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I like immersive wenches/deadly wenches but if something has to go, they don't add much "significant content" are are more of "filler". Good to remove by me.


As an afterthought, I know when I was playing previously, when I removed the "needs" mods my game performance improved dramatically. So its probably a "best mix" affair depending on what is more important to the player and what thier system can handle.


Nice wiki "dev" page also... I like it!

Posted (edited)
  On 1/15/2016 at 2:16 PM, Zegorzalek said:

I like immersive wenches/deadly wenches but if something has to go, they don't add much "significant content" are are more of "filler". Good to remove by me.


As an afterthought, I know when I was playing previously, when I removed the "needs" mods my game performance improved dramatically. So its probably a "best mix" affair depending on what is more important to the player and what thier system can handle.


Nice wiki "dev" page also... I like it!

yes after thinking about it immersive wenches is nothing more than a filler mod in this guide really doesn't add anything Significant and the plan is to make room for interesting NPC cos I am sold on that mod now, so a bit a think needs to occur.

Edited by Darth_mathias
  On 1/15/2016 at 2:48 PM, Zegorzalek said:

Not sure this impacts our pack... know some folks were talking about this being gone back around thread page 3 or 4 I think...




BJinn AIO patch...

yes this is just an esp replacer just like the one i use but it wont have changes from ESF companions or immersive college of winterhold in them if i i was to use it those changes would mean going into the CR whcih mean putting bijin back into the CR too

Posted (edited)

ok decided to switch to the performance version of Noble Skyrim cos at least on my system to my eyes I can't see a diiference in game between the full version and performance version but in VRam Terms the average was 3GB, max was 3.4GB so it was alittle bit lower.


so this should also help stability a little too

Edited by Darth_mathias
Posted (edited)

I have been going through my library of mods trying to find some interesting mods. Here is some I will suggest:



BorderSense by Verteiron (When entering a hold, a message popup in left corner about what hold you are in. in your own thoughts, as info or detailed info+bounty, MCM). Video and example

- I love exploration and this actually make exploring more fun since I can navigate better without using map so often for navigation. Work with most mods, no serious bugs or issues.

Equipment HUD by Snotgurg (configurable HUD widget that show the names of equipment in the hands with cycle keys so you can quickly change equipment. MCM). Picture shoving the widget.

- Make 6 rotating lists of items that you go through by press of a hotkey, similar to how many fps games let you change weapon with the press of a button. Mod just add something new, should be compatible and have no serious bugs or issues.

Attribute Icon Widget by Tywele (Highly configurable icon widget for health/stamina/mana, similar to iNeed. MCM). Old video and example picture

- Some options: colored numbers, colored icons, colored icons with numbers, only numbers, static or dynamic, percentage or absolute numbers, placement of widget, transparency etc. Compatible with most mods, no big bugs or critical issues.

iActivate by MilletGtR (remove unnecessary text from the hud and "E icon" when interacting with things/npc. MCM.) Pic1, Pic2, Pic3 + video (dont show all options)

- Is not compatible with mods that edit hudmenu.swf. No big bugs or serious issues to my knowledge.



Telescope by KettleWitch (Add a fully working telescope with animations and weather effects). Example picture, and video is after next mod.

- Some minor limitations but nothing serious. Easy to use. Together with Guess the distance a new way to play skyrim opens up.

Guess the Distance - Perceptive Scouting by Ecceau (Give player info about targets when looking at them. Influenced by visibility. MCM). These mods work great together as shown in this video+ example

- Really great mod. This two mods together enhance stealth and create a new way to explore the world and gather info. Compatible with everything, no big bugs or dangerous behavior I know about.

Skyrim Darkness Immersive corpse by C0331 AKA privata and BloodrendX001 (Add 28 corpses around skyrim, some with history.) Showcased 2,35 into this video. Example pic

- A small mod that increase exploration and the feeling of a independent world from player, make survival mods more real. Possible conflicts with mods that edit same places.

