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This topic is specifically for FNIS related issues when using Mod Organizer.



EDIT: 17th April 2016.

Due to @fore's "issues" with MO he has pulled all support and directed it here.


Let it be stated that the "issues" he notes are due to user error and there is no inherent issue with FNIS running in MO.


Further his claim that FNIS WILL NOT run through MO on Windows 10 machines is just wrong! DO NOT follow the advice he offers regarding using FNIS and MO.



Setting up FNIS to run through MO


Install it like any other mod through MO and make sure it is active (checkmarked) in the left pane mod list.


Since you must launch FNIS through Mod Organizer in order for it to recognize your mods, add FNIS to the list of executables by doing the following:

  1. Click the gears icon Gear_MO.png.
  2. In the Title field, type FNIS.
  3. For the Binary field, browse to your FNIS installation (should be located in <ModOrganizer>/mods/Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS/tools/GenerateFNIS_for_Users) and select the GenerateFNISforUsers.exe application.
  4. Click the Add button. This will add FNIS to your executables list.
  5. Click OK.

Now each time you want to run FNIS, simply select it from the drop-down menu at top right and click Run.


Running through MO

  1. Launch FNIS through MO
  2. In the Available Patches at the bottom of the window, check the boxes for all necessary patches in your setup.
  3. Click the [update FNIS Behavior] button and wait for a message to appear in the window stating "X animations for Y mods successfully included.".
  4. Click [Exit].

After closing FNIS, there will be files in Overwrite (essentially a fake mod located at the bottom of the left pane if sorted by priority ascending) created by FNIS. Right-click Overwrite and select Create Mod, name it FNIS Output and click OK. This will create a new mod listing in the left pane for the FNIS generated files. You will then need to check it to enable it. Each subsequent time you update FNIS behavior, you must open Overwrite and drag the new files back to this mod.


Common Errors

Error 53 or 2012

"Could not find file <path to file>\1hm_behavior.hkx


Ensure the animation sets you have installed are correctly placed in priority in the left-hand pane and FNIS is using the one you want. Open the Data tab in the right-hand pane and examine the filetree to see which animation is being used in the VFS.

Navigate the filetree by expanding: data>meshes>actors>character>behaviors> and see which mod is providing the file.

If the file name is displayed in red, the mouse tooltip will show which other mods are also providing this file. Move the correct mod to the correct location.


Additional cause for Error 2012


A user(@patchling) had Spybot - Search & Destroy+AV 2.5 installed and was constantly getting JIT and 2012 errors, specifically the 0_master.xml was not found. The file was placed in the FNIS temporary_log folder ready for processing but before that could happen it was removed by said program. Opening the start menu > settings > live protection > mode > uncheck "Scan programs before they start" apparently stops that behaviour.



Error dialogue

GenerateFNISForUsers.exe - This application could not be started.

This application could not be started.

Do you want to view information about this issue?


Simply close the dialogue by pressing "No" and enable FNIS in the Left-hand pane. Correct FNIS installation and use explains this in the wiki.


Why does the 6.2 Add-on not look correct in MO?

What you need to remember here is MO is designed to handle 'mods' and what we are installing with FNIS, and its add-ons, are 'tools'.

This means MO is looking for the correct folder structure for a 'mod' as seen by the game. The archive for the 6.2 add-on has as its top folder: "tools" and this is correct for FNIS, not the game.

Simply 'set the data folder' so that the "tools" folder is now at the top of the tree and ignore the next dialogue that asks if you are sure.

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  • 0
Posted (edited)

Greetings, I have been experiencing a very annoying issue with FNIS and Moonlight Tales Werewolf and Werebear Essentials. My problem is that FNIS doesn't recognize the new animations for werewolves of this mod when launching it through MO. I use the STEP Core Setup as a primer for my own mod collection, and this issue happens with both the old 1.94 XP32 Maximum skeleton and the new XPMS Extended, of course I don't use the two skeleton mods at the same time. I even changed the MO directory to a new HDD.


