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First i installed a "STEP:Core+", with some mods with higher res than base and some mods from extended.
As i tested and got heavy fps drops(1 FPS while looking in specific directions), i decided to invest the time to figure out what causes those lags and to optimize my modded Skyrim.
So i started another fresh profile in MO and testing it step by step, starting by staying to Core and then extending my list.


  • [*]OS: Win 7 Prof N 64bit (SP1+ all updates) [*]CPU: i5-4670K 3.40GHz [*]RAM: 8GB [*]GPU: GTX 780 (
GV-N780OC-3GD (rev. 2.0)) 3GB [*]Monitor: EIZO Foris FS2333 1920x1080(Main=Skyrim played on)16:9 and 1680x1050(Side)16:10 [*]Storage: Samsung SSD 840 Pro (Skyrim[steam]+MO) [*]Skyrim Legendary Edition

sLanguage = GERMAN
sIntroSequence = ;Disables the intro sequence for a faster startup
uExterior Cell Buffer = 36
fFlickeringLightDistance = 8192.0
uGridsToLoad = 7

fShadowLODMaxStartFade = 1000.0
fSpecularLODMaxStartFade = 2000.0
fLightLODMaxStartFade = 3500.0
iShadowMapResolutionPrimary = 2048
bAllowScreenshot = 1
fSunShadowUpdateTime = 0.25
fSunUpdateThreshold = 1.5

fMusicDuckingSeconds = 6.0
fMusicUnDuckingSeconds = 8.0
fMenuModeFadeOutTime = 3.0
fMenuModeFadeInTime = 1.0

bAllowCreateGrass = 1
bAllowLoadGrass = 0
iMinGrassSize = 40
iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure = 7

SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning = One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.

sResourceArchiveList = Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa
sResourceArchiveList2 = Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa

fMagnetismStrafeHeadingMult = 0.0
fMagnetismLookingMult = 0.0
f1PArrowTiltUpAngle = 0.7
f1PBoltTiltUpAngle = 0.7
f3PArrowTiltUpAngle = 0.7
f3PBoltTiltUpAngle = 0.7

fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS = 500.0
bEnableLogging = 0
bEnableTrace = 0
bLoadDebugInformation = 0

bReflectLODObjects = 1
bReflectLODLand = 1
bReflectSky = 1
bReflectLODTrees = 1

fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist = 12288.0

fOverShoulderAddY = 0.0
fOverShoulderCombatAddY = 0.0
fOverShoulderHorsePosX = 35.0
fOverShoulderHorseAddY = -72.0
fOverShoulderHorsePosZ = 50.0
fOverShoulderCombatPosZ = 24.0
fOverShoulderPosZ = 18.0
fOverShoulderPosX = 0.0
fMouseWheelZoomSpeed = 60.0
fActorFadeOutLimit = -100.0
f1st3rdSwitchDelay = 0.95
iHorseTransitionMillis = 1

fSafeZoneY = 10.0
fSafeZoneX = 10.0
fSafeZoneYWide = 10.0
fSafeZoneXWide = 10.0
fBookOpenTime = 200.0

bVATSDisable = 1

fBrightLightColorB = 1.0000
fBrightLightColorG = 1.0000
fBrightLightColorR = 1.0000
iStoryManagerLoggingEvent = -1
bEnableStoryManagerLogging = 0