Immersive Fallen Trees Mod by Jurassic4LIFE (adds more fallen trees, some in interesting locations. Great for exploration. Version with navmeshes). Picture + video showcase

- Most of the trees is either in or around water and should therefore be compatible with most mods. There is some dirty edits in this mod since it was made in 2012, but after what I read they should not

  cause any problems but Im not sure. If it us safe to use it would be great to have it in the pack :)

Skyrim Sewers 4 by Viltuska (add great explorable sewers to several cities with animals, npc's, weapons, new books and some notes). Showcase here.

-Awesome mod. The sewers is very different from place to place, but they are all very well made and have great atmosphere, it feels like it could have been there all the time. Some minor bugs and some talk about issues with Skytest, but after what I understand it is nothing wrong with either mods, the stability issues is caused by too much is happening for "low end computers" so they crash. For normal/high end computer running this with SR:LE should not be a issue. Also it is compatible with most city mods.


Quests and land expansion

Civil War Overhaul by Apollo Down (expand civil war questline and make the war dynamic with consequences. Unlocking content from Bethesda never released. Mod is safe now). Showcase by Brodual 

- Add new quests, new faction interactions, new soldiers, new rewards, different paths, quest variation and doubles the length of the civil war. This mod have some bugs and has a built in debug menu and have no critical issues.

Legacy of the Dragonborn (Dragonborn Gallery) by icecreamassassin (give Solitude a museum you can fill up, add a new faction, quests and many places to explore). Video

- This is a great DLC sized mod that add a ton of content with many hours of interesting and fun gameplay. No bugs but will need many patches to work well with many mods.

Beyond Reach by razorkid1 (Big new landmass with awesome landscaping, fun quests and great voice acting. A must story mod) . Video by Shinji72

- Should be compatible with most mods and have no serious bugs or issues.


Npc and behavior

One thing I don't like in this game is that enemies don't follow trough loading areas or water. Some say there is issues with this, others say its ok, anyway it we great if it was possible to get some better functionality in this area. Here is two mods that make it possible for Ai to follow through water.

Skyrim Swimming Enemies by Vlaka

NPC Smarter Water AI - Full Compatibility by John Jarvis


Enchanted Arsenal by egocarib (make it possible to select different enchantment effects from 12 different mods and mix them ingame. MCM) Picture of MCM + Video from Brodual

- Compatible with everything, no serious issues or bugs. Enchant Shader, Enchant Art, Hit Shader, Hit Art and Lingering FX can be changed ingame.


Great if you guys can look through the mods and see if you find anything of interest :)

Edited by xxx78

thansk XXX78 I will add these to my test list I very was dubious about adding CWO cos I knew it was very buggy but if it has been fix then it might be worth a look. i want to narrow down the list of issues I have at the moment before add to may big new mods to the guide.

  On 1/15/2016 at 2:29 PM, Darth_mathias said:

yes after thinking about it immersive wenches is nothing more than a filler mod in this guide really doesn't add anything Significant and the plan is to make room for interesting NPC cos I am sold on that mod now, so a bit a think needs to occur.

I approve this :D

Interesting npc's is interesting ;)

  On 1/15/2016 at 3:43 PM, Darth_mathias said:

thansk XXX78 I will add these to my test list I very was dubious about adding CWO cos I knew it was very buggy but if it has been fix then it might be worth a look. i want to narrow down the list of issues I have at the moment before add to may big new mods to the guide.

Sure...CWO is not a mod to take lightly...it have improved a lot and most of the bugs is gone, but it is a heavy mod for sure.


Good luck with the issue list :)


If you need any help Im willing to help, but Im not a modder just a mod user that is learning more about modding.

Posted (edited)
  On 1/15/2016 at 3:51 PM, xxx78 said:


If you need any help Im willing to help, but Im not a modder just a mod user that is learning more about modding.

well at the moment I am trying to narrow down major stutters and some weridness in the memory block logs where block 2 is filling very fast. but then again that might be normal i dont know.


what I could do with is feedback on your experience using the guide as it stands.