Here's my FNIS log in case you want to see it: 


FNIS Behavior V5.5 03/08/2015 04:16:42 a.m.
Skyrim: - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\commom\Skyrim (Steam)

Skeleton(hkx) female: XPMS (242 bones) male: XPMS (242 bones)
Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix" 

Reading FNISBase V5.5 ...
Reading FNISCreatureVersion V5.3 ...

All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files....

Create Creature Behaviors ...

47 animations for 2 mods successfully included (character)

Edited by criswolf09
  • 0

I'm not sure this is actually an issue with using FNIS from inside MO. I have seen a few mentions of various animation packs that don't seem to be seen by FNIS, and I have personally experienced at least one example, but I believe this behaviour also is seen when FNIS is run outside MO.

  • 0
Posted (edited)

Do you have the FNIS Creature pack installed?


EDIT: Says you do.


The mod page sugegsts if that happens to redownload and reinstall FNIS and the Creature pack. have you tried that?

Edited by Nozzer66
  • 0

Strange. And there's no other mods you're having any issue with?


You've redownloaded and reinstalled the mod itself?


The fact that the mod author mentions on the mod page that this may happen and how to fix it, without mentioning anything about Mod Organizer specifically suggests it's possibly not an MO issue itself.


Still, I'll mention the same thing I always do when I see someone with their Steam install inside Program Files (x86), see if you can move Steam out of a UAC directory. 

  • 0

You've probably have already done this a dozen times, so I apologize if this is redundant.


Are you placing the Creature Pack just under FNIS Behavior in the left pane and have you verified nothing is overwriting anything in the FNIS Creature Pack?

  • 0

Yes, the load order of FNIS follows the STEP guide:

FNIS Behaviour

FNIS Creature Pack

MT Werewolf Essentials


I also turned off UAC and moved my steam install with skyrim to a new HDD and the result is the same. I opted to not use this mod anymore and use the first version. I also use other mods which add interaction with creatures, and FNIS reads the new animations fine.

  • 0

May I ask how you are determining that this mod's animations aren't being seen by FNIS?

I've just installed it and all the animations are shown as loading into MO's VFS, thus they are available for the game and also FNIS.


When you have the new mod installed and active, you then run FNIS. The animations are scanned and added to the FNIS Creature mod. If you open that mod in MO via the 'Information' dialogue and examine the 'Filetree' tab you will see the animations are listed in a new folder called "werewolfbeast" by means of a TEMPLATE file. This is the same method used by FNIS for all creatures.

Therefore all the animations are now available for use by the game, so long as the FNIS Creature Pack mod, AND the new mod created from the "overwrite" are active.

In this case I named my new mod: "Werewolf Beast Pack" and when you examine the 'Data' tab to see the file structure used in game, you will see that 'defaultmale.hkx' now is supplied by this mod, as the werewolf animations are added to it along with the other creature animations that use it.

  • 0

Would you post you FNIS log please? I am asking this question because I can tell FNIS is not reading MTE animations given that when the patcher is reading the behaviours the patcher in its section of Creature behaviours it doesnt' mention this sentence as it used to do: Create creature behaviour... Brevi's Moonlight Tales ?.?...

  • 0

When you say: "it used to do", do you mean outside of MO or with previous versions of MO/FNIS?


[spoiler=FNIS Log] 0 Start Debug
FNIS Behavior V5.5 fix1 5/08/2015 10:12:14 AM
Skyrim: - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\ (Steam)

Skeleton(hkx) female: XPMS (227 bones) male: XPMS (229 bones)
Directory: .





