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Everything posted by kranazoli
Yes, I found some of them, but I guess I do not really feel myself smarter. :) There are severelplugins, mostly ELFX Exteriors, but nothing directly mods like "Solitude mod". I have a feeling I can live with issues like that. Not too much.
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Uploaded a video, commented at console... https://youtu.be/OsBUrzMZKM4
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"adjust the DynDOLOD accordingly (uncheck the Large Reference Fix checkbox)" That is it? I always leave that one unchecked. (If there is the so called: Large Reference Fix checkbox In-Game via DynDOLOD MCM settings there's also a chechk-box which called something like that... Also should I uncheck that? Thanks!
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As far I can remember we tried it before. The flickering occurd, as how I reached towards Solitude Tower, and at a certain point is started to flickering as well. So, this is just an issue which nothing else reported and the problem is at my side? (Honestly I do not have mods which modify Solitude. The only one, which modify espciallythat Tower is mod, which increase Windmill size. Tried it mod enabled, disabled, nothing changed. Do you mean, should I set: uLargeRefLODGridSize=11 to 5, at skyrimprefs.ini file? (and do rest at DynDOLOD process) I will try, but... Thanks! PS: "Check the end of the DynDOLOD generation log to find out which plugins are triggering the bugs." I can check the log, save to a text file, but what should I search exactly?
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Yes, I know it. There are Large reference settings both DynDOLOD Standalone, both in-game MCM. No ones can solve that issue? Just found odd, that when DynDOLOD Activated first, there was no issue. Not, when saved outside, and loaded again that save. Fllickering accourd just, when I exited to main menu, and loaded that save again. For me, it's a little bit odd, and strange.
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DynDOLOD Beta for Skyrim Special Edition and Skyrim VR 2.67 https://youtu.be/fjuwLaCtvpA Wierd flickering I always had, but found something interesting...
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Sry for the late response, I was busy nowdays... Okay, first of all I am happy I have managed to solve video issue on YT. So, as you see both version is buggy. (11 or 5) 5 is shocked me for a couple of minutes. :) I thought it's okay. So, ATM we(I) "have to" choose which version is resonable for me? Which one do you recommend.(In general game) I do not really know what uLargeRefLODGridSize is. So, if set it 5 will I miss something from the game visual? Thank You!
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I was away, sry! Just now saw the new version. I'll try. But, you know xLODGEN it's not 15 minutes, or maybe I'll try just Tamriel... Later, I will give feedback. (After work, and others) But, really thanks for your support Sheson!
Just now started again with v43 and yet I have meshes folders. It it will okay, it's enough for me.
Second turn is still working, ATM just textures folder was made. I'll check it. I get the 1st one. It's full of that kind of message: "[16:24] [MarkarthWorld] Running "E:\SSE Steam - Tools\xLODGen\Edit Scripts\LODGenx64.exe" "E:\SSE Steam - Tools\xLODGen\Edit Scripts\LODGen_Terrain_MarkarthWorld.txt" [16:24] <Error: Could not execute "E:\SSE Steam - Tools\xLODGen\Edit Scripts\LODGenx64.exe" "E:\SSE Steam - Tools\xLODGen\Edit Scripts\LODGen_Terrain_MarkarthWorld.txt"> [16:24] [MarkarthWorld] Terrain LOD meshes generation error: System Error. Code: 2. A rendszer nem talᬪa a megadott f᪬t" Indeed. LODGenx64.exe?! I have: xLODGen.exe xLODGenx64.exe But, not LODGenx64. Finished. The same. Just textures. Now, I'll try rename the EXE file. No. My mother! I saw wrong folder... "E:\SSE Steam - Tools\xLODGen\Edit Scripts\LODGenx64.exe" Yes, it is there... "LODGen_Terrain_MarkarthWorld.txt" Also. Maybe an issue, with MO2 newest Alpha version?! (I'll check with 43)
Hi, After 1st run, with 44 I after xLODGEN finished, I didn't have meshes folder, just textures. Now, I am doing a 2nd turn. With 43 I didn't have issue like that. Is the issue at my side?! Strange... Thank You!
