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Everything posted by minos55

  1. I am having the same problem with the same record probably Exception smashing record: [COBJ:4F02393D] : Access violation at address 008874C6 in module 'MatorSmash.exe'. Read of address 00000000 Exception smashing record: [COBJ:4F02393E] : Access violation at address 008874C6 in module 'MatorSmash.exe'. Read of address 00000000 Exception smashing record: [COBJ:4F02393F] : Access violation at address 008874C6 in module 'MatorSmash.exe'. Read of address 00000000 Rerun smash alot of times always the same 3 records
  2. For anyone that has problem with wrye bash, Lexy did it again :D all you have to do is make an empty folder called docs in skyrim data folder:D
  3. For some reason I have problems with wrye bash program, evrytime I try to rebuild the patch, the programs freezes on saving the patch, anyone know how to fix that?
  4. Looks like a reinstall fied that, although i can't really select the bsa to extract i can only select the mod in arhives and extract. Do i have to setup something to be able to select the bsa seperetly? Like it is written in the instructions. The BSA will now extract. Repeat the above steps for all the BSA's included in this mod.
  5. ok that is weird, found out what was causing me ctd when entering dragonreach, it was WICO, any idea why? I followed the instructions by the letter
  6. for some reason i keep ctd when trying to enter dragonsreach, disabled all esp, only option meshes left probably right? or is there a script that coul cause that
  7. Maybe just a tiny sugestion, i know keeping up with the conflict resolution isn't easy, but maybe when you update the conflict resolution you can write in the change log just what section was updated? like if you change let's say something with npc, you just write changed npc section of the conflic resolution, usally I go through the whole one, to add the changes, so i can be up to date, before i start playing, Just maybe for people that don't add evrything on the list. I for example have to remove from each version of conflict resolution some mods i don't use, but then go through the whole patch to check what else changed.
  8. some of the new loot meta data rules don't make sense to me, why do we add them if we merge them in the end?
  9. Also another thing, the new conflict resolution has this error in it: [00:00] Checking for Errors in [39] Lexy's LoTD SE - Conflict Resolution.esp [00:01] StormCloakShieldAA [ARMA:00021456] [00:01] ARMA \ Male world model \ MO2S - Alternate Textures \ Alternate Texture \ New Texture -> [2D00AA01] < Error: Could not be resolved > 2D with me is dbm_relichunter
  10. hey, with the addition of Volkihar Knight don't we need to extract the bsa if we merge it into Weapons Armours Merged.esp? cause the merge plugins just coppyed the Volkihar Knight Bsa's into the merge mod
  11. Just noticed I deleted the \Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\cache 2 times before runing texgen and dyndolod, is there something wrong with that? do we need the cache files when we run dyndolod?
  12. Just noticed I deleted the \Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\cache 2 times before runing texgen and dyndolod, is there something wrong with that? do we need the cache files when we run dyndolod?
  13. Just a question if I did anything wrong but wyre bash didn't tell me about adding aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp and Conflict Resolution Merged.esp into the bashed patch, is that there just in case?
  14. was there a problem with the billboards that you changed them? cause i just finnished the guide yesterday.
  15. Just 1 question before i start playing, finally to the smash area of the guide, but this silly question poped into my mind, is there still a problem with the nifs of some mods like there was in the original guide that we had to use nif healer cause there were CTD for example cause of the spider in immersive creatures?
  16. Just have a question about the RUSTIC DEATH HOUND and GARGOYLE - Special Edition mod, the textures are named difrently then the ones that were in the seperete gargoyles and death hound mods is that ok?
  17. The Mod author is gone a took the mods as well. Main Guide - Essential SKSE Plugins Section - No Poison Prompt Message SE Main Guide - Essential SKSE Plugins Section - No Quit Prompt Message Main Guide - Other Bug Fixes Section - Simple Barter Fix SE Main Guide - Dialogue and Follower Control Section - A Closer Look - Simple Smooth Hotkey Zoom - Special Edition Well i was stupid and after following guide deleted mine cause i thought that the sse engine fixes replaced them, does maybe anyone still have them and would be willing to share?
  18. great that you added morowloot but can i ask why we not using MLU- WICO? don't we have wico installed?
  19. Maybe i missed something but why are we installing Valerica high res pack bot not serenas?
  20. Well the mod i gave the link to is only an esp that adds the condition spotted in the quest of the thugs, so that it doesn't trigger if you didnt get spotted
  21. Also sorry for double post couldn't edit last one, but when i open wrye bash i get a warning concerning Enhanced Landscapes Marsh Pines Standalone is that normal? something about old plugin?
  22. Well All it takes is just open in CK and save, so we Kinda are doing that already arrent we?
  23. Just a question, I seen this mod for skyrim and it is very good to add into this guid in my opinion, it can get converted, and as far i noticed no changes that would cause troubles to this guid would just add immersion to stealing i think. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73811
  24. Just have a question if anyone can anwser, I probably won't have minty lightning installed usally had issues with it, does the Weather Systems Merged - Consistancy Patch need minty lightining in the merged weather esp?
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