6/08/2014 5:06:19 AM 46,545 AnimEvents.txt
29/11/2014 12:31:12 AM 4,668 AnimVars.txt
8/03/2014 9:09:08 PM 11,550 BehavioredObjects.txt
27/06/2015 9:07:48 PM 6,052 CustomPreCacheFiles.txt
27/06/2015 6:55:02 PM 79 DebugData.txt
11/07/2015 9:55:34 PM 606,720 GenerateFNISforUsers.exe
20/06/2015 4:57:51 AM 1,099 KnownCustomBehaviors.txt
22/04/2015 7:42:31 PM 2,114 PatchList.txt
28/12/2012 6:37:53 AM 1,857 hkxcmd LICENSE.TXT
28/12/2012 6:37:51 AM 10,524,672 hkxcmd.exe
Directory: templates
3/06/2015 9:24:06 AM 2,154,252 0_master_TEMPLATE.txt
27/10/2014 8:01:09 AM 2,796,034 0_master_TEMPLATE_CBE.txt
1/06/2015 6:06:21 AM 678 FNISVersionGenerated_TEMPLATE.pex
21/12/2014 9:49:06 PM 1,902,747 animationdatasinglefile_TEMPLATE.txt
15/06/2015 5:57:17 AM 803,062 animationsetdatasinglefile_TEMPLATE.txt
18/04/2015 7:20:02 PM 187,043 defaultfemale_TEMPLATE.txt
18/04/2015 7:20:31 PM 186,460 defaultmale_TEMPLATE.txt
4/06/2015 5:20:55 AM 4,508,028 mt_behavior_TEMPLATE.txt
Directory: temporary_logs
9/07/2012 6:49:58 AM 61 DUMMY_FILE_for_NMM_installation_only.txt
5/08/2015 10:12:15 AM 0 DummyStart.txt
5/08/2015 10:12:14 AM 0 GenerateFNIS_LogFile.txt
3/12/2012 4:41:12 AM 84,720 skeleton.hkx
5/08/2015 10:12:15 AM 420,909 skeleton.xml
Directory: characters female
3/01/2013 8:59:33 PM 151,872 defaultfemale.hkp
12/07/2015 8:26:29 AM 110,160 defaultfemale.hkx
Directory: characters
3/01/2013 8:59:34 PM 150,928 defaultmale.hkp
12/07/2015 8:26:31 AM 109,968 defaultmale.hkx
Directory: animations