bDoDepthOfField = 1
iRadialBlurLevel = 2

iBlurDeferredShadowMask = 3
fInteriorShadowDistance = 3000.0000
fShadowDistance = 8000.0000
iShadowMapResolutionSecondary = 1024
iShadowMapResolutionPrimary = 2048
iShadowSplitCount = 2
iMaxAnisotropy = 0
fLeafAnimDampenDistEnd = 4600.0000
fLeafAnimDampenDistStart = 3600.0000
fTreesMidLODSwitchDist = 10000000.0000
fGamma = 1.0000
fDecalLOD2 = 1500.0000
fDecalLOD1 = 1000.0000
fSpecularLODStartFade = 2000.0000
fShadowLODStartFade = 200.0000
fLightLODStartFade = 3500.0000
iTexMipMapMinimum = 0
iTexMipMapSkip = 0
iWaterMultiSamples = 0
iMultiSample = 4
iShadowMode = 3
bTreesReceiveShadows = 1
bDrawLandShadows = 1
bFull Screen = 1
iSize H = 1080
iSize W = 1920
fMeshLODFadePercentDefault = 1.2000
fMeshLODFadeBoundDefault = 256.0000
fMeshLODLevel2FadeTreeDistance = 2048.0000
fMeshLODLevel1FadeTreeDistance = 2844.0000
fMeshLODLevel2FadeDist = 10000000.0000
fMeshLODLevel1FadeDist = 10000000.0000
iScreenShotIndex = 68
bShadowMaskZPrepass = 0
bMainZPrepass = 0
iMaxSkinDecalsPerFrame = 25
iMaxDecalsPerFrame = 100
bFloatPointRenderTarget = 1
sD3DDevice = "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780"
bFXAAEnabled = 0
iShadowMapResolution = 4096
fShadowBiasScale = 0.1500
iShadowMaskQuarter = 4
iAdapter = 0
iPresentInterval = 0
iShadowFilter = 3
bShadowsOnGrass = 1
bTransparencyMultisampling = 0
bDeferredShadows = 1
bDrawShadows = 1

b30GrassVS = 0
fGrassStartFadeDistance = 18000.0000
fGrassMaxStartFadeDistance = 7000.0000
fGrassMinStartFadeDistance = 0.0000

bGamepadEnable = 1
bCrosshairEnabled = 1
fHUDOpacity = 1.0000
bSaveOnPause = 1
bSaveOnTravel = 1
bSaveOnWait = 1
bSaveOnRest = 1
fSkyCellRefFadeDistance = 150000.0000

bShowFloatingQuestMarkers = 1
bShowQuestMarkers = 1
iDifficulty = 2

bDialogueSubtitles = 0
bGeneralSubtitles = 0
fMouseCursorSpeed = 1.0000
bShowCompass = 1

fGamepadHeadingSensitivity = 1.0000
fMouseHeadingSensitivity = 0.0300
bAlwaysRunByDefault = 1
bInvertYValues = 0
bGamePadRumble = 1
bMouseAcceleration = 0
bUseKinect = 0

iMaxDesired = 750

fAutosaveEveryXMins = 15.0000

fAudioMasterVolume = 1.0000
fVal7 = 1.0000
uID7 = 0
fVal6 = 1.0000
uID6 = 0
fVal5 = 1.0000
uID5 = 0
fVal4 = 1.0000
uID4 = 0
fVal3 = 1.0000
uID3 = 94881
fVal2 = 0.4000
uID2 = 466532
fVal1 = 1.0000
uID1 = 554685
fVal0 = 0.8000
uID0 = 1007612

fCloudLevel2Distance = 262144.0000
fCloudLevel1Distance = 32768.0000
fCloudLevel0Distance = 16384.0000
fCloudNearFadeDistance = 9000.0000

fTreeLoadDistance = 75000.0000
fBlockMaximumDistance = 250000.0000
fBlockLevel1Distance = 70000.0000
fBlockLevel0Distance = 35000.0000
fSplitDistanceMult = 1.5000
bShowLODInEditor = 0

fObstacleAlpha = 0.5000
fCoverSideHighAlpha = 0.8000
fCoverSideLowAlpha = 0.6500
fEdgeFullAlpha = 1.0000
fEdgeHighAlpha = 0.7500
fEdgeLowAlpha = 0.5000
fTriangleFullAlpha = 0.7000
fTriangleHighAlpha = 0.3500
fTriangleLowAlpha = 0.2000
fLedgeBoxHalfHeight = 25.0000
fEdgeDistFromVert = 10.0000
fEdgeThickness = 10.0000
fPointSize = 2.5000