But, the only info I found how to turn it off was: "the most left position (5) turns it off. The equivalent setting is in SkyrimPrefs.ini [General] uLargeRefLODGridSize=number of cells" My 2nd video show, what's happen if I set it. Far distant is OK, but when I reach the point where with 11 issue has gone away, with 5 the issue is again flickering. Less "ugly", but didn't solve that bug. I do not really know which plugin trigger that issue. I got to used, that the name of the game is Skyrim, developed by Bugthesda. Most of the time, I am not at Solitude, so I leave that bug, as well, with others. (for instance water issues) But, really thanks of your effort!
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I read the manual, but I do not really found any solution of that Large Refernce bug. That meant, there's no solution issue like that? We have to live, that game is Skyrim?
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I admit, I am not really used to upload videos. I just didn't wanted to make it public. I changed them private. I'll look what can I do... Thanks, I'll search for that large reference bugs. I changed private mode to not public. Now, are videos available? (I do not want to be YouTuber) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IluoZE9jpog&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9NR1NVs8pQ&feature=youtu.be
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Done it. Firstly it looked solved that issue. But... Interesting and strange. I do not have issue like that just that point. I made a video with uLargeRefLODGridSize=11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IluoZE9jpog&feature=youtu.be And later with uLargeRefLODGridSize=5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9NR1NVs8pQ&feature=youtu.be I do not understand. :/
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I have set it to: uLargeRefLODGridSize=11 So, set a lower value?! Okay, I'll try... (I use ULTRA settings)
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Hi, Whatever I change when generating DynDOLOD (medium; high) + TexGen, of course. At Solitude harbour, the main Solitude tower always flickering for me, till I reach a relatively closer look: ATM, I have no idea why? And, how can solve it? Thanks!
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I am a real GENIUS, I thought it right. The CTD is releated to NSUTR + DynDOLOD together. 100% I can solve it. Thank you for your cooperation. (No sense to live without sarcasm and neurons) Watch the (our) video at my signature! (...from love...)
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sheson, on 17 Apr 2019 - 3:56 PM, said: There is to post all that superfluous information about unrelated problems from the past you had with mods. Stick to the problem and information at hand. It seems there is a problem with the load order. That issue might cause CTD. Read the DynDOLOD FAQ entry about CTD. It points to the readme with hints how to troubleshoot missing or invalid NIFs. Sheson, It can't be! Before that also got something like that info, and found out the issue is with MM, and later DynDOLOD (missing Dragonreach top) Again: It can't be load order issue, cause without DynDOLOD everything works fine. Load order does not change, after I generate DynDOLOD. (just the DynDOLOD files) Everything else works fine, I can fast travel anywhere, no CTD at all. Nothing. I can run for hours at Winterhold Restored installed, BUT just without DynDOLOD. Beleive me, I know, what could cause CTD. ATM, 99% sure it is DnyDOLOD. (before that also DynDOLOD waas the guilty one, not load order, or anything else.) It is also can't be NIF issue. Got it Sheson: Without DynDOLOD no issue at all. The NIF files are there! I generated a new DynDOLOD, but just for Tamriel, without xLODGEN, just TexGen and DynDOLOD. Nothing else. Please, answer that question: How could it be, that without DynDOLOD I have no issue at all? No CTD; No Load order issue; NIF files is there (and SSE AssestOptimized), etc...How could it be, that without DynDOLOD I have zero issue?! Something logic answer? I read the manual. So, I do not post anything, at all?! For me it is obvious my CTD is because of DynDOLOD. I thought this is the DynDOLOD support topic. I have some idea, that maybe No Snow Under The Roof. DynDOLOD_SSE_log http://pasted.co/85e5e848 TexGen_SSE_log http://pasted.co/2bc311f5 LODGen_SSE_Tamriel_log http://pasted.co/259cf3be Again, the only thing I can say, and repeat myself: MEA CULPA; MEA CULPA; MEA CULPA
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Hi Sheson, It looks like, I also have almost the exact same issue with Winterhold Restored after generated DynDOLOD. :/ That issue in the meantime solved, cause mod author updated Winterhold Restored to 2.1, and found out the issue was cause Majestic Mountain also updated to 2.2 After that, that CTD issue has gone away totally. In the meantime, we had a new issue with DynDOLOD, when Dragonsreach top was missing. And you fixed it, with the 2.58 version of DynDOLOD. ATM, with DynDOLOD 2.59 I have that issue: 1.) I can fast travel to Winterhold, but not to the College of Winterhold. (CTD) 2.) % to another part of Winterhold Restored (stable, or the part of the valley (near the ocean), or to the church, and I can step to the inn at Winterhold. 3.) When I go out from the Inn, and starting to move, approach where Faralda is stand, I got a sudden CTD again. :/ Rumble! BUT! Without DynDOLOD, just use Winterhold Restored 2.1 (BSA or Loose version) does not matter no issue at all. So, the mos is fine. And also I have such mod, which releated to that issue. (for instance a broken NIF file, or something like that) The issue is 99% again with DynDOLOD. I will generate DynDOLOD again, but just for Tamriel Worldspace, and I guess I again will ask yoursupoort what's going on. (bugreport, log files, etc...) Thank You in advance! I really hope, you can find out what's going on...