13/05/2012 6:53:37 PM 116,512 bow_walkforward.hkx
3/12/2012 4:41:12 AM 32,272 dag_equip.hkx
3/12/2012 4:41:12 AM 210,944 dag_unequip.hkx
22/12/2012 9:41:01 AM 175,520 dualmagic_idle.HKX
10/11/2012 6:52:51 PM 46,352 dw_sprintforwardsword.hkx
30/12/2012 8:02:35 AM 29,200 mag_runforward.HKX
29/12/2012 10:21:20 PM 29,872 mag_runforwardleft.hkx
30/12/2012 8:04:09 AM 29,632 mag_runforwardright.HKX
30/12/2012 5:50:51 AM 29,776 mag_runleft.hkx
30/12/2012 5:47:04 AM 29,872 mag_runright.hkx
22/02/2012 3:16:54 AM 4,336 mag_turnleft180.hkx
22/02/2012 3:16:54 AM 4,336 mag_turnleft60.hkx
22/02/2012 3:16:54 AM 4,336 mag_turnright180.hkx
22/02/2012 3:16:54 AM 4,336 mag_turnright60.hkx
31/01/2012 10:12:56 PM 12,624 mag_walkbackward.hkx
31/01/2012 10:12:56 PM 12,608 mag_walkbackwardleft.hkx
31/01/2012 10:12:56 PM 14,048 mag_walkbckwrdright.hkx
18/12/2012 9:08:09 PM 41,232 mag_walkforward.HKX
18/12/2012 9:20:22 PM 38,480 mag_walkforwardleft.HKX
18/12/2012 9:29:45 PM 38,688 mag_walkforwardright.HKX
28/12/2012 9:56:45 AM 30,304 magcast_runbackward.HKX
28/12/2012 10:16:05 AM 31,760 magcast_runbackwrdleft.hkx
28/12/2012 10:15:31 AM 30,176 magcast_runbckwrdright.HKX
28/12/2012 9:52:09 AM 26,496 magcast_runforward.HKX
28/12/2012 10:14:48 AM 29,520 magcast_runforwardleft.HKX
28/12/2012 10:25:08 AM 31,520 magcast_runfrwrdright.HKX
28/12/2012 10:12:43 AM 28,960 magcast_runleft.HKX
28/12/2012 10:10:13 AM 29,680 magcast_runright.HKX
25/12/2012 10:08:57 PM 33,968 magcast_turnleft180.hkx
25/12/2012 10:08:13 PM 41,008 magcast_turnleft60.hkx
25/12/2012 10:09:42 PM 33,296 magcast_turnright180.hkx
25/12/2012 10:09:27 PM 42,272 magcast_turnright60.hkx
28/12/2012 10:08:09 AM 42,096 magcast_walkbackward.HKX
28/12/2012 9:55:12 AM 40,992 magcast_walkforward.HKX
28/12/2012 10:12:05 AM 41,792 magcast_walkleft.HKX
28/12/2012 10:11:03 AM 39,216 magcast_walkright.HKX
6/01/2013 7:53:32 AM 46,384 magic_sprintforward.hkx
28/12/2012 4:41:47 AM 295,648 mlh_aimedconcentration.HKX
27/12/2012 7:03:51 PM 213,264 mlh_chargeloop.HKX
7/01/2013 12:15:50 AM 224,720 mlh_idle.HKX
28/12/2012 4:36:08 AM 64,912 mlh_preaimedcon.HKX
28/12/2012 11:20:18 AM 82,288 mlh_precharge.HKX
28/12/2012 5:08:31 AM 42,528 mlh_preready.HKX
27/12/2012 7:07:36 PM 72,560 mlh_preselfcon.HKX
27/12/2012 6:18:24 PM 68,688 mlh_pretelekinesis.HKX
27/12/2012 6:48:33 PM 68,144 mlh_prewardloop.HKX
27/12/2012 7:09:56 PM 212,496 mlh_readyloop.HKX
28/12/2012 4:58:53 AM 111,840 mlh_release.HKX
6/01/2013 4:41:21 PM 443,920 mlh_selfchargeloop.HKX
27/12/2012 10:28:14 PM 417,792 mlh_selfconcentration.HKX
6/01/2013 4:40:34 PM 77,952 mlh_selfprecharge.HKX
28/12/2012 4:33:30 AM 216,752 mlh_selfreadyloop.HKX
27/12/2012 6:17:29 PM 136,752 mlh_selfrelease.HKX
27/12/2012 7:01:32 PM 296,720 mlh_wardloop.HKX
6/01/2013 4:25:18 PM 306,768 mlhmrh_aimedconcentrationloop.HKX
27/12/2012 10:08:31 PM 313,008 mrh_aimedconcentration.HKX
27/12/2012 10:19:26 PM 205,392 mrh_chargeloop.hkx
7/01/2013 12:43:16 AM 213,840 mrh_idle.HKX
27/12/2012 10:07:07 PM 69,520 mrh_preaimedcon.HKX