bRenderSkinnedTrees = 1
uiMaxSkinnedTreesToRender = 20

uMaxDecals = 1000
bDecals = 1
bSkinnedDecals = 1
uMaxSkinDecals = 100
uMaxSkinDecalsPerActor = 60
bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry = 1
iMaxDecalsPerFrame = 256

fLODFadeOutMultObjects = 15.0000
fLODFadeOutMultItems = 15.0000
fLODFadeOutMultActors = 15.0000
fLODFadeOutMultSkyCell = 1.0000

bEnableFileSelection = 1
bShowAllResolutions = 1
uLastAspectRatio = 3

bDoHighDynamicRange = 1

bUseBlurShader = 0

iWaterReflectHeight = 512
iWaterReflectWidth = 512
bUseWaterDisplacements = 1
bUseWaterRefractions = 1
bUseWaterReflections = 1
bUseWaterDepth = 1


UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true //default = false
UseDefferedRendering=false //default = true



VideoMemorySizeMb= //default = 2000
AutodetectVideoMemorySize=true //default = false

ForceBorderless=true //default = false
ForceBorderlessFullscreen=true //default = false

ForceAnisotropicFiltering=false //default = true
EnableVSync=true //default = false


//num / 106
//print screen




Nvidia Inspector:
AA-Setting: 4x4 Supersampling
rest like 1.E.1.2
Tools: SPM v3.66 and FRAPS 3.5.99.
Test after 2.F of STEP 2.2.9:
(No Bethesda Hi-Res DLC Optimized by Vano89 due to: Greater than 1.5GB: Do not download this mod, just use the full HRDLC.)
Mostly 60fps, but already some fps drops to 20-30. Happens while turning around fast(most stress for GPU?).
VRAM usage ~ 2GB. CPU% and GPU% ~70%(-80%).
Test after Enhanced Night Skyrim installed:
Nearly no difference from before. Maybe less overall FPS "bigger FPS-Hits", but expected due to heavy texture mods.
No real increase in stuttering, but dropping FPS while turning fast is still there and annoying.
VRAM usage ~ 2GB. CPU% and GPU% <80%~90%.
Test after improved Vanilla Mountains:
After it got worse after the last step, i think it got a bit better with those 5 mods added.
VRAM usage ~ 2GB. CPU% and GPU% <80%~90%.
Lag/Stutter/FPS observation:
FPS and stuttering are depended on location, also it doesn't looks logical to me.
I can turn around fast in Fort Greenwall(stays at[40-]50~60FPS), but FPS drops down to 5FPS in Merryfair Farm, although i can see less there.
While it occurs the CPU% and GPU% is decreasing(getting less material to work with i guess).
It's still playable but with annoying lags while turning fast(happens less frequently while really playing) and stutters while moving around.

Higher uGridsToLoad settings increases stuttering, but 7 seems to work ok(I'm a real fan of having a nice long view into the distance[trying to optimize especially because of this]).
Better shadow qualities could eat up about 600MB VRAM, with setting MapResolution to ~8k and ShadowMask to 32 in skyrimprefs.ini.
VSync settings aren't working as expected, but i will have a look into this again later. Using Nvidia for VSync for the moment.
Seems like with VSync off stuttering is getting damped, but also causes physic glitches.
Most of the mods(especially the bigger once) should be baseline. Some smaller could be higher(2k instead of 1k).
Is it normal, that i experience those stutters(maybe because of the engine), or is my system to weak to even handle a little bit more than baseline?
Can high res textures cause FPS drops, even if i still have ~0.9-1GB of free VRAM(, with my GPU)?
Can those stutters cause constant FPS drops to 1FPS if i mod more(like my first try, where not only turning caused stuttering and drops but also just looking in special directions)?
I will continue to test and try to find out what can help me to get a nice panoramic view in Skyrim, with an acceptable framerate.


Unoptimized operating system? Lots of I/O intensive crap running in the background? Overheating inside the case?


Hmm... I keep saying check VRAM... It brings mine to a crawl.

Like DoubleYou kinda said...



because in skyrim you have bFull Screen = 1 set


You have 3GB VRAM by no means do you need this. It caused really bad macro/micro stutter on my system. Yes, both.



