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    Adelaide, South Australia

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  1. For the last two days I have tried to download BethINI and there are no download buttons and a message saying that the file is in the process of being uploaded to Nexus and to come back later to download it.
  2. Thankyou very much for the reply :) As I said, i'm still learning with MO and CK etc. I Really appreciate your help.
  3. I'm doing some research into trying to get my decorated player homes into the CK and making them into mods. I have NO experience with the CK, so I don't know if it's even feasable. The issue I'm wondering about is ..how do I find a player home from one particular profile and get it into the CK with MO? I have four profiles. Do I just make sure the profile containing the house I want to modify in CK is selected in MO? Sorry if it seems a stupid question, I'm clueless about this stuff. I've never tried to use CK before. Thanks for any help.
  4. Thankyou for the replies. I know where the saves are listed in the right pane in MO. It's getting MO to import saves from My Docs/ games and how to set that up thats confusing. Also it's how External programs find the saves that I can't figure out. What is "Global" versus "Local save"? Thankyou for your help :)
  5. When I open Wrye bash through MO it finds my Mod list but can't see my saves. Are the saves from using MO supposed to be in the MO directory or in MyDocuments? I can't find anything much about Saves and Profiles in MO. How to manage saves you had before installing MO, what are global and local saves etc, where are they supposed to be? Very confusing.
  6. Thankyou for your help. I'm totally lost with the Steam stuff, I've never had a game that I needed it before. The first installation I did in C:Games was the one I went with. yes Steam had re-installed itself in a completely new directory (C:Program Files (86). What I did is grab the Steam Folder from Program Files and merged it with other one, did a reg clean and through Properties, redirected the skse loader, steam, all the launchers etc to the new target. All working now but can't get Wrye bash to find the profiles and Saves through Mod Organiser. Anyway THANKS guys for your help.
  7. Thankyou Vulgar1. I had hoped I could get away with not re-unstalling because I only get 8Gig internet per month and I've probably only got 4-5 left for three weeks. The other problem is I'm not sure which version is being used, I think some are using one and some are using the other. Looks like I'll have to wait till my net re-sets and start over :( Thanks for your help.
  8. I started using MO a few months ago and after nearly losing my mind figuring out how to work it, I screwed up my game and someone told me to verify the cache on steam and it would repair Skyrim. Before I did this I had Wrye Bash, Finis and TESVEdit all working great. After, nothing would work. I reinstalled a few times but Wrye and TES won't see my saves or Mod list. I've just given up trying to get them to work properly. I was getting freezes and CTD's but now after getting LOOT working, it's a lot better. Today I accidently discovered that there are two installs of steam and obviously Skyrim in different places. The original is in C: Games, the other in Program Files. I guess this is why TSVEdit and Wrye bash won't work. Can I safely delete the Steam folder with Skyrim in it? I only get 8Gig of internet a month so I really don't want to have to re-install. I only have about 4G left for 3 weeks :( Thanks for any help.
  9. Thanks for reply :) No It's not overclocked, I've never gone down that road. It's a little over my head :D I think I'll go back to using my old Radeon HD 6870, at least it worked properly :(
  10. Thanks for your reply. I have re-installed it twice , I don't know whats up with it. I downloaded MO and am now trying to figure out how to use it. It looks good so far. Love some of the features like having different profiles. I watched the vids, they are really good.
  11. Resolution 1910X1080 I downloaded "Heaven" but it really didn't enlighten me much. The stuttering wasn't too obvious, but the lines acoss the screen and flickering were there. I have no idea about what the score means. Vsync Off Quality Ultra Tesselation Extreme 8XAA Fullscreen Min FPS 14.6 Max 42.8 Score 552 Vsync On Quality Ultra Tess Extreme 8 X AA Fullscreen Min FPS 7.00 Max 60.8 Score 701
  12. :(Â I have been trying to sort the problem out since I got the card. Thanks I'll try to get one of the stress test programs. I installed the latest skse with the memory patch and it is definitely less stuttery but still using over 1,000 VRAM with no mods. It starts at about 300 then gets to over 1,000 really quick just running along the road to Wndhelm. I'll try making a new game. I downloaded a save from Nexus.
  13. I found this conversation really helpful. Thanks guys :)
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