6/01/2013 10:20:46 AM 415,008 mrh_precharge.hkx
3/01/2013 1:19:38 AM 206,496 mrh_prechargeX.hkx
29/12/2012 8:08:02 PM 79,344 mrh_preready.HKX
27/12/2012 10:25:03 PM 83,936 mrh_preselfcon.hkx
10/03/2012 3:49:36 PM 4,880 mrh_pretelekinesis.hkx
27/12/2012 10:11:18 PM 58,928 mrh_prewardloop.HKX
6/01/2013 6:42:21 AM 205,408 mrh_readyloop.hkx
6/01/2013 6:38:14 AM 150,688 mrh_release.hkx
10/03/2012 3:49:36 PM 4,336 mrh_selfchargeloop.hkx
28/12/2012 9:33:24 AM 410,928 mrh_selfconcentration.hkx
27/12/2012 10:17:13 PM 79,056 mrh_selfprecharge.hkx
30/12/2012 6:24:33 AM 212,672 mrh_selfreadyloop.HKX
27/12/2012 10:20:44 PM 114,528 mrh_selfrelease.hkx
10/03/2012 3:49:36 PM 12,704 mrh_telekinesisloop.hkx
27/12/2012 10:12:57 PM 496,848 mrh_wardloop.hkx
17/06/2012 3:12:13 PM 147,872 mt_getupfromback.hkx
17/06/2012 4:02:22 PM 138,224 mt_getupfromfront.hkx
18/11/2012 10:35:44 AM 115,952 mt_jumpfast.hkx
20/06/2012 6:59:07 PM 46,336 mt_sprintforwardsword.hkx
2/04/2012 11:55:00 PM 4,496 ritualspell_aimconloop.hkx
2/04/2012 11:55:00 PM 4,592 ritualspell_aimrelease.hkx
2/04/2012 11:55:00 PM 11,920 ritualspell_charge.hkx
2/04/2012 11:55:00 PM 4,496 ritualspell_ready.hkx
2/04/2012 11:55:00 PM 6,784 ritualspell_release.hkx
10/07/2012 10:31:33 PM 592,592 staff_idle.hkx
6/01/2013 2:11:37 PM 29,776 staffmagic_runarm.hkx
5/01/2013 1:52:02 AM 28,352 staffmagic_walkarm.hkx
5/01/2013 1:52:07 AM 91,488 staffmagiccast_turnleft180.hkx
5/01/2013 1:52:06 AM 132,848 staffmagiccast_turnleft60.hkx
5/01/2013 1:52:05 AM 91,168 staffmagiccast_turnright180.hkx
5/01/2013 1:52:04 AM 132,800 staffmagiccast_turnright60.hkx
5/01/2013 1:52:15 AM 60,048 staffmagicright_runarm.HKX
5/01/2013 1:52:02 AM 28,352 staffmagicright_walkarm.hkx
10/07/2012 10:31:33 PM 592,592 staffright_idle.hkx
6/01/2013 7:53:32 AM 46,384 staffrightleft_sprint.hkx
Directory: female
24/06/2012 7:25:34 AM 106,384 1hm_equip.hkx
27/06/2012 8:37:44 AM 592,592 1hm_idle.hkx
28/06/2012 6:45:48 AM 60,048 1hm_runforward.hkx
27/06/2012 7:51:59 PM 59,664 1hm_runforwardleft.hkx
27/06/2012 7:51:41 PM 60,512 1hm_runforwardright.hkx
24/06/2012 7:25:34 AM 59,520 1hm_runleft.hkx
24/06/2012 7:25:34 AM 59,504 1hm_runright.hkx
27/06/2012 6:26:33 AM 46,352 1hm_sprintforwardsword.hkx
24/06/2012 7:25:34 AM 91,488 1hm_turnleft180.hkx
24/06/2012 7:25:34 AM 132,848 1hm_turnleft60.hkx
24/06/2012 7:25:34 AM 91,168 1hm_turnright180.hkx
24/06/2012 7:25:34 AM 132,800 1hm_turnright60.hkx
24/06/2012 7:25:34 AM 28,352 1hm_walkforward.hkx
24/06/2012 7:25:34 AM 107,072 1hm_walkforwardleft.hkx
24/06/2012 7:25:34 AM 107,248 1hm_walkforwardright.hkx
24/06/2012 7:25:33 AM 107,744 1hm_walkleft.hkx
24/06/2012 7:25:32 AM 105,120 1hm_walkright.hkx
20/05/2012 11:30:49 PM 59,936 bow_runforward.hkx
25/06/2012 9:09:33 PM 46,336 dw_sprintforwardsword.hkx
28/12/2012 11:36:58 AM 30,496 mag_runforward.HKX
18/12/2012 11:53:35 PM 31,184 mag_runforwardleft.hkx
18/12/2012 11:53:02 PM 31,088 mag_runforwardright.hkx
18/12/2012 6:24:07 PM 31,680 mag_runleft.hkx
