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SRLE Extended

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I am updating right now. so i will be evaluating today

Here are my thoughts personally about Vivid Weathers and it's ENB.


1) The weathers absolutely blow the old weather mods out of the water and it removes a ton of complexity. True Storms may make a reappearance once a proper patch is made.

2) The ENB provided with VW is basically a starting cut at adding the basic "required" effects that would be sorely missed. Eventually (no timetable), there may be a Vividian 8 based on VW but it doesn't exist today and the old Vividian is NOT compatible.

3) Vivid Weathers coloration, brightness, etc is configurable in the MCM to your desires... from bleak to saturated, dark to bright. Try out the various settings, I haven't 100% decided my recommendation yet. Hell, it might change with mood... lol.


Basically, it's not perfect yet but it is the baseline I want to use going forward and I got a nice fps boost in the mean time. :)


I have full confidence in Manga, he's earned it.

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Darth for now has kept the older ENB with Vivid Weathers he has merged them together to. I have not looked at compatbility issues yet however I have a strong feeling the old 7.35 version of the ENB will have to go. and wait until version 8 is out.


Well looks like Neo has already answered the question about the ENB and we'll have to switch for now.

Edited by DarkladyLexy
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I'm super interested in that merge. Or atleast a small tutorial.

Vividian enb is the only thing that keeps me from switching to Vivid weathers.

well it in the guide at the moment we will be switching so take a look before i get rid of it lol.


Meltyc then don't update and wait until Vividian 8 comes out.

Edited by DarkladyLexy
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Yes. I just hope that it's sooner than later since everything else is really good and I would like to switch.

Did the Vividian/Vivid enb merge work out for you?

seem to have although i have not tested it myself


but as Neo has said above the older ENB is NOT compatible with vividi Weathers

Edited by DarkladyLexy
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this was the older merge Darth did


  • Vividian - Torches Preset.esp
  • Vividian - Weather Patch Vanilla.esp
  • Vivid Weathers.esp
  • Vivid Weathers - AOS patch.esp
  • Vivid Weathers - Dragonborn.esp

althrough i suspect you don't need

  • Vividian - Weather Patch Vanilla.esp

There is now a new Vivid Weathers Merged - SRLE Extended.

Edited by DarkladyLexy
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The History page works pretty well in my opinion.

Never had trouble in keeping up with the changes in the guide.


Now that the guide is almost in a "finished" state, I think time spent in game testing for possible bugs is more valuable.


I love having the Integration guide along with your main guide. Very helpful.

Edited by edynacio
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