Hi, I just installed 1.46 on a relatively new game and had an odd occurrence. Normally at some point after visiting the Graybeards you get confronted by two cultists from the Dragonborn DLC. They demand to know who you are, then attack you after a speech. (It is a scripted event) This has happened in two recent games, no problem (both games had DynDOLOD 1.45 installed). This time, shortly after installing 1.46, I was approaching a town (Shors Stone), and I heard fighting. Trotted up to the town, and the cultists were being killed by the guards-by the time I got there they were dead. Now, this is probably just a vanilla bug. But I was just wondering if this was a by-product of that uGrids issue, where if you set your uGrids higher than vanilla, things happen before you actually get there, because you have triggered a cell too early. I have never changed my uGrids. But doesn't DynDOLOD do something internally about uGrids during setup? Or is this just total coincidence? I will go back to the pre-DynDOLOD installation point to see if it triggers normally (although again, could just be a random vanilla bug.) Just wanted to mention it in case anyone else experiences it.