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Everything posted by Asyrin
pack Dreadflopps Modular patches
Asyrin replied to dreadflopp's topic in Step Skyrim LE Packs (retired)
I had a serious issue with Duel stamina. Even when I only had MMO installed I was still getting super slow stamina regen. I've always liked SkyRe combat. It's very challenging just like duel. Plus it fits better with the perk trees. There's no question as to whether a perk taken with SkyRe will effect combat's mechanics. @thaiusmle The only things I merged were MMO patches and Realistic Nights patches. My esp count is so low because I only installed a very small portion of STEP bolstered by my own personal preference. Many parts of step extended are....just too much. I, at least, don't notice their loss. I concentrate on very good looking dungeons, forts, forests, creatures, dragons and equipment. I install almost all of the bug fixes. Also, I was selective with REGS. I shied away from the mods that needed cleaning after install. Do I know how to clean a mod? Sure. It's quick and easy. It's the fact that it's quick and easy that makes me wonder just how well the mod is coded if the author didn't bother to do so. My philosphy is that if it doesn't directly affect my gameplay and doesn't make a significant difference in how the game looks most of the time, it's not worth possible compatibility issues. My PC isn't quite as beastly as Garfink's but I am running a Superclocked 780 ti on a 4GHZ i5 2500K with 32GB of RAM and full step extended, full REGS and full MMO merged down to 251 esps just wasn't stable. While Skyrim CAN run 255 esps...I don't think it really likes to run anywhere near that. Just my opinion. Not supported by a large number of tests. Anyway, I've gotten to the point where I'm actually...you know...PLAYING and it's amazing. :) That said, I used a complete MMO setup with SkyRe (minus duel for SkyRe combat) because every mod here directly affects gameplay. -
pack Dreadflopps Modular patches
Asyrin replied to dreadflopp's topic in Step Skyrim LE Packs (retired)
Sorry, I should have been more clear. Revenge of enemies overwrites HLE hardcore's levelmult value which controls what level spawns are in relation to the player level. It's a global setting. I forwarded HLE hardcore's settings for those only. It works just fine. They are actually pretty close. HLE hardcore is just a little higher. Oh and I am using a custom REGS and STEP setup with the full MMO mod. Paired by esp count down to 157. The game is rock solid, fast and stable. No merging needed. My only complaint was DUEL. No matter what I did stamina regen both in and out of combat was way, way slow. I ended up just using SkyRe's combat. Works beautifully. Challenging on novice but not impossible. -
pack Dreadflopps Modular patches
Asyrin replied to dreadflopp's topic in Step Skyrim LE Packs (retired)
No, you're not supposed to mix overhauls. Pick TTR, SPERG, or SkyRe -
pack Dreadflopps Modular patches
Asyrin replied to dreadflopp's topic in Step Skyrim LE Packs (retired)
Hey Garfink When you said we're supposed to delete all plugins for Sharlikrans Comptaibility Plugin that adds JAYSUS swords because CCOR handles them...does that include the esm as well as the esp? Thanks! -
pack Dreadflopps Modular patches
Asyrin replied to dreadflopp's topic in Step Skyrim LE Packs (retired)
Hey Garfink! I know you use SkyRe with the system. Does Trades of War correctly add nicer ingots with Morrowloot? From SkyRe Speech Tree: Trades Of War Merchant 60 Blacksmiths sell additional, high quality ores and ingots. Buying and selling prices from blacksmiths are 25% better. -
pack Dreadflopps Modular patches
Asyrin replied to dreadflopp's topic in Step Skyrim LE Packs (retired)
Good call. That should be better. Thanks!! -
pack Dreadflopps Modular patches
Asyrin replied to dreadflopp's topic in Step Skyrim LE Packs (retired)
So there's a new, beautiful mod that allows you to manually load crossbows. Manual Crossbow Reload (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54246/) We should be alright with Morrowloot and whatnot, yes? -
pack Dreadflopps Modular patches
Asyrin replied to dreadflopp's topic in Step Skyrim LE Packs (retired)
Try rebuilding some of the combined patches in smaller chunks. -
pack Dreadflopps Modular patches
