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Everything posted by Monobloc

  1. welp I just did 2d generations to fix it, no problem.
  2. I opened your dyndolod ressources/meshes/dyndolod/trees/ztrees file, changed textures, copied it into the enhanced oaks standalone folders and it's still white?
  3. No it's indeed from a mod, https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73161?tab=files file : ELOS Oaks Autumn Colours SSE i'll check that out ty sheson. Edit : do I need to regenerate after messing with the shaders ?
  4. Hi sheson, I have this issue with ultra trees : On nifskope no issues(yes I loaded the 3d mesh) and the 2d counterpart has no issues either : logs sho nothing wrong either
  5. Oh great I'll keep that in mind just in case. Okay it's the first time that happened on several generations, i'll keep an eye on it, i have around 65° on full load on my i5 2500k
  6. Ah sheson my dear sheson do I have the redo the entire dyndolod generation if a cmd crashed ? Please don't tell me I have to redo everythiiinnggg
  7. That was it in skyrimperfs.ini odd because the value doesn't appear by default. Thanks man.
  8. Hi sheson, hope you're doing well, sorry to disturb you an 90th time, i just ended SSE generation and i have these on top of whiterun tundra : https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/28/2/1531251802-enb2018-7-10-21-43-06.png points to a "tamriel_worshipper" https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/28/2/1531252235-2018-07-10-21-50-16-sseedit-3-2-2.png any clue ? Thanks.
  9. Passing through lexy to tell you how thankful I am that you made the guide for the special edition. I will install it 100% when I feel the need to come back to skyrim. Keep up the good work.
  10. Am I the only one with a lowered hood on feline grandmaster armor all the time ?
  11. uh the very first one i think it happens with cutscenes on horses. also the AI seems a bit broken in my game, they lose aggro after a few steps even if I'm fighting someone still is it normal ?
  12. Got an issue with geralt's hair during cutscenes they are stiff
  13. i'm not sure why my saves won't load, as soon as i load any of my saves the game instantly crashes.
  14. Nvm fixed by rebooting computer.
  15. I updated the guide and now my mouse won't work in game. no input detected
  16. okay my apologies, fixed the issue, it was because of something else, a record from ivarstead, because i made my own etac mix with regs, i had to delete some records from your npc retexture cr.
  17. i don't know i redownloaded everythign to make sure it works no success so far, tried to fix manually the issues aswell and nothing. :/
  18. No darkladylexy, not ILS, i'm talking about the menu, it doesn't appear, loads infinitely, it happens when there are for example an esp pointing to missing records (always had trouble with the skytest stuff with that) uhm i'll have to make some tests to see why.
  19. updated, redid the merge and my game menu load infintely. redid bashed and skyprocs, not dyndo, missing records ?
  20. yes fixed thanks, apologies, 3dnpc was after rs children patch.
  21. morrigan (3dnpc child) has mismatch face/body color.
  22. To make a hawt babe darth, what kind of question is that.
  23. uhm got a weird issue where toccata's flames spell heals back the enemies.
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