Hey man - I want to start with a big thank you. This is an awesome tool. I do want to ask if you've included "grass on steroids" in your set of mods it looks for. After running the most current version, I noticed my game looked amazing, but I was dropping to 30 FPS in the open world. After much consternation, playing with load order, etc, I finally looked at my ini settings. For whatever reason, selecting suggested tweaks sets my iMinGrassSize to 40. The suggested setting for this mod is 75. I'm going to guess this isn't intended behaviour. Aside from this one issue (which I did finally figure out) I view BethINI as being nearly as essential as USLEEP for a proper playthrough. Many thanks for the tool, Hopefully you have a joyous non-denomination midwinter festive event! There are some who call me, Dan?