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SRLE Extended

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actually i do use bandoliers decided since it is now part of CCOR what the hell might as well use it.

  • 52 (Side Left Bandolier - Bandoliers Bags and Pouches)
  • 53 (Chest/Shoulder Bandolier - Bandoliers Bags and Pouches)
  • 55 (Back Right Bandolier - Bandolier Bags and Pouches)
  • 56 (Goggles - Wet & Cold)
  • 57 (Front Right Bandolier/Worn Lantern - Bandolier Bags and Pouches, Wearable Lanterns)
  • 58 (Front Left Bandolier - Bandoliers Bags and Pouches)
  • 59 (Side Right Bandolier - Bandoliers Bags and Pouches)

Well there a lots of slots used by bandoliers... do you use all of them ? one of these slots should go for the northgirl

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found and fixed a few errors with Dreadflopps - CACO Patches SIC advise everyone update plus rerun Bash Patch.

Update the CR? you mean?  that's the way I understand it.


Edit:  Nevermind, it's the direct download patch, I figured it out.  Sometimes I'm dense

Edited by Kneph13
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