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Everything posted by aragonit

  1. iConsoleSizeScreenPercent isn't added to skyrim.ini if changed. Neither is the text size. I would also like an option to set the console buffer. [Menu] iConsoleHistoryCharBufferSize=32768 iConsoleSizeScreenPercent=41 iConsoleTextSize=40 I added this manually to Skyrim.ini, to counteract the tiny text in the console for my 4k screen.
  2. [Window Title] DynDOLOD [Main Instruction] Skipped Load: Duplicate FormID [0C03E359] in file [F1] Hammets Dungeons and Patches.esp. [Content] These errors need to be fixed. Ignore wrong advice to temporarily disable plugins. Click on this link for additional explanations and help for this message For qualified help and advice or to report a problem make a post on the official DynDOLOD support forum. [Exit DynDOLOD] [Footer] Online Help | Support Forum | Copy message to clipboard I loaded my whole modlist into sseedit, and there is NO FormID 0C03E359 The file "Hammets Dungeons and Patches.esp" is a merge file created with zEdit. Apart from renumbering the form IDs (with xEdit, which actually works), how can I fix this weird error?
  3. When I'm trying to enter Avanchnzel I get a CTD. Unhandled native exception occurred at 0x7FF7C10CB3F9 (SkyrimSE.exe+9FB3F9) on thread 84416! FrameworkName: NetScriptFramework FrameworkVersion: 15 FrameworkArchitecture: x64 GameLibrary: SkyrimSE GameLibraryVersion: 18 ApplicationName: SkyrimSE.exe ApplicationVersion: VersionInfo: Successfully loaded Time: 23 Mar 2024 21:14:24.307 Possible relevant objects (5) { [ 6] TESObjectSTAT(FormId: 291FBE52, File: `Dwarfsphere.esp`) [ 6] TESObjectREFR(FormId: 29247F34, File: `DynDOLOD.esp <- Dwarfsphere.esp`, BaseForm: TESObjectSTAT(FormId: 291FBE52, File: `Dwarfsphere.esp`)) [ 307] BSFadeNode(Name: `DweSphereCenturionPort01`) [ 409] Script(FormId: FF03FB63) [ 414] TESObjectCELL(Name: AvanchnzelExterior03, FormId: 000098E9, File: `Occlusion.esp <- DynDOLOD.esp <- DwarfsphereImprovedPatch.esp <- Lux Via - plugin.esp <- DynDOLOD.esm <- Lux Via.esp <- Dwarfsphere.esp <- MajesticMountains_Moss.esp <- Treescale.esm <- Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp <- Update.esm <- Skyrim.esm`) } So I disabled DynDolod.esp and Occlusion.esp, started the game (I saved before trying to enter) and everything is working perfectly fine. The crashlog is uploaded. Crash_2024_3_23_21-14-24.txt
  4. DynDOLOD 105 uses 53GB of space and after filling up all of it, aborts with an empty error. Normally the DynDOLOD Output was in the range of 16GB
  5. This is brilliant! It still works. The only strangeness I noticed: After running the script once, I delete all marked entries, but STILL there is something left. This "modified" script should be part of the main distribution of xEdit.
  6. Generally using Wrye Bash to create "Dummy Masters" is the best option.
  7. Running DynDOLOD 3.0 Alpha-101 x64 I'm getting this error on a mod where previously no problems occurred: I checked the mod for errors with xEdit but it's all clean. -> reinstalling the mod fixed the problem. Or was it enabling WorkaroundLargeReferencesBugs=1 ...
  8. Record [REFR:01000806] in file Update.esm is being overridden by record [KYWD:01000806] in file DragonbornShoutPerks.esp. There is no such record KYWD:01000806 in the DragonbornShoutPerks.esp
  9. it was this: Error in DBM_ArtifactsofBoethiah_Patch.esp DBM_CheatCrateAOB "Artifacts of Boethiah Items" [CONT:FE1A2829] for the crashes... I'm sure there was some memory address, but I don't remember it. Are you playing from an SSD or HDD? Do you have an autosave manager mod? Which timescale are you playing at? Is the stutter at a certain time of day (ingame)? Inside or outside of a building?
