I vote for this! Hi guys, I have been invited to participate during my mods testing, so sorry for the intrusion. The issues relative to the armor was brought to my attention, I just missed it completely when was working but it is right, is enough visible. Still, that I had no free time left to adjust it yet. I am an alone father, and my little son takes all my free time. I wanted just to say a couple things about this Dragon Priest of mine. The first, that could appear as minor (not for a stickler like me), it is that no one mentioned that the inhaled fog behind the face have been drastically reduced and this was made by isolate and working on a mesh, who will be used just from the Dragon Priest, included in the package that can be choice or not during the installation. I made this because the inhaled fog near the nose was too heavy and fake, and so, to not interfere whit other objects, that use the same effect in the game, I had to isolate it and then worked. The second is that, it is not that I am not sure that my Dragon Priest misses some details from vanilla, I did intentionally a completely rebuild of the face because the original one looked sure more scary but also made by pasteboard inside the game. For example I intentionally flesh-less the nose. In these following shots, I published in the mod page, you can see better both the above mentioned changes. As for the hands, I am not sure, because them have been improved, overall in a closer view. I added bones x-rays and new skin in any part. I didn't leaved almost any vanilla pixel left staying, as always, as much possible true to the original Bethesda author intention. Anyway, this is just my opinion and whatever you will pick, will be good to me, as I often followed the STEP Guide to setup my games, and also because I agreed to the most suggested mods section. I am not here to force my mod to be chosen, absolutely, but just to bring attention to some details that taken me a lot of time, that, I guess, have never been previously worked so deeper. Of course in 2k it could not look the same, I really don't know, because the "bad" is that I do use 4k whenever I can as my rig showed to be good enough to handle them all and I have to say that in a closer view the 4k makes a big difference, although I read in here, somewhere, that 2k is better than 4k. To my eyes, in my screen when I play the game, without doubts, it is not instead; the only 4k issue is just the memory ram limitation of the game that with some trick can be partially managed. Bring up the good work. Thank you of everything. All the best, Kajuan