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  1. They may have done this because they want mods to be compatible on all platforms. They may be concerned that we may make PC only mods.
  2. Has anyone used any of the overhaul mod packs? The 3 seem to date to 2011. Anyone have any guides to use one or more than add more to it? Morrowind 2011 (had some controversy) : https://www.fileplanet.com/218159/210000/fileinfo/Elder-Scrolls-III:-Morrowind---Morrowind-2011-Compedium-Mod- Morrowind Rebirth: https://www.moddb.com/mods/morrowind-rebirth Morrowind Overhaul:(also called MGSO) https://www.ornitocopter.net/morrowind-overhaul/ The mod guides listed above date to 2009. These mod packs are from 2011.
  3. Dwarf Fortress: Most influential game of the last 10 years: www.bay12games.com. In constant development for 10 years. In the Museaum of Modern Art. Bay 12 Other Games Forum(Free Games thread at top): https://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?board=4.0 Roguelikes I like : Elona: Elona+ is the continuation. Caves of Qud: Roguelike SF Game. Its free for now, but they are enhancing for steam and will be $5. https://cavesofqud.wikia.com/wiki/Caves_Of_Qud_Wiki Rogue Basin: www.roguebasin.com -- roguelike post new released here. Most are free Cataclysm DDA: Open source Zombie Survival Roguelike. Over 100 people have contributed code. In constant development. All modders/developers welcome: PosChengband(Angband Variant in development)
  4. please add a feature to save and export my profile to a json or xml of some sort that can be imported to another mod organizer on another computer. This would be very helpful to share Mod packs such as STEP. 1. GUI lets you import profile, set the directory with downloaded mods as well 2. can check this directory and tell you which mod are missing (mod names change with new versions sometimes) 3. can do a some simple wild card searches for suggested mods if something is missing. 4. will allow me to edit the file with new mod names in case the file name changes. This would save a massive amount of time and allow for reuse of packs and we can add to STEP. Will have some issues, but I think it could save people a ton of time. Would be nice if we can something we can export which records files downloads since you can download from MO also.Â
  5. this appears in alphabetical order. does he have an install order for this? or is alphabetical order just fine?
  6. @smile44: what do you mean the old version is out of date? its not that old. I had thought the original is the stable version and the new one is a work in progress right? asking because this is many hours of work for me to install so trying to get info before i commit the time.
  7. so the original one is relative the stable, but the new one may not be?
  8. @rootsrat: its for people who have already played through the game. the destabilizing thing is a hassle. I have to turn off spawn mods and turn back on due to crashing. hoping we can figure out how to get them to work without crashing the game. do you know why spawn mods are prone to crashing the game?
  9. STEP: Hardcore: Add as many mods that spawn more and harder creatures as possible. Throw everthing, but the kitchen sink at you. Include SkyRE, ASIS, SkyTest, More Bandits, high level enemies, as many mods that have invasions as possible. Throw in all the survival mods as well. Then to balance it. Add mods to allow more followers. I think we actually need to create a mod to make this work. It is too hard to tell who is on your side and who is the enemy when you fight in crowds. So you end up kiling guys on your side. If you attack a guard he attacks you. So you need something that has a targeting system and makes it easier to see who is on your side and who is not.
  10. one of the mod organizer videos from the mod author discusses this and a few other special mods. i think there are 2-3 MO videos by them. watch them.
  11. ITs hard to tell from such a long list of mods, but what is changing in Skryrim REvisted Legendary that is not in Skyrim Revisited?Â
  12. can you poist instrustions on how you got these other mods to work with it? similiar to the skyre/asis post?
  13. how different is the legendary edition from the current edition right now? At a glance the mods look similiar.
  14. so in the last month skyrim revisited legenday has gone from first step at 50% to 65%. so it looks like maybe end of the year before this is ready? just curious. i know you are giving this away. is anyone helping neovalen with this?
  15. I have read lots of docs and videos. However, I am confused about this. What is meant by a 'bsa' vs. a loose file? Or do I not have this correct? Is a loose file an unzip or something? Is this related to using ddsopt to optimize textures? I have read alot of stuff, but Im confused.
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