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Everything posted by xcal68

  1. That fixed my issue. Multiple files were reported in the console, but only interrupted generation one time. Thanks. I'll report the issues to the mod authors.
  2. It's the error that tells you there's a circular reference in a _swap.ini file and to "permanently" remove all references to Dyndolod. I don't actually need troubleshooting help. Did you still need logs? I can consider it when I'm home, if you do.
  3. More of a feature request: Would it be possible to make it so all the swap errors are found at once, instead of stopping the entire process when it finds one? Run the program... stops on a circular swap... run the program... stops on a circular swap and over and over. I have tons of _swap.ini.
  4. That seems to have resolved it for me, too. It started up and I was able to move forward. Running fine in the background as I type this. Edit - Finished successfully.
  5. I get the UAC popup. I click 'yes'. Command window opens/closes quickly, since there's no work to do.
  6. Getting error with 153: [Window Title] TexGen [Main Instruction] Executing Texconvx64.exe returned error code C0000005. [Content] "C:\Games\Skyrim Modding Tools\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\Texconvx64.exe" Click on this link for additional explanations and help for this message For qualified help and advice or to report a problem make a post on the official DynDOLOD support forum. [Exit TexGen] [Footer] Online Help | Support Forum | Copy message to clipboard I have gone through The error does not happen in 152. Logs can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QQ49lreoIii-sMMVrcGttQzgKoLgKnuN/view?usp=sharing
  7. Sorry, I know this is old, but I'm having troubles searching. Can you confirm it is still supposed to work like this? I'm using the latest release (130), and the occlusion plugin isn't consistently doing this. I rebuilt from scratch earlier today. When I started testing/playing, I noticed a water seam. Looking in xedit, the occlusion plugin had taken an unexpected xcwt-water record 35 times. Edit - it looks like the occlusion plugin is taking whatever water record dyndolod.esm has, so maybe it's that which is not gathering the correct 'last' record? Edit - Looks like a few xlcn-location and some editor id records, as well. Another edit - Not sure if these are helpful, but here's the plugin and I think the logs you want: Click (Just realized the plugin will be pointless unless you have the same load order haha...)
  8. You recently install Skyrim Extended Cut - Saints and Seducers? It happens to me, too, but only with that mod enabled. I tested with only that mod enabled, too. Edit - Addressed here:
  9. TexGen fixed in 102 - trunks are back. Thanks.
  10. Just confirming the same issue with texgen as quochunganhphu. I'll see about logs if I have time later. Just confirming for now.
  11. Ah cool, thanks. So nothing for me to be concerned with, which I'm guessing is why no log haha...I'm probably 1 of only a couple who noticed.
  12. Speaking of logs heh... Was 79 released twice? Wondering the difference between the two, as I currently am creating LODs with the first one.
  13. Thanks for the update. Alpha 35 resolved both issues for me.
  14. Just reporting an issue with the DynDOLOD 3, Alpha 34, related to the UI. When adding a new rule (right click > insert) in the "Mesh and Reference rules" section of the Advanced window, the last line gets pushed down (as expected), but you cannot scroll down to see it. Adding further rules continues to push the last line further down, out of sight. At first I thought it was removing or overwriting the rule that you happen to be right clicking on, but if you remove a rule, it brings the hidden line back up and it's viewable again. This does not happen in Alpha 33. As a side note, I'm also getting the "Item not found" error that RockGodOne and verrik are reporting, which was introduced (for me) in Alpha 34. This issue is not present when generating LODs in Alpha 33 (which I've reverted back to for now). I'll consider posting logs for that, if I get a chance, but for now I really just wanted to mention the UI thing.
  15. Hi there, When I comment out "LabyrinthianMazeWorld (Shalidor's Maze) - Skyrim.esm" in "DynDOLOD_SSE_worldspace_ignore.txt" I no longer see it appear on the DynDOLOD Worlds list. I have "BSHeartland (Tamriel) - bsheartland.esm" commented and that appears on the list as expected. In previous versions, when I commented LabyrinthianMazeWorld, it did appear on the list. I have reinstalled DynDOLOD. Anything else I should try? Regards.
  16. I'm currently building Terrain LODs as we speak, using version 60. While it has yet to complete, I am not getting those errors anymore. I'll report back if I see any other issues, but it looks great now. You are awesome! Thanks so much for the quick update!
  17. Starting with version 59, I'm getting several of the following errors while running only Terrain LODs: Error saving textures: Image passed to TImagingCanvas constructor is in unsupported format (Image @00000000A0A9FD83 info: Width = 512px, Height = 512px, Format = R8G8B8, Size = 768 KiB, Bits @00000000A50F1000, Palette @0000000000000000.)I did not get this with version 58 using the same settings. I'm just wondering where I might start to troubleshoot this, or if you know what would cause that? Or do you need more info?
  18. Doh... through my testing, I forgot to swap back. That was it. TexGen/DynDOLOD 2.38 generated perfectly this time, without any exit errors in the logs. Thanks for all your hard work.
  19. I wanted to edit this in, but looks like the edit expired. :P Forgot to mention, \Meshes\Terrain\Tamriel\Objects appears empty, since I guess it just fails there. This does not happen with 2.36 on the exact same load order.
  20. Version 2.38 has fixed the problem I had as mentioned in post# 444. Great updated, thanks. The only logged error I had was in LODGen_SSE_Tamriel_log.txt: file not found D:\skyrim special edition\data\meshes\lod\dbm\dbmsurface_lod_2.nif Log ended at 6:27:22 PM Code: 404
  21. Just as an FYI, I had the same error, with the exception happening after the same mod. I ran 2.36 on the exact same load order and it worked perfectly. SSEEdit showed no errors in the mod.
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