5/12/2012 5:00:44 PM 31,760 mag_runright.HKX
10/11/2012 7:57:29 PM 46,304 magic_sprintforward.hkx
24/11/2012 7:55:54 PM 29,104 mt_runbackward.HKX
24/11/2012 7:58:12 PM 29,376 mt_runbackwardleft.HKX
24/11/2012 7:56:58 PM 29,216 mt_runbackwardright.HKX
24/11/2012 7:31:20 PM 30,864 mt_runforward.HKX
24/11/2012 7:34:56 PM 31,376 mt_runforwardleft.HKX
24/11/2012 7:37:42 PM 31,264 mt_runforwardright.HKX
25/11/2012 6:56:12 AM 31,664 mt_runleft.HKX
25/11/2012 6:57:24 AM 31,760 mt_runright.HKX
11/03/2012 8:01:32 PM 16,416 mt_sprintforward.HKX
20/06/2012 6:59:07 PM 46,336 mt_sprintforwardsword.hkx
24/11/2012 6:00:12 PM 39,696 mt_walkbackward.HKX
24/11/2012 6:03:14 PM 39,808 mt_walkbackwardleft.HKX
24/11/2012 6:01:15 PM 39,632 mt_walkbackwardright.HKX
25/11/2012 6:22:48 AM 30,704 mt_walkforward.HKX
25/11/2012 6:27:43 AM 31,760 mt_walkforwardleft.HKX
25/11/2012 6:27:02 AM 31,536 mt_walkforwardright.HKX
25/11/2012 6:29:24 AM 31,936 mt_walkleft.HKX
25/11/2012 6:46:10 AM 31,840 mt_walkright.HKX
6/01/2013 2:11:37 PM 29,776 staffmagic_runarm.hkx
5/01/2013 1:52:02 AM 28,352 staffmagic_walkarm.hkx
6/01/2013 7:53:32 AM 46,384 staffrightleft_sprint.hkx
Directory: male
24/06/2012 7:25:34 AM 106,384 1hm_equip.hkx
27/06/2012 8:37:44 AM 592,592 1hm_idle.hkx
11/11/2012 12:40:48 AM 58,224 1hm_runforward.hkx
11/11/2012 12:47:08 AM 58,032 1hm_runforwardleft.hkx
11/11/2012 12:48:36 AM 58,768 1hm_runforwardright.hkx
24/06/2012 7:25:34 AM 59,520 1hm_runleft.hkx
24/06/2012 7:25:34 AM 59,504 1hm_runright.hkx
27/06/2012 6:26:33 AM 46,352 1hm_sprintforwardsword.hkx
24/06/2012 7:25:34 AM 91,488 1hm_turnleft180.hkx
24/06/2012 7:25:34 AM 132,848 1hm_turnleft60.hkx
24/06/2012 7:25:34 AM 91,168 1hm_turnright180.hkx
24/06/2012 7:25:34 AM 132,800 1hm_turnright60.hkx
24/06/2012 7:25:34 AM 28,352 1hm_walkforward.hkx
24/06/2012 7:25:34 AM 107,072 1hm_walkforwardleft.hkx
24/06/2012 7:25:34 AM 107,248 1hm_walkforwardright.hkx
24/06/2012 7:25:33 AM 107,744 1hm_walkleft.hkx
24/06/2012 7:25:32 AM 105,120 1hm_walkright.hkx
Directory: behaviors
29/11/2012 12:12:17 AM 477,680 0_master.hkt
5/08/2015 10:11:53 AM 477,392 0_master.hkx
3/01/2013 7:42:39 PM 953,056 1hm_behavior.hkt
8/11/2012 11:53:35 AM 952,816 1hm_behavior.hkx
27/11/2012 10:14:29 PM 133,360 1hm_locomotion.hkt
8/11/2012 11:53:35 AM 132,320 1hm_locomotion.hkx
25/05/2015 8:50:04 AM 52,400 FNIS_FNISBase_Behavior.hkx
31/05/2014 8:49:54 PM 1,888 FNIS_FNISCreatureVersion_Behavior.hkx
7/11/2012 9:54:05 AM 4,016 FNIS_MomoAJ_Behavior.hkx
27/11/2012 10:14:29 PM 29,584 bashbehavior.hkt
27/11/2012 10:14:30 PM 157,344 blockbehavior.hkt
27/11/2012 10:14:30 PM 37,216 bow_direction_behavior.hkt
27/11/2012 10:14:31 PM 133,760 horsebehavior.hkt
27/11/2012 10:14:33 PM 259,520 idlebehavior.hkt
3/01/2013 7:42:41 PM 226,096 magicbehavior.hkt
27/11/2012 10:14:34 PM 27,680 sprintbehavior.hkt
27/11/2012 10:14:34 PM 21,024 staggerbehavior.hkt
29/11/2012 12:12:24 AM 53,792 weapequip.hkt
8/11/2012 11:53:35 AM 53,744 weapequip.hkx
Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix"