Asyrin replied to dreadflopp's topic in Step Skyrim LE Packs (retired)
Also have a quick report: Revenge of Enemies overwrites HLE Hardcore if ordered according to the pack instructions. It replaces HLE's LeveledActorMult values. -
pack Dreadflopps Modular patches
Asyrin replied to dreadflopp's topic in Step Skyrim LE Packs (retired)
I know the guide says it is, but how dependent upon STEP:Extended is MMO? Looking through I don't see too much that should be deeply dependent on STEP. I'm considering making a profile for the SKYRE version but I'd rather not try it with that massive of a loadorder. REGS, yeah. Full Extended + SkYRE + REGS....that makes me nervous! A short list of "You ABSOLUTELY must have these mods or the pack won't work!" would be amazing :) Also, what's the thought on unpacking bsa's? Good idea for load times or will your esp requirements be lower with them? -
pack Dreadflopps Modular patches
Asyrin replied to dreadflopp's topic in Step Skyrim LE Packs (retired)
I'll double check the install tonight, but I do think I am. I'll load the whole thing into TES5Edit and see if something looks suspicious. -
pack Dreadflopps Modular patches
Asyrin replied to dreadflopp's topic in Step Skyrim LE Packs (retired)
We should be fine using Eat and Sleep by kuertee (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13246) instead of iNeed, right? The followers eating idea is pretty cool but I like the widget for Eat and Sleep plus it has synergy with Professions. In a perfect world we'd also be able to use Battle Fatigue and Injuries by the same author (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13241/?) but that may be pushing the script load... -
pack Dreadflopps Modular patches
Asyrin replied to dreadflopp's topic in Step Skyrim LE Packs (retired)
Alright, I ran a few tests last night. Everything appears smooth but combat seems a bit weak. I'm using the SPERG version with Garfink's difficulty setup - including duel. I did not include the deleveled world additions. I can withstand about 4-5 power attacks at level 1 before I die to a bandit. Perhaps that's right. I'm used to playing a deleveled SkyRe. I had read, however, that combat was pretty fast with duel. Does that sound about right? You need to take out Skyforge Weapons unless you don't want to use the content addon as described in the guide. -
pack Dreadflopps Modular patches
Asyrin replied to dreadflopp's topic in Step Skyrim LE Packs (retired)
Tony is easily one of my favorite modders and one of only five that I've ever said "Yep. I should pay this guy something for this." Heh. What about the smaller modular version just for sleeping? -
pack Dreadflopps Modular patches
Asyrin replied to dreadflopp's topic in Step Skyrim LE Packs (retired)
I've played with Death Alternative in the past. It's a well designed mod. I stopped using it once I started using unique follower mods like Inigo. Death Alternative works weird when you're unwilling to let the follower you downloaded an entire mod for actually die. My solution is Autosave Manager set to Incremental Save every 15 minutes and all Autosaves off. It adds danger and meaning to fights because I'll lose a reasonable amount of time if I die. For my MMO playthrough I may try it again. I don't think I plan on using any custom follower mods so as not to mess with the STEP, REGS, MMO setup. I agree with you on iNeed over RND. My primary motivation though was the patches RND requires and the fact that diseases to me aren't immersion....just annoying. If you've never tried it, Garfink, Ultimate Deadly Encounters, Sands of Time is perhaps the best difficulty mod I've ever used. It's designed to work with OBIS but is insanely script heavy. Very well designed scripts but scripts none-the-less. Not sure the full 242 mod setup I have now could run it. Edit: You know what? I just remembered that Tony made a standalone much much lighter version of his mod that just adds encounters to when you sleep....making it dangerous to sleep in the wild or in dungeons. Together with Realistic Room Rentals, you'd have a hard choice to make: Do I spend some of my hard earned gold for safer sleep or do I chance getting jumped? Sands of Time Sleeping Encounters Standalone Module https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49307 I don't see why it shouldn't be easy to integrate into an MMO setup. -
pack Dreadflopps Modular patches
