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  1. I am, but, I failed to notice the updated argument for xLODGen in the 3.0b guide. I had just finished 2.0b a few days before 3.0b was released and was just updating my mod list from the changelog. Just finished it, by the way. The lighting is MUCH better!
  2. Ahh, thanks! In S.T.E.P 2.0b the argument for it is just -lodgen -sse Hopefully there isn't much else i missed. Ill have to recheck all the tool setups
  3. Ok, so Im going through and redoing step 5 in the guide to replace everything I did in 2.0b. Under xLODGen it says... isit the STEP Forum and download the SSE-Terrain-Tamriel.esm file. Place the file in the Overwrite folder in MO. If the Overwrite folder isn't empty, it should be. Remove or delete all files/folders besides the file downloaded above. Ensure the new plugin is active in the plugin list (checked). Ensure the Cathedral Landscapes - LODGen Textures and Majestic Mountains - LOD Pack mods from the Foundation mod group are active (checked). Sort with LOOT. in reference to item #3...what plugin are we talking about? *Edit* Oh, I thionk i got it...the plugins Tab on the right side of the MO window... After running "Terrain LOD Generation" the first step in "Wrap up" is 1. Navigate to the xLODGen output folder (e.g. ..Modding\Tools\xLODGen\xLODGen_Output\). xLODGen_Output folder doesnt exist in my xLODGen directory...
  4. Ok, I followed the changelog and added all the new mods and removed/uninstalled all "replaced/dropped" mods. I finished, ran LOOT and I have an error DynDOLOD.esp -This plugin requires "ELE_SSE.esp" to be installed, but its missing. So I must have missed something. Do I need to reinstall DynDOLOD? Im pretty sure the instructions between 2.0b and 3.0b for installing are the same. Also, I just noticed I have some files in my overwrite folder... SKSE>Plugins>Fuz Ro D'oh.ini and SkyrimUncapper.ini. Im not sure why they are there, when I finished the 2.0b guide I emptied the folder.
  5. Starting a new game is fine, but will I need to uninstall everything and start from a Vanilla Skyrim or can I adjust my mod list with out causing issues?
  6. Hi! Its me again... I literally just finished installing and setting up 2.0b two days ago and now I see 3.0b is up! lol! Anyway, some things I noticed right out of the gate with 2.0... The cave in the beginning, under Helgen Keep, is SUPER dark...my screen is pitch black in some spots. Its also prety damn dark in some of the houses Ive entered so far Is there a fix/new mod for this in 3.0b? There is no "Quit" option in the save/load menu in game, I have to bring up the task manager to close Skyrim. Some of the animations are a bit weird. Lucian, I think, in the Riverwood trader leans on his counter but misses. So, it looks like hes leaning in mid air. In order to load the game I had to add SKSE to the executables menu in MO2. Using the skse64_loader.exe in the main folder didnt work. So, does anyone have any fixes for any of the above? Should I just upgrade to the next version of S.T.E.P? Do I have to start from scratch to upgrade?
  7. I've just finished installing patches and am about to move to step 5 of the guide. I've run LOOT and it says i have 6 dirty files. Lanterns of Skyrim II Farm House Chimneys Audio Overhaul Skyrim Smooth Shores Imp_Helm_legend Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul I run xEdit, double click one of the dirty files and let xEdit do its thing. I close the program, re open it and move to the next dirty file. When I go back to LOOT it still says the same files are dirty and need to be cleaned. Am I doing something wrong? Why does LOOT still say they need to be cleaned? **EDIT** Figured it out... I was using xEdit in MO not the Quick Auto Clean that was set up at the beginning of the guide...smh
  8. The S.T.E.P guide 0.2.0b says "Download and install the (Part 1) Engine Fixes 4.11 for SSE 1.5.97 - skse64 plugin Main File in MO." When I go to the nexus page for the fix the main file part 1 is for For Skyrim >= 1.5.39. If i scroll down to Old files I find a (Part 1) Engine fix for 1.5.97 but its listed as v4.13 not 4.11. So my question is which part 1 file do I install? The current Main file or the old file from 17 Jan 2020? Thanks Dave
  9. I have the original version of Skyrim with all the DLC and, apparently, Skyrim SE. I only found out I had SE once I built my new computer and re-installed steam. I wonder if I got it when I bought the DLC? I'm wondering what the general consensus is regarding the two versions and S.T.E.P. Is it better to use one over the other? From what i've researched, SE is 64 bit, more stable but has less MOD options. Original recipe is 32 bit, not as stable but more modding options. Im not sure which to go for with a S.T.E.P install. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Thanks again, Greg, I appreciate it! I wasn't sure if it was meant that way or not. I'm glad I'm using MO and can ignore that note.
  11. Ahh, I see how I missed it, my cleaned Update.esm was in the data directory. I skipped the First case instructions.
  12. Ok, Ive got a question regarding the "Detailed Instructions" page. There is a notice at the very bottom "People using Wrye Bash to manage their mods will need to do the following: After installing the mod, the executables ("GenerateFNISforUsers.exe" & "hkxcmd.exe") will not have been installed. Either copy them over manually to the relative path corresponding to the installer package or simply manually copy the "Data" directory within the package into skyrim/ and overwrite all files. This ensures that Wrye Bash can manage the installation of all conflicting meshes." I'm unclear as to what exactly this means. What is "the relative path corresponding to the installer package?" Do I need to add these files to the FNIS Output patch I made?
  13. Thank you, I appreciate the reply! I dont know if I missed it, maybe I did but, is this addressed at all in the S.T.E.P guide? That when you run TES5Edit you need to check the Overwrite folder and take care of it at the time rather than wait until the end? Again, many thanks! Dave
  14. So I made my way through the S.T.E.P 2.10.0 guide, I chose the extended path, and created my Bashed patch. I followed all the steps, added the LOOT meta rules where I needed to, cleaned what the guide told me to with TES5Edit. Now, after I have created my Bashed patch I see there are extra files in the "Overwrite" folder. What do I do with them? Thanks in advance! Dave
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