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Everything posted by prod80

  1. Looks to me like conflict between ToD values (ie. ToD values are off, disabled (so ENB use internal ToD approximation), or enbhelper.dll is missing in enbseries folder) and Vignette values or tonemapping. If you for instance set tonemapping/levels in a way where you bleach out the screen with a foggy overlay and add vignette on top of that you end up with a white-ish odd spot in the middle of your screen. For tweaking purposes you should set Vignette values to 0 in Day, Night and Interior so it doesn't throw off tonemapping and other effects. Then if you like vignette you add this when everything in your screen looks as you want it. As for the screenshot of the loads screen - you can clearly see vignette in that. This isn't something that can be fixed either because most ENB effects are disabled during load screens so it will look a bit odd always. PS. Serenity doesn't use weather id's anymore. Instead I hooked certain values to the image space settings so to control saturation based on tinting values and so on.
  2. UseOriginalObjectsProcessing is different from UseOriginalPostProcessing. UseOriginalPostProcessing is using the AGCC code part, UseOriginalObjectsProcessing handles the ENB lighting features only. When you enable UseOriginalObjectsProcessing all settings under [ENVIRONMENT] stop to function and Skyrim lighting is brought back into place. In some cases this allows for much better scenes where ENB lighting (which is based on vanilla lighting system) makes a little mess of things. This is clearly visible on weathers like 10a232. But of course on other weathers to opposite applies, always this trade off. But assuming this is about bringing ENB lighting to the vanilla game, pretty irrelevant info to disable the lighting then :) Can be a nice project too to bring ENB fx shaders to the vanilla game
  3. Enable "UseOriginalObjectsProcessing" Otherwise you won't get a clean vanilla look. As soon as you enable ENB processing (Direct, Ambient, Specular, Point lighting, Fog, SSS) it becomes impossible to get consistant vanilla looks across all weathers. When you enable UseOriginalObjectsProcessing you disable ENB's version of, for example, game fog (it's not the same, you'll notice immediately) and you will still run all the effects from the ENB shaders, minus the ENB versions for game lighting. Sky settings will still work, though. Unless you set that to disabled as well.
  4. If you use MO it creates a separate SkyrimPrefs.ini ... so you need to find that file in the MO profile and edit the settings for ENB use in it
  5. Sure, but RS author should make, I can't make... doubt he will since I modify a whole lot about CoT, SS, ESS...
  6. incompatible with CoT weather patch, weather changes when under shelter back to CoT default weather :( ah well. I'm currently using vanilla weather, but had to test it ;)
  7. Problem is that most ENB's do not use ApplyGameColorCorrection, which is required for various game effects, one being this fade to black stuff
  8. Supreme Storms and ESS do not work out of the Box with Serenity. They worked with the old version only because they were an integrated part of the CoT weather patch and the ENB was build around that. Saerileth only told on the page how to change the weather ini to have ESS work with the ENB.
  9. that question is entirely irrelevant, and I doubt Saerileth would work on weathers. Please, its an ENB for Skyrim, Dawnguard and Dragonborn weathers, whatever other mods add/change I simply do not support.
  10. Its completely different from the old CoT version... cant compare them. The download version is my personal version. Morning Fogs doesn't change weather, compatible. ESS needs edits to the _weatherlist.ini inside of enbseries folder for it to work. Supreme Storms needs their own separated weather settings.
  11. I just added that to my description page, I suppose it was missing that it's a "lore-friendly" ENB You can see simply, I stay pretty true to coloring... honestly I don't think too much issues come if you switch out lighting mod, as long as you keep ELE loaded after it. Interior without Interior with of course for character and exteriors, the difference with ENB is huge... but there again I just tried to enhance and not change
  12. Thanks guys. Yes I try to enhance the vanilla game experience, so for Exteriors I don't do what most authors did like removing the exterior fog entirely and things like that. I build this up so to give a player all the nice graphics possible with DirectX9 as added by Boris and build new effects in the .fx files to my own need. As for ELFX and ELE as requirement... I picked ELFX and only the main file (not Enhancer and the rest) because this changes all the light sources in the game to a uniform standard. ELE does exactly the same thing for the Image Spaces for Interiors. So given those 2 mods together you effectively normalize the Interior world lighting giving you (an ENB maker) freedom to set it correctly without having to pick a "sub optimal" setting because location xyz has too dark ambient or too bright. RLO while a superb lighting mod is not so good for ENB tweakers. Mainly because it makes towns too dark when you want dark dungeons. I personally do not like that. Also it is not entirely uniform in its changes so this causes problems with ENB settings which will change everything the same. ELFX main file is much better imo for ENB as this only changes the light sources. ELE changes the ambient. RLO does both at the same time. Without ENB I would pick RLO over anything, with ENB I would pick what I picked now... not because I particularly like ELFX (I don't actually) but because of why I need it. I hope this choice is clear now :) As for brightness and so on... this ENB comes with a lot of options inside the shader menu which will basically let you turn the game to anything you want, from gritty B&W to split tone, bloomy, contrasty, saturated or not, wild fantasy things, and any combination of because it can blend things together. As for hodilton's video, looks nice but I think he made it with Revamped Exterior Fog which will destroy the contrasts of this mod, as those contrasted dark shadows is not how its suppose to look (and certainly doesn't look like that for me). Can of course also be that its added by FRAPS or whatever he used, or I am just very sensitive because I spend tremendous amounts of time on the contrasts... :P Cheers, prod
  13. Depends on your water mod... so change according to what you like :p
  14. Manny's mod is incompatible.. simply try it :P I think you know I'm a weather's guy, and foggy has not suddenly been skipped ;)
  15. Not using ELE weathers as its not needed when you use ENB weathers. And yes Sunglare was enabled in 245 for CoT simply because some people requested it.
