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Everything posted by MisterMorden

  1. If you look in the console window behind the error you'll see the last one dyndolod found, it will trip the warning for every one it finds and you probably have more than one.
  2. Not reporting a bug, just wanted to ask about the update/changelog...I was wondering if the issue about the white river water lod mentioned in the following post was fixed (I didn't see it listed in the changelog)? https://stepmodifications.org/forum/topic/20141-dyndolod-300-alpha-183/page/674/#findComment-283570 Thanks!
  3. Reading this just makes me want to thank the admins here for being so patient and helpful to all ages, regardless if we are "smart people" or not!
  4. The new TexGen did indeed resolve the folder/path issue, thank you.
  5. I will try it asap...might have to be tomorrow I'm afraid but it will be done. Many thanks!
  6. Here go: TexGen - https://ufile.io/f/fupmk Dyndolod - https://ufile.io/f/7hk59 No bugreport generated.
  7. Apologies in advance for my lack of logs, I just wanted to ask if it was expected behavior of the latest TexGen to create a "render" folder inside the "textures\Dyndolod" folder? I generated last night and noticed the Solitude walls' lod had the textures included in dyndolod resources instead of the ones I use. Then saw that the path to the generated texture in the new TexGen no longer matched the nifs in dyndolod resources (textures\lod\...). I did have to add the lines to the ini talked about here to get TexGen to run through as it was stopping about 1:55 in with an OpenGL error (in case that could cause the "render" folder to be created). I can post logs tonight it will just be quite late. Thank you.
  8. Got it, thank you...I misinterpreted "solution."
  9. If I may ask, what was the solution Z? I see the record pointed out, but do we just remove that idle?
  10. I'm not seeing DLL NG Alpha 24 link in the usual place (large reference bug workaround link) ? Edit - I found it on the nexus page, sorry. I usually use the mega link. Edit 2 - Everything seems to be working great Sheson! Thank you so much for your help!
  11. That's what I'm talking about. Didn't see that you'd replied, sorry bout the late answer. Maybe it's removing them from beneath and in doing so affect the look of the complex textures? I am just taking wild stabs in the dark, but I do notice dark patches in the tundra grass are gone or greatly lessened (esp obvious when viewed from above).
  12. I will try it this evening, apologies about the logless post when I know better by now!
  13. Dyndolod/TexGen logs + debug: https://ufile.io/f/uounq Dyndolod log from My Documents: https://ufile.io/m5lf7k3r Papyrus.0. log: https://ufile.io/rzuip039 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/CA6oH3C This is while using the latest DLL NG version 23. I use Alternate Start to begin the game and I wait until all the notifications in the corner are gone before fast travelling to Whiterun. Oh and I misspoke earlier...version 20 is the last one to work for me, not 19.
  14. I found that running the Synthesis patch to remove vertex colors gave me a more uniform grass coloration when also using complex grass + enb, fyi.
  15. Hi again, Sheson...just a head's up that for some reason I get no windmill rotors when using DLL NG & scripts 20-23 + large ref bug workaround and starting a new game. Version 19 is the last one that worked properly for me. I will update with logs this evening, however everything in the generation seems to work fine the problem only occurs when switching to newer DLL NG versions.
  16. Hello, once again! Asked for some help with this on the nexus .netscript framework page but I thought I'd ask about it here as well... I've got a CTD a few times over the last year with this heading: SkyrimSE.exe+21FFE3....When searching online for similar crashes, the only references I can find are on the Animated Ships mod page and the Wildlander (which I'm guessing is a mod pack) wiki and both of these mention an issue with npcs spawning with torches. My crashes happen when leaving walled cities at night and the logs reference a Khajiit npc which I'm guessing is part of the caravan. Anybody else have any experience with this type of crash? I appreciate any info. logs: https://pastebin.com/CBWDEwhW https://pastebin.com/vLAvxG4d https://pastebin.com/Q59kcPkT https://pastebin.com/n6C8DXFn
  17. Are you using tcl command to get this view? I only ask because even with occlusion generated, things normally out of view without using tcl aren't rendered to save resources (actually the point of proper occlusion, the vanilla implementation is bugged causing the holes initially). May not be the issue at hand but something to think about.
  18. You need to clean all dirty mods before you can use the large reference bug workaround.
  19. I've had this CTD 4 times in the last 2 months and I'm in need of a little help remedying it. So in each of these logs, the relevant objects section has ACTI and REF records with FF prefixes, which I understand are dynamically generated by scrips, listed at the top. I can't make sense of anything below that but it seems to be the same issue going on each time. This happens rarely and never in the same place so a binary search will take quite some time to test, I was hoping one of the bright minds here might be able to reduce the scope of my search a bit, lol. Here are my logs, any help or ideas are appreciated! https://pastebin.com/PnUNDheF https://pastebin.com/MaSpN1VH https://pastebin.com/qn57r9pH https://pastebin.com/qRDHcdEt
  20. I appreciate even a generic answer, thank you! I was actually thinking of using a rule to show the full model as lod since these are only used once (similar to the Azure statue replacer example)...not an ideal scenario I realize, however I spoke with Drengin and he is making a new version of the mod with vanilla file paths for textures so I could wait for that I suppose. Thank you again for the info.
  21. Hi Sheson, no logs here to provide ATM so I didn't want to disrupt the the 3.0 Alpha thread. I use a retex of BPT but I think because BPT contains it's own lod meshes with different texture paths the palace and adjacent BPT-added structures look different to the rest of Solitude, which does use the texgen-generated textures. I was planning on using a mesh rule to address it but there are several meshes that make up the palace and I was wondering if there might be an easier way without creating new lod meshes. I am using the latest 3.0 alpha version of dyndolod and resources for SE. Apologies if this in in the wrong place, thanks for your time. PS - I forgot to say that the distant lod of the palace is what doesn't match (as seen from Katla's Farm). Once closer to the arch, the full model loads in and then the texture matches.
  22. I appreciate you going over this with me even though it's not the same problem MT, always super helpful! I started getting my crash again, unfortunately. I noticed that dyndolod dll ng & scripts was updated as someone reported crashing with the last one but their logs don't look related...any way that could be causing something closer to these (assuming all parties using large reference bug workarounds)?
  23. Any of y'all use Papyrus Tweaks NG? I ask because I've been crash free for 24 hrs after making a couple changes to it's ini file (I also rolled back to VSMO version 1.16a and uninstalled Scripts Carefully Reworked Optimized and Tactfully Enhanced mod so it could possibly one of those too but I haven't done further testing yet). I had MaxOperationsPerTask = 2000 & StackDumpTimeout = 20000 as well as SpeedUpNativeCalls = true. I reduced these settings to 500, 15000 & false respectively. I also enabled IgnorePapyrusMemoreLimit = true which was false originally. Again this is really just a wild stab in the dark, I was trying to eliminate the script altering mods in my LO first and realized after fast traveling and saving all over I've yet to CTD on this save whereas I was crashing every 20 or so minutes before.
  24. Ok thanks for that info! I was concerned because I am using the last USSEP to work with 1.5.97 as well as the latest VSMO. Ah, got it, thanks! Here is my last crash if it is any help: https://pastebin.com/C9NLpKA4
  25. Mousetick, I noticed you were talking to someone in the posts section of Vanilla Script Micro Optimizations page about using 1.5.97 and the newest version of that mod being a problem...could this be related?
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