Edited by Darth_mathias
  On 1/15/2016 at 3:55 PM, Darth_mathias said:

well at the moment I am trying to narrow down major stutters and some weridness in the memory block logs where block 2 is filling very fast. but then again that might be normal i dont know.


what I could do with is feedback on your experience using the guide as it stands.

hmmm to my little knowledge that is either a bad sign or just that your memory block 1 is too small. The only thing I know about memory block 2 is that it is supposed to start to fill up after block 1 is full, and this is know to create problems like stuttering, CTD etc.

Posted (edited)
  On 1/15/2016 at 4:11 PM, xxx78 said:

hmmm to my little knowledge that is either a bad sign or just that your memory block 1 is too small. The only thing I know about memory block 2 is that it is supposed to start to fill up after block 1 is full, and this is know to create problems like stuttering, CTD etc.

well i can say for sure my memory block 1 is not to small since it is 1280 and that is not even full by the time memory 2 is full. after dyndolod has run i will load up a memory block log going from helgen exit to dragonreach that should be a good test i think.

Edited by Darth_mathias
  On 1/13/2016 at 8:48 AM, Darth_mathias said:

just so everyone can see here is my memory block using SRLE Extended DynDoLod Worlds Medium, no SFO, and ENB Vivid Performance version: ran this during the opening carriage ride:



  Reveal hidden contents


I'm not sure if it's relevant to what you're looking for, Darth, but the only thing I can think of that I've read about the second block (besides just advice to increase it) is this post, also referenced in this note regarding the ExpandSystemMemoryX64 setting in enblocal.ini.


Does increasing the second block size have pretty negative impacts for you? I could definitely see it in Win 8 / 10, with the 4 GB cap. I run STEP Extended on Win 8, and I wonder if I could even run SR:LE or your guide on Win 8.

  On 1/15/2016 at 4:28 PM, Nebulous112 said:

I'm not sure if it's relevant to what you're looking for, Darth, but the only thing I can think of that I've read about the second block (besides just advice to increase it) is this post, also referenced in this note regarding the ExpandSystemMemoryX64 setting in enblocal.ini.


Does increasing the second block size have pretty negative impacts for you? I could definitely see it in Win 8 / 10, with the 4 GB cap. I run STEP Extended on Win 8, and I wonder if I could even run SR:LE or your guide on Win 8.

I have not touched block 2 cos I was always told not to touch it  i have ExpandSystemMemoryX64=false set in my enblocal.ini i only have a copy of window 7 I cant say for window 8 or even 10 that memory block log was taken during quick test.


my memory section in my SKSE.ini file is:






I might to to re-examine this as I set this moths ago a not touched it since.

Posted (edited)

I was already including interesting npcs and leaving out wenches so I'm all for that decision.  I have had the same problem with my block 2 filling up too fast and haven't been able to figure out why it is.  I was using a lot of the mods you added to your guide already so it definitely could be a problem with one of them, I have no idea.  I don't have the patience to go through and figure it out but it is frustrating.  You can't increase block 2 and it seems to me that once my block 2 fills up (256) my block 1 starts to fill up much, much quicker.  They talk of block 2 as the "overflow" but mine seems to be working in the opposite direction.  I've slowly been dropping mods for a while and it's much more stable now, especially with your LO and CR and limiting myself to SRLE textures instead of going all in with Skyrim Mod Combiner but, from what it sounds like others are experiencing/sheson's and keith's explanation of how it should work, something is up with a mod I use somewhere.  I thought I got carried away with a merge and that might be causing the issue but since scaling back my mega merge it still is the case.


Your Bijin NPC customizer link was going to Sophia the other night, I'm not sure if it's been fixed.  I'm surprised you left Vilja out of the followers.  One of your replacement esps doesn't carry through all of the CWI npc edits ( sorry, I don't remember which one.  Males maybe?)  I also use Lords of Skyrim and The College of Winterhold-NPC Improvement, with the CWI patch provided by CWI, loading both after Bijin and they look great in game.

Edited by cstarkey42
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