  16. Sunrays are enabled in Serenity ENB, only Lens, Reflection and Sunglare are disabled. I think you meant Sunglare ;) Perhaps I'll add sunglare later, when I feel like it, but not at this moment (its not always great since I have some snow weathers with sun intensity at 9.0 to make awesome rays through clouds, which trigger sunglare ... and that's just weird)
  17. Old Serenity is for CoT yes, and uses old Binary and old coding. New one is entirely different and both of them arent compatible (ie. You cant switch the enbeffect.fx file and expect it to work). New one looks substentially better imo. But of course it's not using CoT... see the screenshots people are spamming on the mod page in the gallery and the thread and judge for yourself how much you actually need CoT... ;) In any case switching ENB and disabling CoT and all of its zillion patches to just have a look how exterior world looks is not that much of a hassle. If good enough, you already have ELFX and ELE since you use the previous Serenity (those requirements didnt change). No harm in trying. If you dont like you simply switch to your old ENB and enable CoT again, piece of cake :P Edit: yes CoT version is gone. I cant support 2 versions of ENB for 2 different weather mods having weather system enabled. Too much work, not enough time.
  18. For the ENB lovers out there who like cinematic FEATURES Lots of joy. New fx files (enbeffect, enbbloom, effect.txt). Mod page link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51343/
  19. And updated to version 13 for compatibility between CoT and ENB binary 241 Volumetric sunray feature.
  20. @Smile44; Might have to re-do your list after latest (V10-12) updates of Weather Patch... see page for details.
  21. Its because I sepia toned the image... Just because you said red/purple-ish I went to check the RGB, but there is no red or purple-ish at all, but they are not truly blue either. Rather a sort of pale blue where RG are ~equal and B is about 10-20% higher. The blue in your image is more Sky blue than what CoT spits out by default, my skies are more pale than CoT's default, the Sepia is responsible, but I don't want to disable it as I like the effect :P Same spot between the ENB/Non ENB shots... RGB value on ENB is 196/204/225 while CoT default has 125/141/164 Here shot of the same weather btw, and yes 58148 is the brightest Clear SN type weather CoT has (I use it to balance snow brightness - ie. Direct Light and Ambient Light Intensity max values for exterior) PS would love to give your plugin a go, see what it does ;) I'm all for improvements
  22. Well all I can say is that you can setup an ENB not to care about the blue-ness of the Sky... Here example (the ENB is setup pretty bright, so yes, it's bright): CoT without ENB, Cloudy weather type ~10:00 AM ENB Enabled: Clear Weather:
  23. Try without the SkyFix :P just saying when you balance with that off you get a LOT better results with CoT.. try the ENB from my page and have a look between Clear/Overcast and Cloudy CoT weathers. With Skyfix it requires so odd settings on the Skies and there will always be weathers that just look like junk or where mountains just blend horribly with the horizon because for whatever reason the horizon got really dark (which you cannot change because you'll mess up clear type weathers, blowing out the entire horizon to pure white)
  24. I have on my mod page a fully functional ToD ENB setup for CoT/ELFX/ELE using a heavily modified (edited fx files, added code, etc) Kountervibe ENB of Kyo... I don't see any issues with CoT weathers as long as people do NOT enable the DisableWrongSkyMath, as that is intended to fix vanilla weather bugs, and not CoT. Lot of ENBs have that setting enabled and try and balance for CoT which will work in all weathers except Cloudy weather. It's basically impossible with that setting enabled to balance against all CoT weathers using a single setting. Btw ToD works a bit different and is connected to ENightDayFactor in enbeffect.fx which ranges from 0 to 1 in 0.01 intervals. It's connected to your TIMEOFDAY settings for Day and Night (eg. 13:00 and 1:00) and the curve depends on your settings for Sunrise and Sunset. The settings for Sunrise/Sunset duration is the time BEFORE the sun actually rises or AFTER the sun has set that it will fade in or out your settings under *Sunrise or *Sunset EG. TIMEOFDAY settings of (this is for CoT): DawnDuration=1.5 //CoT Original this should be 2.0 but I think 1.5 works better with ENB SunriseTime=7.50 DayTime=13.5 SunsetTime=19.00 DuskDuration=1.5 //Same comment as above NightTime=1.0 Basically translates as: 1:00 = Pure night time This will last until 6:00 (7:30 minus 1:30) Sunrise settings will fade in between 6:00 and 7:30, reaching it's peak (7:30 is the sunrise time of CoT) After 7:30 it will transition to Daytime values which reaches it's peak at 13:30 (13:15 is CoT original but I don't care) Then goes to Sunset time, which reaches peak at 19:00 Dusk duration is the setting that says the duration after Sunset that it will take to fade Sunset settings into Night settings There is a set curve that cannot be adjusted to transition from Sunrise -> Day and Day -> Sunset, it's about 1.5 - 2 hours game time (or perhaps it's using the same duration for both, haven't tested that because it works well as configured above)
  25. Meshes based on the particle system for one ;) And which have Effect Lighting properties set on them
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