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  1. speaking of FOV.. i saw this a while back, and have been adding it after BethINI does its thing. it's been working perfectly for me, as i get the wider fov 80 in 1st and 3rd person, while keeping item menu view like books and lockpicking at 75, so they don't look smaller. this was from the Steam forums: https://steamcommunity.com/app/489830/discussions/0/312265526376625436/ This the correct way to adjust FoV in Skyrim without making the arms clip like crazy: 1. Open Skyrim.ini in the Documents/My Games folder 2. Add this under [Display]: fDefaultFOV=75 fDefault1stPersonFOV=80 fDefaultWorldFOV=80 3. Save What the values do: fDefaultFOV= Affects the zoom level of the lock when lockpicking and the items in the inventory screen. (Change it to a higher value if you want it to look smaller) fDefault1stPersonFOV= Don't change this unless you want your arms to be clipping. This only affects the hand and weapon models scale in 1st person not the FoV. fDefaultWorldFOV= This is what changes the FoV in both 1st and 3rd person. Open the Character Menu (Tab) in game once and the FoV will be adjusted to this setting. I see that BethINI only has an option for the fDefaultWorldFOV= is it changing the other values too behind the scenes?
  2. thank you for the rec tweaks list. regarding the sun shadow tweaks, i think the jump is pretty jarring. is it possible to have the shadows continually but really slowly moving? or will this tax the gpu more? what can i do to lessen the jump? will lowering the threshold to say 0.75 do it? thanks fSunShadowUpdateTime=0.25 fSunUpdateThreshold=0.75 apologies.. i just realized you didn't include this tweak on SSE (was looking at Oldrim). are shadow transitions smoother in SSE?
  3. hi DoubleYou.. loving BethINI so far. question.. i've read most of the pages here, but apologies if i just missed it. is there a list of all the recommended tweaks? really curious to what the changes are. also, i see that this turns off 64bit render target. i've read that this setting helps with color banding a bit, but wanted to hear your take on it, and why it's turned off with BethINI. and lastly, could you please consider adding Enhanced Blood Textures to automatically be detected? currently, i still have to add the decal ini changes in prefs. fdecallifetime is already added by BethINI, but the prefs changes aren't being auto added. thanks! -Open Skyrim.ini -Find [Display] and add this line below it: fDecalLifetime=256.000 -Save -Open SkyrimPrefs.ini -Find [Decals] and below that find iMaxDecalsPerFrame= -Change the number to 350 -Next add this line below [decals] bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry=1
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