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Everything posted by Pulec

  1. RESOLVED: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/3tmzn7/expanding_on_we_need_a_pcpartpicker_for_skyrim/ rdunlap, go to reddit.com/r/skyrimmods and then SkyrimMods IRC and lets talk about your needs there. :-) Btw python is really quite easy, if you understand COBOL and FORTRAN you should be able to write some good stuff in few days, google and stackoverflow can always help. :-) Start here: reddit.com/r/learnpython or just learnpythonthehardway.org (its not that hard, you just need to start with something doable)
  2. My python scripts are very simple compared to plugins with Qt for Mod Organizer. :-) I failed even to get HelloWorld working, details on reddit.com/r/ModOrganizer. However If I understand your request correctly I think it would be easiest to just make class_Fighter, class_Mage and etc folders in ModOrganizer/mods, copy all esp and other files required and I just activate these "mod packs". I can't really imagine how to do same thing just by ModOrganizer. But maybe I just misunderstood. Tannin says its just +3 lines to HelloWorld example, it must be easy then. :-)
  3. I wanted to have automated process to install 'Skyrim Moding Base' to fresh Steam installation, so I wrote this simple unpacking python script - github.com/Pulecz/SkyrimModding During sorting all the mods I came up with mod_name_validator.py also on the github. With its help I have made this table, with custom description and comments. There are perhaps too much unnecessary and big mods like Skyrim Immersive Creatures, Immersive Weapons, Static Mesh Improvement Mod and Apophysis Dragon Priest Masks. But I added them because other mods or their installers had compability patches for them and I did not want to reinstall the mods later figuring out the compability patches. I tried to follow Skyrim Revisited - Legendary Edition and latest STEP guide a bit + mods I have used some year before (those recommended by USLEEP) and mods from skyrimgems. Of course I wanted to continue the automation to install at least the USLEEP and most important bug fixes + SkyUI and some mods that every sane person uses. The easiest way was to just install those mods then make an archive of mods and profile, then run the install script and unpack the archive. But as the mods dependencies gets more complex and compability patches or installers show up, things get more complicated. So what are the ways to automate mod installing? There was SASTEP but it seems to be dead for some time. There is YAMM. Tannin wrote Mod Organizer Plugin to install mods from csv file. But it wanted to download mods from Nexus and there could be issues... So we could have some kind of mirror where the mods would be synchronized to latest version with Nexus, provided that certain mod authors agreed to it. Then some supersmart database with all the mods dependencies, conflicts, load orders and other stuff would have to exist and some Mod Organizer plugin to handle the installation. Perhaps some mods can be merged as one and the installers could be installed with preselected options, for example in cases we are sure that mod A is not going to be installed so the installer would uncheck combality patches for mod A. My goal is not make the script usable by everyone and especially the whole modding process should not be a one click thing, but it could be somehow simplified, right?
  4. Why not use the other main file Reduced Distance NPC Greetings?
  5. It still says Core: true in ModSection_D.
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