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wow. I really don't like the smaller trees version. I think i got too used to the big trees around me... now i can see everything past the trees in any forest  ::(: .    I switched back to large trees since the leaves look bad on the smaller version too. Can't we find an alternative to replace just the leaf texture?

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wow. I really don't like the smaller trees version. I think i got too used to the big trees around me... now i can see everything past the trees in any forest  ::(: .    I switched back to large trees since the leaves look bad on the smaller version too. Can't we find an alternative to replace just the leaf texture?

I am open to suggestions. cos i like the bigger trees but I cant stand the leaf texture anymore.

Edited by Darth_mathias
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Yeah, extract everything in EVT 1.3 to a folder and you can freely look around at what's in there.  It looks like there are a bunch of different options for the treepineforestbranchcomp.dds.  The ones selected for the Large Custom Trees option are not great looking.  Recommend selection of one of Vurt's options for that same texture.


This also could be helpful for people using ENBs to tweak their tree textures/LODs.


There's also an empty "nexus sux ass.txt".

Edited by Dresner
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I've finally fixed the Vigor bug by reinstalling it... As before, I learned that you really need to DELETE and REINSTALL a mod instead of MERGING it when updating.


Anyway, I played with your recommends settings and it worked well. I like how combat feels. It's hard (I'm playing at 1.00 / 1.50 difficulty settings in Wildcat) but not undoable.


Anyway, I've got a question. I crashed last night while crafting some ****, after a 3H session, where I reloaded a save a dozen times - after dying. Is it "normal" to crash when playing long sessions (interluded with reloads after death) or should I be concerned ?


Thanks :)

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I've finally fixed the Vigor bug by reinstalling it... As before, I learned that you really need to DELETE and REINSTALL a mod instead of MERGING it when updating.


Anyway, I played with your recommends settings and it worked well. I like how combat feels. It's hard (I'm playing at 1.00 / 1.50 difficulty settings in Wildcat) but not undoable.


Anyway, I've got a question. I crashed last night while crafting some ****, after a 3H session, where I reloaded a save a dozen times - after dying. Is it "normal" to crash when playing long sessions (interluded with reloads after death) or should I be concerned ?


Thanks :)

You don't need to delete a mod first. You can use when updating a whole mod the 'replace' button in MO. This is just like delete and install. But beware to use that when you replace a whole mod. For partial update use 'merge'.
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You don't need to delete a mod first. You can use when updating a whole mod the 'replace' button in MO. This is just like delete and install. But beware to use that when you replace a whole mod. For partial update use 'merge'.

I always install updates as a whole new mod in MO, with the version # in the title, move it up to right under the previous one, tick the new one and untick the old.

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Guys, I would like to know something : do you guys actually play with your load order ? Do you update it as you go on or just let it the way it is and update when you restart your game ? 

I would like to go on with my life and start playing the damn game (600H logged and never got past the blades) and still update my mods, but I'm scared to break something (even if you do it right, for instance, for vigor : deactivating the mod, then installing it, then reactivating it again). 


What are the risks ? What are you guys doing for your playtroughs ? 


Thank you :)

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i update as i play but you can never know for sure if it does or not harm through time. Some have reported hours of gameplay with updating and some have reported broken save game. So it is your choice to play and update or not with it. Usually when updating exactly as the author suggests and making a clean save you can continue to play with no problems.

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