Asyrin replied to dreadflopp's topic in Step Skyrim LE Packs (retired)
Thank you, Garfink. I'll try that when I get home tonight. About 20 hours of installing and testing to get to this point! -
pack Dreadflopps Modular patches
Asyrin replied to dreadflopp's topic in Step Skyrim LE Packs (retired)
Tried without the MMO merged patches. Updated both 32 and 64 bit versions of Java. ASIS still stops at 10% adding masters. Tried Dual Sheath Redux too. Stops at the same place. I'm going to be very sad if I got all the way here, passing stress tests the entire way to only have Java keep me from playing STEP Extended, REGS, and MMO together :( -
pack Dreadflopps Modular patches
Asyrin replied to dreadflopp's topic in Step Skyrim LE Packs (retired)
Bleh. I can't get ASIS patcher to go past 10% Adding Masters. Have Dual sheath and Enchanting mods disabled. Anyone have any ideas how to kick stupid java into action with this many mods? Also, I was trying to merge all the appropriate mmo patches when I got that merge error :( Only them. -
pack Dreadflopps Modular patches
Asyrin replied to dreadflopp's topic in Step Skyrim LE Packs (retired)
Got this error on merge: Your merged file has been created successfully. It has 87 records.The following records failed to copy: ArmorCompanionsOutfitNoHelmet [OTFT:000B3E8D] from file 32 aMidianBorn_ContentAddon - Cloaks Patch.esp GRUP Top "OTFT" from file 32 aMidianBorn_ContentAddon - Cloaks Patch.es -
pack Dreadflopps Modular patches
Asyrin replied to dreadflopp's topic in Step Skyrim LE Packs (retired)
Found what I think is a typo... SPERGDescription: Sperg overhauls all skill trees and adds automatic perks. Using this is optional and it can be used with other mods skill trees. Author: seorin Optionals: None. Special Instructions: In the override folder of SPERG are optional plugins to be loaded after SPERG that reverts chosen skills to vanilla. These optional plugins are only needed if you want to revert a skill to vanilla, not if you want to override a skill from SPERG with another mods skill tree EXCEPT if you want to use melee skills from another perk mod. Load SPERG before all other perk plugins in loadorder In SPERG MCM menu: untick enable salvage BOSS Masterlist Update Required: (Updating Guide) SPERG.esp AFTER [insert name of first perk plugin in loadorder]SPERG-DG.esp AFTER SPERG.espSPERG-DB.esp AFTER SPERG-DG.espLOOT Rules: Make sure SPERG plugins are loaded before any other perk plugins You mean BEFORE, right? So SPERG is overwritten by perk plugins? -
pack Dreadflopps Modular patches
Asyrin replied to dreadflopp's topic in Step Skyrim LE Packs (retired)
When we merge aMidianborn with the content addon deleveler, should we uncheck renumber form IDs? Also, the content addon overwrites a bunch of stuff from STEP Extended: other aMidian stuff, Greatswords Sheaths and Scabbards, Closer Quivers. Should we move the install back up to where Skyforge Weapons was in MMO or keep it overwriting? -
pack A Real Explorer's Guide to Skyrim
Asyrin replied to CJ2311's topic in Step Skyrim LE Packs (retired)
No, I had this same problem and manually edited the name of the .esp. Did you find a version on the Better Fast Travel page that included the HF at the end? Can anyone recommend a good lighting mod (no enb) that's compatible with REGS? I notice in TES5EDIT that most lighting mods seem to overwrite some worldspace data for quests and locations. Does this break them? -
pack Dreadflopps Modular patches
Asyrin replied to dreadflopp's topic in Step Skyrim LE Packs (retired)
Does anyone use Dynamic Potions with MMO? I'd like a mod that makes it so health and magic potions aren't instant. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/47521/? -
pack Dreadflopps Modular patches
Asyrin replied to dreadflopp's topic in Step Skyrim LE Packs (retired)
Morrowloot 4E has a patch on their page for Heavy Armory. Would it fit well instead of Warmonger? Also, I notice we use both Reduced Gold Reward for Quests and Gold Adjustment. The second one does gems, lockpicks, and Soulgems but they both affect gold rewards...doesn't this end up with quests paying you virtually nothing? -
pack Dreadflopps Modular patches
Asyrin replied to dreadflopp's topic in Step Skyrim LE Packs (retired)
No Spinning Death Animation overwrites the custom death sequences of DCO so it'd still have to go after.