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Everything posted by Asyrin

  1. I still prefer it. I love the vivid look of tetrachromatic which accomplishes its goals without looking oversaturated in my opinion. I'm a huge fan of Mangaclub but Vivid Weathers also isn't my thing.
  2. Ordinator is very strictly balanced around normal perk gain. Enai has even been quoted as saying using the uncapper is cheating. When I play with Ordinator, the only thing I change is leveling speed...which I make slower. I leave everything else vanilla and it works great.
  3. Is how easy it is to modify. Even though it's a big, complex pack every step appears to have been taken to tweak it to individual preference. Everything from listing mod dependencies to a detailed breakdown of CR patches is top notch. That's going the extra 15 miles. Thanks!
  4. Actually, I just did it and it wasn't too bad. Vivid weathers had no dependancies. ELFX just required removing the specific non-merged patches, altering the SRLE conflict resolution (which was easy because they give you a step by step guide on how they build it) and altering the SRLE Snazzy furniture merged patch. I honestly MUCH prefer the base tetrachromatic (subjective). I'll post screen shots :D
  5. Well, I finished and tested my full install of SRLE: Extended and it's as stable as a rock. Now to try to remove ELFX and Vivid Weather to use Tetrachromatic ENB instead of Vividian. Anyone have any tips?
  6. That was it. At least I wasn't the first one. Thank you!
  7. I can't for the life of me figure out how I'm breaking this. I've installed DDSopt from the Step Wiki and am attempting to optimize Falskaar. When I do so I point the output to mod organizer/mods/Falskaar/optimized When I follow the instructions and process DDSopt tries to make a billion nested "optimized" folders.
  8. Awesome, thanks!
  9. I'm following SR:LE for the first time. Should we extract all BSAs via mod organizer? Only some BSAs? I did a quick find and searched and I can't really find in the guide where it tells you to or not. Thanks in advance!
  10. Good Afternoon Community! I'm an experienced Skyrim Modder looking to finally check out NV while I wait for the GECK to be released for FO4. This is by far the most detailed and active guide I've found thus far for NV. You all rock for maintaining it. It seems rather extensive...attempting to fix and improve every aspect of the game, which is awesome. Still, for those of us looking for something practical to play the whole game through I think it can be daunting. Also, if my many years modding Skyrim have taught me anything it's to prioritize what you really want :) In this vein, is there a Lite version of the overhaul? Something that captures the majority of the spirit but with a far higher chance of stability through an entire playthrough? Thank you in advance for your help :)
  11. This quest mod appears to contain two DLCs, including one PLfeweritems.esp that is not directly related to the quest mod but is to balance the PL DLC.
  12. Interesting NPCs has a Winterhold Expanded patch on its page that's not listed in REGs. Do we not need it?
  13. We all use PerMa instead of TTRSO. Now if there was a Perma version of this pack to go along with your other great packs....
  14. Any chance you'd consider a patch for PerMa and Morrowloot? It doesn't seem like anyone has made one yet...
  15. I just wanted to stop in and say thank you, Dreadflop. I've used your packs in the past and they clearly involve a lot of thought and testing. You've personally made my Skyrim much more enjoyable. It's good to see you working on this again.
  16. Any advice on making SPERG work with CCOR? Posts at both mods list problems with the mining and wood chopping scripts between the two.
  17. So, with the SkyRe main replacement to make it work with Morrowloot... Does it contain the fixes in the SkyRe main replacement found on the updated Unofficial SkyRe patch? Also, WAFR has been updated pretty extensively recently. Should we stick to the old version or are we safe with the new?
  18. Just a quick bit of feedback on this awesome pack which now forms the basis of Skyrim for me. I don't think it's possible to run full STEP Extended, Full REGS, and FULL MMO in Skyrim's engine with anything approaching stability. It's not that the mods conflict, it's that you're just asking too much of the game, regardless of how badass your pc is. A more modular approach may go a long way. I know even Garfink with God's Gift to Gaming Computers isn't running the full setup. :)
  19. Hey guys Loot is reporting a deleted Navmesh for Thedomain.esp which is provided by REGS patches... Are we okay or is there a problem? Thanks!
  20. Is it LOOT giving you those errors? I got the same. Automatic cleaning with TES5Edit shows no errors found.
  21. Hmm...which mods are flagging as needing cleaning for you?
  22. REGS is amazing. I use this with MMO and it works fantastically. A quick suggestion: Undeath has compatability issues with many mods that change spells (such as SkyRe) While this mod doesn't cover Overhauls and Gameplay enhancements, a note would be very helpful :)
  23. Garfink, is there any reason you recommend not using SUM? Does it mess up the patchers? Thanks! Will update soon. Recompiling everything takes forever. :(
  24. Quick non-critical report: Immersiveweapons.esp is duplicated in the Morrowloot Support for Immersive Weapons and the SkyRe version of the same thing. It won't cause any instability but if using SkyRe according to direction, you should skip the more general Morrowloot support for Immersive Weapons entirely.
  25. I just have to pop in here and say I've been playing my version of MMO for three days now.... And it's truly amazing. This is the most fun I've ever had in Skyrim. Thank you! I was hesitant about mixing Resplendent Racials with Aurora Doomstones with Apocalypse with SkyRe but I have to say...it's strangely quite balanced. The difficulty of the game feels perfect. It's a challenge but it honestly feels like a FAIR challenge. When I win I feel I earned it. When I lose I know where I screwed up. I would have bet good money Skyrim couldn't be this balanced. My only bump so far is the fact that Cyrodilic weapons don't appear to be reproccering. I think they're from Weapons of the Third Era....which may even be coming from SkyRe itself so that's weird....
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