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Everything posted by Gogan

  1. Just use the current version on Nexus. Sadly the F&L guide is not up-to-date at this state.
  2. Looks like it's up and running again. Happens sometimes
  3. NV Anti Crash is already covered by the F&L guide
  4. LOOT crashes for me all the time. On start-up and when running the sorting function. I'm just restarting the damn thing over and over again, until it does the job. Sometimes it crashes 10-20 times, sometimes it doesn't once.
  5. My money is also on RWLE. Had almost the same look, when using RWLE. Pissed me off and I started using Nevada Skies.
  6. So, Interior Lighting Overhaul has the same problems for interiors? Sometimes ground textures indoors, like newspaper, turns dark. Don't have any screens sadly.
  7. AA / AF off, ENBoost without effect active. So, Electro-City effs it up for me? Anything you can do about it? Or is the only possible solution to remove the mod?
  8. Got some issues with the ground textures these days. Regarding where I stand or from what angle I look at them, the ground textures turn dark. https://imgur.com/I3FminY https://imgur.com/W1c1Zup Don't think it's an issue with NMC / P o j o / etc., more something to do with settings. But I don't know where to look.
  9. Noticed EXE was added to the guide. It should be noted, that it (accidentally) overwrites the "Improved LOD Noise Texture" mod. Weijiesen confirmed this on Nexus and the LOD file of EXE should be deleted / hidden / not installed.
  10. Fallout New Vegas\Mod Organizer\mods\One HUD - oHUD\menus\main inside the MO folder you can find the file
  11. Did you deactivated "Water Displacement" under Water in the FNV Launcher?
  12. The guide is using the "YUP-WMX-PN-PNEO Patch"
  13. JIPs CC&C has an option to make companions non-essential -> they can die
  14. There's also a FCO + YUP Compatibility Patch (sadly only for YUP version 10.4) and for NCR Trooper Overhaul. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/61689/? I'd like to use FCO or NVR, but it looks like, they're kinda of always conflicting with other stuff.
  15. Yeah, Lexx' remastered version of "New Vegas Uncut 6 - If It Wasn't For Betsy" is really nice. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/59265/? Work's like a charm (well, at least at the current point in my playthrough) and I would recommend to add it to the guide.
  16. Found a little oversight in the "Merging Cut Contents" No more giant manhole covers.esp This line should be removed
  17. What's the protocol on using mods like the new added UP+ for existing full modded playthroughs? There are some fixes included, which previously were manually merged (Christine Has More Skills / Improved Transportalponder). Could I now install UP+ and use them simultaneously? Or should I remove the old fixes and rebuild my merge patches? Same thing for darths YUP Gameplay fixes. Some stuff is overlapping and I don't know if it's gonna f u c k up my current playthrough.
  18. Thank you ! ;) Nice job I do have two suggestions for the guide: - The first one is either a replacement or an alternative for HI-RES Chems and Health Re-Texture by clintmich PM's Med-Textures - HD Chems and Venoms (https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/62946/?) I personally like this one a little bit more. Maybe it's something for the guide - Second one would be Delay Level Up by Ladez (https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/62921/?) Friggin' amazing mod. Disables the forced level up window and behaves a little bit more like the good old classic Fallouts.
  19. Did you used Roys new 4GB Patcher? https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/62552/? Ran it as admin? The CMD window showed up?
  20. Don't ! ;) Try (re-)installing New Vegas completely new and don't clean DLCs or vanilla files. Then start by following the F&L guide or just run the FNV 4GB Patcher, to test if everythings working.
  21. @Nebulous112 Thanks for the response. I fiddled a little bit more and noticed something, when deactivating "Automatic Archive Invalidation" on my current MO profile. Here some pictures: AAI OFF AAI ON Somehow, turning AAI off, will result in the (I think) proper handling of archieves. Like Nebuluos mentioned. "Greyed out", but still checked. With AAI on, every vanilla .BSA is deactivated and I can't activate them. Very Strange
  22. Quick question regarding LOD generation. According to the guide, we should uncheck "Have MO manage archives" before running FNVLODGen. When unchecking this all my vanilla fallout .bsa files (textures, meshes, misc, etc.) are deactivated, too. Now, I get to different "results" regarding the amount of worldspace I can select in FNVLODGen. When unchecking "Have MO manage archives", I get a lot less worldspace entries than with this option checked. Worldspaces like WastelandNV "Mojave Wasteland" are missing. Am I doing something wrong or is my load out ****ed up?
  23. This one's been just released and looks promising. Expands on YUP (including some additional stuff from YUP, already mentioned in the F&L guide) Unofficial Patch Plus https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/62953/?
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