  I'm using Windows 7 x64.  The file copying batch script ran flawlessly and the merge was completely successful.



I verified all assets, including ones in BSA files were properly handled.


This shows that there currently is nothing wrong with how Merge Plugins copies assets when merging Skyrim mods.  Any issues are user error related either to filesystem permissions or AntiVirus restrictions.  There are instructions to troubleshoot these issues in the included documentation.

An additional step which users can perform should the batch script not execute successfully after following the troubleshooting instructions in the documentation is running the batch script manually after the merge completes.  The Batch script is saved in the "merge" directory as "-Copy.bat".

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[aMidianBorn Solstheim Landscape]

Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):

  • textures/dlc02/landscape/dlc2basaltcolumnsingle*.dds    (do I also delete the _n.dds?)
  • textures/dlc02/landscape/dlc2basaltside*.dds                 (do I also delete the _n.dds?)
  • textures/dlc02/landscape/dlc2road01ash01_n.dds
  • textures/dlc02/landscape/volcanic_ash_tundra_01_n.dds
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Ah OK. What's that supposed to fix, exactly?

[spoiler=DBM Unofficial Fix Patch.txt]
- Massive amount of Typo's/Grammar/Punctuation fixes. Far too many to list.
- Some USLEEP Text fixes carried over.
- Repaired the tempering for Dawn/Duskfang.
- Weapon Critical values fixed on many legacy weapons (too many to list).
- Repaired a few food storage items in the safe house kitchen.
- Updated Meshes for Stormlord Armor.
- Updated Meshes for the Crusader's Sword.
The following script needs to be cleaned: 




The sticky says that the unofficial patch is how LotD will be maintained moving forward.



[aMidianBorn Solstheim Landscape]

Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):

  • textures/dlc02/landscape/dlc2basaltcolumnsingle*.dds    (do I also delete the _n.dds?)
  • textures/dlc02/landscape/dlc2basaltside*.dds                 (do I also delete the _n.dds?)
  • textures/dlc02/landscape/dlc2road01ash01_n.dds
  • textures/dlc02/landscape/volcanic_ash_tundra_01_n.dds


Asterisks are a wild card. That means it can stand for anything. So yes, I would say delete both.




Edit: Also, I saw that a brand new Helgen Reborn patch was released on Patch Central.

[spoiler=Helgen Reborn Patch]


- Added "Helgen Reborn" patch to the OPTIONAL file section.

Fixes a conflict with a Stormcloak/Imperial camp and Legacy's Field Station #1. Patch courtesy of orian34



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[aMidianBorn Solstheim Landscape]

Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s):

  • textures/dlc02/landscape/dlc2basaltcolumnsingle*.dds    (do I also delete the _n.dds?)
  • textures/dlc02/landscape/dlc2basaltside*.dds                 (do I also delete the _n.dds?)
  • textures/dlc02/landscape/dlc2road01ash01_n.dds
  • textures/dlc02/landscape/volcanic_ash_tundra_01_n.dds


Yes. As Nebulous says the star is a well known wildcard from back in the original DOS days. So anything that starts with dlc2basaltcolumnsingle and .ends in a .dds gets given the chop. 


And yes Nebulous, know about the Helgen Reborn patch... and that hotfix for LOTD may well just have made a lot of my CR work pointless cause I had fixed a lot of typos. This is a good thing in one way cause it means less work for me, and also a bad thing since it means I'll probably have to restart on CR... Ah well, cest la vie.

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