Reading FNISBase V5.5 ...
Reading FNISCreatureVersion V5.1 ...
Reading MomoAJ V?.? ...

All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files ...
Generating defaultfemale.xml ...
Start Tempate: templates\defaultfemale_Template.txt
Max RecIndex: 1000
Generating defaultmale.xml ...
Start Tempate: templates\defaultmale_Template.txt
Max RecIndex: 1000
Generating 0_master.xml ...
Start Tempate: templates\0_master_TEMPLATE.txt
Symbolic: 0 AnimObj Addr: 2580
Symbolic: 1 Paired Addr: 2580
Symbolic: 2 Killmove Addr: 2580
Symbolic: 3 FNISRefGen Addr: 2580
Max RecIndex: 2586
Converting Behavior Files (.xml to .hkx) ...
ASDSF ReadCustomPreCheckFile. Mod fnissexymove installed:False
ASDSF ReadCustomPreCheckFile. Mod racemenu installed:False
ASDSF ReadCustomPreCheckFile. Mod racemenu installed:False
ASDSF ReadCustomPreCheckFile. Mod racemenu installed:False
ASDSF ReadCustomPreCheckFile. Mod racemenu installed:False
ASDSF ReadCustomPreCheckFile. Mod racemenu installed:False
ASDSF ReadCustomPreCheckFile. Mod racemenu installed:False
ASDSF ReadCustomPreCheckFile. Mod racemenu installed:False
ASDSF ReadCustomPreCheckFile. Mod fnisflyer installed:False
ASDSF ReadCustomPreCheckFile. Mod p1flyingring installed:False
ASDSF ReadCustomPreCheckFile. Mod p1flyingring installed:False
ASDSF ReadCustomPreCheckFile. Mod p1flyingring installed:False
ASDSF ReadCustomPreCheckFile. Mod p1flyingring installed:False
ASDSF ReadCustomPreCheckFile. Mod p1flyingring installed:False
ASDSF ReadCustomPreCheckFile. Mod p1flyingring installed:False
ASDSF ReadCustomPreCheckFile. Mod p1flyingring installed:False