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Okay, Thank You Sheson. I posted at the mod topic, but I guess it is an abandondedmod. (but minor issue) So, Thanks!
Hi, If I find something like that: Could it be because, when I generated xLODGEN this mod wasn't active? So, with xLODGEN again, maybe can fix issue like that? (or not, this is a mod issue) That's an old mod: Heljarchen Hall Mine and Farm https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/275?tab=posts&BH=5 Thank You!
Hi Sheson, If I add that kind of mods at current my modlist, which weren't in when I run DynDOLOD, do I enough to: 1.) re-run DynDOLOD 2.) maybe TexGen I hope I can't run xLODGEN(?!) Heljarchen Farm - Skyrim Special Edition (Revamped) 1.47Windstad Mine - Skyrim Special Edition Thank You!
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I had a question, maybe you skipped: But, in cases like that, would be nice, if we could download previous version of DynDOLODs. I won't delete any version, anymore. Why? Because, I already generated a whole process, with previous, and if it works, 90% the issue is with the actual version. Is there any site, from where we could download earlier versions of DynDOLOD?
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"in your case the message log reported a different plugin name" Ok, I see! For me 2.59 fixed Dragonreach issue. I told at first time, something wrong with the 2.58. :/ Never mind! It is works! Thank You! But, in cases like that, would be nice, if we could download previusversion of DynDOLODs. I won't delete any version, anymore. Why? Because, I already generated a whole process, with prvious, and if it works, 90% the issue is with the actual version. Everybody just waiting for the others... The Winterhold Restored issue is reletad to MM v2.2 (also I thought about it) "Mannenyuki I've tested DynDOLOD, Winterhold Restored and Majestic Mountains for several hours. I've regenerated LODs at least 8 times now with various combinations of the mods enabled, disabled, and with different load orders. I can confirm that DynDOLOD isn't at fault here or my mod, the source of the issue seems to be new update of Majestic Mountains version 2.2 that was uploaded this week, I'm not sure what the specific issue is though. Yes it could be the snow shaders but it's far more likely that it's the new meshes in that recent update. Here's the easiest thing that you can do on your end: Revert to the 1.84 version of that mod (that was uploaded 2 weeks ago) - that is the last version of Majestic Mountains that I can confirm is working fine. This is really odd though and curious, so I'll dig through the recent update of Majestic Mountains over the next few days. It's not enough to "fix" the issue from my end - this could be impacting other mods too and "might" (please don't quote me on this yet) be affecting vanilla and DLC areas as well. Edit: Turns out it might not take me days to figure out. I believe that I figured out what's happening in the new Majestic Mountains update. I've already contacted the author. I will say this though to anyone else who reads this message, please don't "hate" on the author, modding can be stressful (speaking from experience here) and the author has a lot going on." Maybe somonewill need thi info, and maybe for you Sheson. ATM, I put away that mod, waiting for fixes, cause I do not want to revert back to the old MM version. Thank You Sheson!
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