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Everything posted by Asyrin

  1. Should we also use the patch or is this something covered by the REGS patches?
  2. Is the problem with amidian only related to the reproccer outputs? Can those of us not using SkyRe safely use it or should we skip aMidian for now? Going to be doing the SPERG version of the pack tonight after finally finishing and testing a full install of STEP Extended and REGS. Are there any other files we should skip for now? Thanks again, guys!
  3. Fantastic Pack and absolutely required in all my playthroughs. Quick question though: I noticed Dwemerverse was not included in the pack but the more recent Specrteverse is. Is there compatibility issues? Any other reason? Thanks again for all the hard work!
  4. I personally admire what Requiem attempts to accomplish but the mod appears coded purposely to not be compatible. (From the author - "Adding any mod to Requiem WILL break something) A lot of the scripts are just straight out messes that work passably when you don't attempt to add anything to them but are horrific when trying to add mods considered to be designed with compatability in mind such as Apocalypse. This pack offers challenge in the form of smarter and more varied enemies. Requiem has a different philosophy.
  5. Hey Garfink, I know Forgotten Magic Redone generates books and jewelry via script so it doesn't adjust or need patches. What drop chances do you use in MCM to stay true to Morrowloot's rarity?
  6. Hey Garfink, I'm a little confused here. This is from the Skyrim Rebalance Project portion: High Level Enemies - SIC Edition Description: Lets certain enemies continue to level up Author: Dalquist Optionals: None. Special Instructions: Also install Falskaar patch from the main installer if Falskaar is used Delete "High Level Enemies - SIC.esp" BOSS Masterlist Update Required: (Updating Guide) High Level Enemies - SIC.esp TOP Base LateHigh Level Enemies - SIC Falskaar.esp AFTER High Level Enemies - SIC.esp So....do we delete High Level Enemies - SIC.esp if we're using Falskaar or no?
  7. Heh, I went through installing full STEP EXTENDED specifically because I thought it was required by this pack. That's what I get for not actually looking at the patches! Ah well. At least that means if the full STEP Extended plus REGS plus Morrowloot is too much I know I can step back to STEP CORE or even just some handpicked textures. Thanks!
  8. 5 hours later, full STEP Extended installed and tested. PHEW! REGS Tomorrow night. Garfink, I know you're active and running the SkyRe side of this mod. How punishing is it compared to the SPERG or TTL option? On your computer I mean? I'm rolling with a I5 2500K with a GTX 780 ti Superclocked and 16G of RAM. I would think that running full STEP: Extended, Full REGS, and Full Morrowloot with the more complex SkyRe option would just be brutal on most systems. Do I need God's gift to gaming computers to run the SkyRe options? Are the other two less demanding on your PC? Thanks again for all your work, man.
  9. This pack together with REGS looks like exactly what I've been looking for. Is the full STEP Extended absolutely required to make it work properly or can I simply not select patches for mods I don't use. Thank you for your fantastic work finding all these and making patches!
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