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Everything posted by donspure

  1. Haha, how did I miss that? Seems so obvious now, but I guess I just couldn't see the wood for the trees. Anyway, it works like a charm when setting the value as you suggest, many thanks
  2. Hi, is there a way to completely uninstall bethini? (Skyrim AE) Alternatively, what is the value/setting for smooth transitions using the mouse wheel? I'm having a problem with zooming between 1st and 3rd person, where the camera isn't smooth, but choppy. I found some advice online suggesting it was the bethini settings, and I managed to remove the problem by restoring backup to before bethini in the setup tab. But then I made the mistake of trying to use bethini again, to see which settings might be the ones affecting this camera problem. Because of course the problem came back, and for some reason now the restore backup doesn't work anymore. I can see that the Before Bethini folder in my MO2 is now empty for some reason, so I'm guessing that's why nothing happens when attempting to restore. So I'm thinking a complete uninstall should help, but I'm not sure how that's done. Would be a lot easier if I just knew which setting to adjust for the camera problem.
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