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Everything posted by Darth_mathias

  1. i've recently add seasons of skyrim ENB to this it looks awesome remove climates of tamerial as i'm not sure if these 2 are compaible i've. also got 2x GTX670 4gb and running at the lowest 45FPS.
  2. thanks i already thought about that and have got it working
  3. Hi just finsihed the fear and Fear and Loathing guide and on to the bashed patch section. when i load up Wyre Bash Flash in MO the Bash patch.esp is not found so i cannot rebuild or create the batch patch can anyone help.
  4. hi i was wondering if anyone knows if there is a plan for the skyrim uncapper to be compatible with Perma?
  5. i might consider perkus maxiimus in few months time when the teethning issue are done current i am doing a SR:LE with Reqiuem and really enjoying the diffent playstyle i normally use Skyre so I have been keeping an eye out of Perkus maximus to be released.
  6. MDX NoPoisonDialogs is that not already part of the steps patches if so don't need that. also you might want to eventually do a wiki page as you have quite a nice mod setup I will be using most of these for my next run through but i'm planning on using requiem this time.
  7. thanks for all this info
  8. little question is the mods you listed "load order" or installing order as i might give this go for a laugh.
  9. Neo this many have already been asked but i was wondering why you don't use the immersive weapons mod.
  10. tecxx I have been informed that alot of the patches on the patch central page are not upto date with the latest verison 1.8.1 so i suggest usid the 1.73 version until then.
  11. i've had that a few times during the test phase for me it was cos v-sync was set to false insead of true in the localenb.ini file which you need if you use and enb or even enboost
  12. thanks Smile44 i decided to go with Requiem as i've played with Skyre before and never used Requiem. I know the there is a update to Skyre in the works but my guess is that is some way off yet.
  13. ok now i sure i'm stable i'm debating between either Skyre or Requiem any suggestions
  14. Hi i have a issue i've installed requiem and running the reproccer but is crashes and says i'm missing the unoffical skyrim patch but i have all unoffical patches installed in MO. i've ran loot no issues i've ran the TES5Edit and it loads correctly. but everytime i run the reproccer is crash and say miss masters. don't worry think i found the issue Unoffical patches were updated last night
  15. Heliadhel applied the changes you suggested the ran the open cinematic test again max FPS = 60 Average = 31 so real diffence in frames per second
  16. yes the enb is enabled i am using the vanilla colour version of Vividian enb just ran the same test and without the enb i'm getting: Max FPS= 60 Average FPS = 53 So in conclusion the enb gives my sysytem a massive performance reducion. with enboost enable without ENB active Max FPS= 60 Average FPS = 50 not complain i just find it all interesting what these mods are doing to my system.
  17. well all mods or installed at the moment i am give serious thiugh to removing verts flora overhaul and maybe changing texture sizes from 2k to 1k in places
  18. interesting i have a Asus GTX 670 4GB intel i5-4670K@ 4.0GHz the test going through helgen open cinematic upto the point were you get off the cart what you guys think? Average FPS = 33
  19. Heliadhel you should do your own Confilct Resloution as it will help when you decided to add additional mods to your setup (which you will want to do at some point) plus it a great way to learn TES5Edit.
  20. I have a Asus gtx 670 4gb verion i have also narrowed the issue down to the vanillia colour version of vividian enb the vivid version works ok but i don't like i think it is to saturated so i will have to look for a diffent enb or just not bother. plus i have recenly updated grphics drivers so there must be a clash. i have just back dated my grpahics driver and that has sorted my issue
  21. thanks for the advise i am currently using skyrim revisited so i was wondering if anyone else has come across this issue the game works fine without the enb so it must be that or maybe an issue with the latest nvidia drivers
  22. can someone please explain why Vividian enb is doing this everything is set up per instrustions.
  23. if you haven't tried it already it might be worth taking looking at Immersive fallen tress https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55699/? for inculsion with with Skyrim Revisited Legendary Edition
  24. i have fixed my Issue, I didn't delete the localenb.ini file from the installed files thus i had 2 localenb.ini files and I also hadn't changed the localenb.ini system created file in section 3.7 to read ProxyLibrary=d3d9_smaa.dll.
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