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So most everything is running stable and much smoother after installing some medium range texture packs. The only real problem I have seems to occur for no reason...my best guess is a RCRN but I am not sure so I was wondering if anyone else has run into the same thing.


When I look in certain directions in some area's (area's don't seem to repeat) the textures go all funky and I get these triangles all over like the textures can't figure out the angles or something. If I look away from whatever the spot is by either running through the area or staring at the sky as I run forward I can pass through it but if I look back to the same spot it comes back. My system lags down when I first look into this area as well. Has anyone seen or heard of this before? I can't post screen shots from work but if I run into it tonight I will take some and post it. Thanks.


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14 answers to this question

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Ok, I will try to find area's but it doesn't occur in the same spot ever. I usually run into 1 spot per night so I will try it.

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That actully almost seems like artifacts to me if it happens randomly in random locations which usaully happens from overheating or dieing video card. Do you play any other stressful games and see anything in thoes games sometimes it happens really quick and don't even notice it try running a stress test and see if you see anything kinda the same in the stress test

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I don't really have any other stressful games and I have been running the temp monitor on the cards after I first installed STEP, 1 card runs a bit hot around 90 degrees, but it doesn't seem to coincide with the errors I was seeing. I will try to nail it down a bit further tonight.

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You could try FurMark (


it works pretty good for stressing the video cards also sometimes what works in multi card setups but requires and fresh install of the drivers is switching around the cards so the top one is now at the bottom and the bottom one is now at the top that dosen't always work but sometimes does

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I couldn't make it do it tonight but here are 3 screenshots I took.


Thank you guys for all your hard work, its hard to imagine playing something that didn't look this good before. If you think I should tone it down based on what you see I will however.


https://img194.imageshack.us/img194/5374/screenshotkv.jpg - Outside just after startup


https://img708.imageshack.us/img708/534/screenshot2qe.jpg - Outside


https://img832.imageshack.us/img832/1290/screenshot3oy.jpg - Inside



If I can make it to it tomorrow after work I will try. I tried a new lighting config and haven't seen the issue since. Though I haven't gotten to play a ton.

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I couldn't make it do it tonight but here are 3 screenshots I took.


Thank you guys for all your hard work, its hard to imagine playing something that didn't look this good before. If you think I should tone it down based on what you see I will however.


https://img194.imageshack.us/img194/5374/screenshotkv.jpg - Outside just after startup


https://img708.imageshack.us/img708/534/screenshot2qe.jpg - Outside


https://img832.imageshack.us/img832/1290/screenshot3oy.jpg - Inside



If I can make it to it tomorrow after work I will try. I tried a new lighting config and haven't seen the issue since. Though I haven't gotten to play a ton.


What does your GPU-z log output look like for dedicated and dynamic memory?
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Also you do not have the latest Nvidia drivers they are actually 2 generations old.


An obvious starting point I'd say ;) ... missed that, as I do not use NVIDIA
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??? - seriously? I swore I just updated them before installing Skyrim because I heard there was increased performance...god I feel dumb.


Also, I went to bed right after I posted so I will have to get you that info tonight. Thank you for looking though!

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??? - seriously? I swore I just updated them before installing Skyrim because I heard there was increased performance...god I feel dumb.


Lol, don't feel dumb it's hard to keep up these days. I'm running 296.10 WHQL driver atm, although there is probably a beta out there as well.
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well i got the same problem several weeks ago. all up2date drivers. i guess i'll start cleaning my whole desktop case. that stress test got me up to 97°C max gpu temp. i took all maxed out settings 8xmsaa, fullscreen, dynamic background, burn-in, xtreme-burn-in, post fx,

I got 2 GTX 570 in SLI-mode... i really do hope that they aren't dying away. :s

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