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alt3rn1ty last won the day on October 9 2015

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Community Answers

  1. Thanks al12rs, thats all I was asking for - Will redirect the link from Wrye Bash sticky posts to the Discord
  2. There is no need for anyones opinions or history being raked up. I have a request to LePresidente, simple as that. There are no differences, no ill will .. Just a request. The point is, sometimes on a daily basis, sometimes weekly, there is always at least a couple of posts across all of the Wrye Bash Nexus topics requesting help from users running Wrye Bash via MO2 We have at the top of all descriptions a notice to reflect we will not be able to help We have at the top of all posts a sticky post with quite a prominent request not to bother asking for our assistance, because we dont know how to help. My request is that LePresidente could also put up some kind of notice to let them all know the best support they will get is from MO/2s own developers. Thats all there is to it. There is no animosity in the request. All I see right now are TA and Maximillian going a bit defensive and dragging up history which is uncalled for. What the hell has Arthmoor and another modding site got to do with this request?, and why would Wrye Bash team need to use MO/2 as part of developing Wrye Bash?. As for the rest of the diatribe posted above, really was there any need for most of it?. I admire the work that Tannin did in producing MO, and do not envy LePresidente taking over such a complex project as MO2. MO/2 is enabling people to run Wrye Bash through itself, and so all of Wrye Bash functions / file calls etc should be managed by MO/2 so that (as per Tannins original idea) any tools run through MO would do so seemlessly, and it would seem to us that it is not competent in doing what it is trying to, resulting in many users coming to us with errors we cant reproduce when Wrye Bash is running as it is meant to be run. I just havent got a clue how to help all these people, and its a frustrating drip feed of the same reports. Edit : Aren't forum Administrators supposed to be impartial ?.
  3. @LePresidente Could you please put up a prominent sign somewhere to the effect of : "ANYONE USING WRYE BASH LOADED VIA MO2, AND EXPERIENCING ISSUES WITH WRYE BASH - PLEASE DO NOT REPORT SUCH ISSUES TO THE WRYE BASH TEAM, THEY DO NOT USE MO2 AND HAVE NOT DESIGNED WRYE BASH TO BE RUN IN THIS WAY .. THEY WILL NOT BE ABLE TO HELP DUE TO NOT BEING ABLE TO REPRODUCE ANY OF THE MO2 RELATED ISSUES, AND MORE THAN LIKELY WILL JUST DELETE YOUR POST." The worst ones hide the fact they are using MO2 and multiple help posts later we find its all been a waste of time because guess what .. Friggin MO2 again!. Everyone using Wrye Bash as intended are not getting any of the issues which involve MO2 in the setup. Thanks for any help in this regard. Alt
  4. I'm now using the latest 2.39 for SSE (and 2.38 beta resources), but have recently adopted using the more advanced features adding window glow, and lights affected by time of day etc .. .. Nothing to report so far, its fantastic as usual and I haven't managed to find any new bugs for you to be concerned with. You cant really see it from this angle but I also love the glow you can see reflecting off the sides of the buildings within Whiterun from the braziers, while you are still outside the city. xLODGen + TexGen + DynDOLOD does amazing things I dont think we will ever see Bethesda resolve in the base game.
  5. Oh dammit, sorry Sheson I forgot to go back into Wrye Bash and uninstall the previous TexGen output Going senile
  6. Seems there is now a similar problem for TexGen, in version 2.38 TexGen Icon on my desktop has the following as the target .. D:\DynDOLOD\TexGen.exe -sse -o:D:\0-TexGen-Out\ But TexGen is seemingly trying to output to the game folder Which presents a problem, because TexGen does not have any kind of dialogue to change the Path like DynDOLOD does.
  7. @Sheson Has something changed with regards to the Output Path? I usually use a desktop icon which has the following in the Icon properties target D:\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD.exe -SSE -o:D:\1-DynDOLOD-Out\ But my first run of 2.37 via the same icon has output to its own directory instead in .. D:\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\ <-- All folders / files (meshes and textures etc) end up in here So it has ignored the icon output path -o:D:\1-DynDOLOD-Out\
  8. Just noticed new DynDOLOD and resources beta - Grabbed and will be testing
  9. Top Banana, thank you :), I now have a basis to not deviate too far from. My next round of generation will be messing with quality 4/6/8/10, or maybe 3/5/7/9, I know they will be bigger meshes but this game can throw a few thousand more around comfortably.
  10. Dont blame yourself, Windows updates I think can switch that back to default of not showing the file extensions, I think I have seen mention the spring update of Win 10 did that.
  11. OK thats the Normals Maps which are well documented and also on the tooltips But my question is about the default sizes xLODGen has for the Diffuse textures for each LOD level .. -------------------------------- The bug report to Bethesda ends with words to the effect of "You will not be contacted or responded to with this support issue", so its just a case as always of waiting to see if they actually do anything .. for another 6 years or so as usual :).
  12. I have still no idea what the default xLODGen Diffuse Texture sizes are for SSE, maybe a hint if I am missing something obvious?. You give tooltips and readme tips for the Normals, but not for Diffuse. Hence why I was looking for a setting file to delete so that xLODGen would revert to what it started with on my machine, before all my settings and changes became sticky. Edit : PS Reference your report on Bethesda Forums to Bethesda for the LOD issues you found, recently Arthmoor pointed out a link that I did not know was available https://help.bethesda.net/app/incident?product=373 Its the official reporting method direct to devs apparently. So I quoted your OP and the link you gave on mega, and also linked the topic. I have made quite a few over the last week and thought I would give them yet another poke on the subject .. With all these CC mods spawning little extra fixes for SSE I thought it worth giving another shot. Its not very intuitive, you have to click big graphics as part of the submission process which feels a bit strange .. But thats Bethesda's new forums for you.
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