  10. Error in DBM_ArtifactsofBoethiah_Patch.esp DBM_CheatCrateAOB "Artifacts of Boethiah Items" [CONT:FE1A2829] The patch from last year didn't have this error. I reported it to the dev team of the LOTD patches. But this didn't cause a crash. Did you try reinstalling .NET? and of course, restarting your PC? You are using seasons mods of some kind? Try removing them, they may be causing the problem
  11. Thank you so much for all the error checking in DynDOLOD. It felt like a real PITA at first, but I found 3 broken files (which were fixed by reinstalling) and a genuine bug in one of the DBM_* patches. When DynDOLOD crashes, it was everytime the fault of a faulty mod (or actually one that wasn't installed completely). It may be a good idea to tell users in the error message to try reinstalling the offending mod.
  12. I have only one line with a crc for that file in the whole log: [00:14] Background Loader: [Point The Way.esp] File loaded (CRC32:CE0124EF) I can't find any old log files. Only the newest are kept.
  13. I reinstalled the mod and the error was resolved. Very strange indeed.
  14. I'm getting following error: [Window Title] DynDOLOD [Main Instruction] Record [GMST:0100083E] in file Update.esm is being overridden by record [REFR:0100083E] in file Point The Way.esp. There is nothing in "Point The Way.esp" referring to that ID. I checked it in xEdit, the only 2 files are Update.esm and Dawnstar.
  15. I'm trying to update DynDOLOD because I added a mod. It is activated, but still I get following error: [Window Title] DynDOLOD [Main Instruction] DynDOLOD.esp already exists. [Content] Either activate it for updating or remove it to generate from scratch. [Exit DynDOLOD] [Footer] Online Manual | Support Forum | Copy message to clipboard
  16. After running the patcher for 1.5 hours, suddenly an error about a patch was shown. Now I have to start from scratch. Would it be possible to save the state and begin again from the point where the error occured?
  17. I took another approach. I added the executables and extension nif and dds to the exceptions in Windows Defender, and it worked perfectly.
  18. I am creating the DynDOLOD files from scratch after big changes in my mod list. Using TexGen 3.0 I get the error: Can not copy resource textures\architecture\farmhouse\farmhouse01_n.dds to D:\Skyrim Tools\DynDOLOD\TexGen_Output\DynDOLOD-temp\textures\architecture\farmhouse\farmhouse01_n.dds: The file is NOT missing, but I have no idea why it can't be found. Edit: Solved the problem by adding both executables and nif and dds extensions to the exclude list of Windows Defender.
  19. I tried to update the plugins... and got following error message: [Window Title] DynDOLOD [Main Instruction] Error: Duplicate editor ID DynDOLOD_HolyCow in DynDOLOD.esm DynDOLOD_HolyCow [STAT:28000920] and DynDOLOD.esp DynDOLOD_HolyCow [STAT:F4000920] [Exit DynDOLOD]
  20. The use of the <kbd> tag in the descriptions prevents copying vital information. Like the one for Trees and Flora Mergedwhere I am supposed to rename files to something and have to remember to type DynDOLOD_SSE_Trees and Flora Mergedesp.ini from a barely readable button.
  21. The Elder Scrolls V Rewritten - Arvak SE should be Dawnguard Rewritten - Arvak because that's the name of the mod in the Fomod and installed directory
  22. <sigh> you decided to pull the previous version, and I was just about finished installing it. Well. You pulled Claralux and replaced it with Medieval Lanterns, that's cool, but you need to remove "Blowing in the Wind" as well, because Medieval Lanterns is not compatible with it. It has the same functionality inbuilt.
  23. I just discovered that you add "Dynamic Firewood Stacks" Please look at these: Dynamic Things - Woodpiles and Barrels and More Oh My patch with Dynamic Things - Enhanced which includes the woodpile functionality, but also adds a LOT of logical changes, like harvestable mammoth tusks, filled crates and lots of other cool things. Turn useless "statics" in Skyrim into something useful! Turn woodpiles, barrels, crates and hay bales into containers with appropriate contents. Drink or bottle mead, water, skooma or blood from mead barrels with spigots. Gain experience from training dummies and archery targets. And much more . . .Or go one step further and add this as well: Harvest Anything Wonder why you can harvest all common plants but you can't search bushes, ferns and other uncommon plants? Wonder no more. Harvest for alchemical ingredients all plants such as pines, bushes, ferns, etc
  24. May I introduce you to https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5077 instead of the boring rustic potions? ----- No snow under the roof - Bug fixes v1.4 is misnamed as No Snow Under the roof - Hall of the Vigilant fix
  25. Your link for the ENB is wrong. There is no such page http://enbdev.com/mod_tesskyrimse_v0412.htm Give this link http://enbdev.com/download_mod_tesskyrimse.htm and advise to use the newest version.
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