Create Creature Behaviors ...

49 animations for 3 mods successfully included (character)
Directory: temporary_logs
5/08/2015 10:12:16 AM 2,068,458 0_master.xml
9/07/2012 6:49:58 AM 61 DUMMY_FILE_for_NMM_installation_only.txt
5/08/2015 10:12:14 AM 12,288 GenerateFNIS_LogFile.txt
5/08/2015 10:12:15 AM 202,943 defaultfemale.xml
5/08/2015 10:12:15 AM 203,348 defaultmale.xml
3/12/2012 4:41:12 AM 84,720 skeleton.hkx
5/08/2015 10:12:15 AM 420,909 skeleton.xml
Directory: characters female
3/01/2013 8:59:33 PM 151,872 defaultfemale.hkp
5/08/2015 10:12:18 AM 116,832 defaultfemale.hkx
Directory: characters
3/01/2013 8:59:34 PM 150,928 defaultmale.hkp
5/08/2015 10:12:19 AM 117,040 defaultmale.hkx
Directory: behaviors
29/11/2012 12:12:17 AM 477,680 0_master.hkt
5/08/2015 10:12:17 AM 477,392 0_master.hkx
3/01/2013 7:42:39 PM 953,056 1hm_behavior.hkt
8/11/2012 11:53:35 AM 952,816 1hm_behavior.hkx
27/11/2012 10:14:29 PM 133,360 1hm_locomotion.hkt
8/11/2012 11:53:35 AM 132,320 1hm_locomotion.hkx
25/05/2015 8:50:04 AM 52,400 FNIS_FNISBase_Behavior.hkx
31/05/2014 8:49:54 PM 1,888 FNIS_FNISCreatureVersion_Behavior.hkx
7/11/2012 9:54:05 AM 4,016 FNIS_MomoAJ_Behavior.hkx
27/11/2012 10:14:29 PM 29,584 bashbehavior.hkt
27/11/2012 10:14:30 PM 157,344 blockbehavior.hkt
27/11/2012 10:14:30 PM 37,216 bow_direction_behavior.hkt
27/11/2012 10:14:31 PM 133,760 horsebehavior.hkt
27/11/2012 10:14:33 PM 259,520 idlebehavior.hkt
3/01/2013 7:42:41 PM 226,096 magicbehavior.hkt
27/11/2012 10:14:34 PM 27,680 sprintbehavior.hkt
27/11/2012 10:14:34 PM 21,024 staggerbehavior.hkt
29/11/2012 12:12:24 AM 53,792 weapequip.hkt
8/11/2012 11:53:35 AM 53,744 weapequip.hkx


  • 0
Here's this FNIS log which I ran from MO, you'll see there are NSFW mods here but don't pay attention to them. If you look in the Create Creature Behaviours section of the log, it used to appear there these sentence "Brevi's Moonlight Tales Essentials ?.?" when I had the mod installed and ticked in MO.... but now it doesnt appear anymore.


FNIS Behavior V5.5 fix1   05/08/2015 12:24:31 a.m.

Skyrim: - D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\ (Steam)


Skeleton(hkx) female: Default (99 bones)   male: Default (99 bones)

Patch: "GENDER Specific Animations" 

Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix" 


Reading DeviousDevices V2.9.0 ...

Reading FNISBase V5.5 ...

Reading FNISCreatureVersion V5.3 ...

Reading MNC V?.? ...

Reading NonSexLabAnimationPack V2.7c ...

Reading SexLab V1.59c ...

Reading SexLabCreature V1.59c ...

Reading ZaZAnimationPack V6.07  ( 26 furniture, 29 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 0 alternate animations) ...


All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files....

 12 GENDER modifications for Animations\male

 1 GENDER modifications for Animations\female

Generating animationsetdatasinglefile.txt ...


Create Creature Behaviors ...

Reading MNC V?.? ...

Reading SexLabCreature V1.59c ...

mt_behavior usage: 19,9 %   ( 0 furniture, 29 offset, 0 chair, 0 alternate animations)


 2724 animations for 8 mods successfully included (character)

 667 animations for 2 mods and 22 creatures successfully included.

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