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Everything posted by Oneye

  1. Hey Kesta, will you be using NMM or MO2 for your updated guide.
  2. Yes i did have Spice of Life - Fences installed and i removed it together with the merge i made for SRLE ext.... and still have crash, i think i have to do a complete reinstall of SRLE ext, as i have been at this for the whole weekend and its driving me nuts.
  3. My form id only goes to DD, so the one with EEA8B i cant locate that one, is there anywhere else to look?
  4. The one with form id 0x4E004362 is from Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp, i am unable to find the other one.
  5. The error that comes up is "Skyrim has crashed because an object with form id 0xEEA8B base, form id 0x4E004362, and type 0x22 failed due to corrupy file etc"
  6. I Have a problem on the road from Solitude to Dragons Bridge where i get a CTD, I then remove DynDolod esp and dont get CTD, i have done this with a new game and same result, where do i start with troubleshooting
  7. I did remove them, but reinstalled them,I will redo dyndolod after i install a fresh SIC, heres hoping!
  8. Started new game, same error same spot, currently downloading SIC.
  9. Yes its the same record, this is a new game, but will try another new one as i have only played 20mins or so.
  10. Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp
  11. Yes.. if i knew the esp, i could troubleshoot it, but unfortunately i have no idea, as i have removed the landscape mods that i think are for that area
  12. What areas or mods do the form IDs represent, if that is possible
  13. Yes when i travel down that road the same error comes up
  14. I Have a CTD on the road from Solitude to DragonBridge with this error:Skyrim crash because an object with form id 0xEEA8B, base form id 0x4E004362 and type 0x22 failed etc anyone know what i need to do?
  15. How do i install Olympus ENB in MO2? has anyone got any tips?
  16. I have disabled all said mods and still no resolution, i guess i am so used to vanilla style combat, that the new combat mods are, well.. new to me, something i will need to get use to.
  17. I THINK i have found the problem, the running fast and going past my opponent stops when i sheath my sword which mod would that be?
  18. Killshot animations make the game unplayable.. therefore i need to stop them, to continue playing.......
  19. How do i kill the killshot animations?
  20. I have just finished installing SRLE Extended and im at level 2, so this is a long-shot, does anyone know why when i enter combat i am running so fast i cannot fight properly and run out of stamina really quickly, i have looked at Vigor and Violens as likely culprits but cannot turn it off, any suggestions
  21. Thanks Kesta, i have tried the beta from a few days ago, but it has not worked. I will wait for the mods and utilities to mature and get back to it later. I always have SRLE Ext to play with!
  22. Anyone having launch problems with F4SE?....... as mine refuses to to launch, i have reinstalled F4SE 5 times, reinstalled game twice, disabled all mods, i can launch only through FO4Launcher and a miss out on F4SE dependant mods is there a workaround?
  23. ​Ummmm....... I have now placed the esps at the bottom of my load order and it works :confused: Thanks ​
  24. I have installed all 4 files and the icons move around under the map, it also is like I am looking at it from 2cm away
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