Hmmm.... You also said this

  • [*]Monitor: EIZO Foris FS2333 1920x1080(Main=Skyrim played on)16:9 and 1680x1050(Side)16:10

try disconnecting the second monitor.


On a side note, I would recommend ReservedMemorySizeMb= be a higher value. Something like 256/512 but should impact anything quite like this.

Posted (edited)

Unoptimized operating system? Lots of I/O intensive crap running in the background? Overheating inside the case?

Shouldn't be running too much in the background and definitely no Overheating.

Nevertheless i will keep an eye on this and also try deactivating borderless + just using one monitor.

Isn't the ReservedMemory thing autodetect as described in the guide? I will try setting it manual.



Short test: Borderless both = false and ReservedMemorySizeMb=512 (Stream running with 720p on second monitor, but shouldn't make any difference)

Here are 3 pics taken:

Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

1. and 2. image i had >55 FPS CPU was about 45% and GPU at 80%

3. image i had only 2FPS with CPU at around26% and GPU between 50 and 70%.

Just looking in one special direction gives me this huge drop in FPS and not just a lagspike. I stays at 2FPS and as soon as i move out of this "bad region" i get immediately above 55 FPS.


After setting ReservedMemorySizeMb to 64 again and testing i get a constant FPS drop from 60 to ~50 in this region(5-10FPS is somewhat acceptable). So this region seems to be intense for the GPU, also i don't really understand what's the difference there. Setting ReservedMemorySizeMb to 512 increases this drop immensely.

turning around fast stutters(short FPS drop to ~25)


Setting ForceBorderlessFullscreen to true gave me 2-3 FPS. Seems wrong after some more testing, also for ForceBorderless. Both don't enable a borderless window mode for me.


Vanilla runs there with ~55 FPS but without (big)framedrops while turning.


Note for myself:

Began again from the start. Installed including SMIM. Testing more places and try to go to specific places where the mods add things.

Outside of DragonReach i could decrease my FPS too 45, but that was the lowest so far and looking around fast increases FPS(>45). No stuttering at all.

So, not many texture mods installed -> no issue found for now.

Edited by Simondererste
Posted (edited)

When the pines are in view, is that when fast turning drops to ridiculous FPS?  If so, is that only when it happens?  I noticed after I installed (and during benchmark after installation of 2G) that my FPS droped from a low of 57 (just spirts down to 57 then back to 60) to a low of 44 (sat at 44~49 for quite a few seconds)  during opening sequence going down the hill from what appears to be a result of one or both:


Recolored Pines and LODs for v181b optional file. (during the SMIM installation, this is an optional file)

Trees HD.  I did follow all of the detailed instructions for all mods.  I am going to disable all of 2G and benchmark after enabling each mod in order one by one.  I should then find what it is.


This is what I did so I could follow my installation easier.  STEP has a section (ie, 2C to 2N).  For each mod I installed, I put the section and and section name, then the mod name  I did this so I could ensure that my priority order is EXACTLY as step shows (order of installation).  You can install out of order in MO (sometimes it happens) as each mod installs to its own folder.  What you have to do is just ensure the priority numbers show just as the mods in step are listed.  My naming convention helps me do that.  For example:


2.G. L&E Real Wood Textures - Farmhouses 

means section 2G Landscape and Environment then original mod name


I mention this because perhaps you could find exactly what's going on if you disable mods up to a certain section and benchmark.  Then when you enable a new section at a time, benchmark (just like in the STEP guide).  You should then be able to pinpoint down to the mod what is causing it. 

Edited by edemircistep
Posted (edited)

Using Serious HD 2k textures -> small stutters while turning fast at Merryfair Farm.
Although i didn't used 2k before, i just tried it and tested.
Seems like it happens, when it want to use more than 2gb of vram.
Could the cause of my stutter have something to do with this? I should have 3gb of vram(SPM shows that too), but stuttering happens when it is around the 2gb line. Max value recorded by SPM was 2005MB.

Posted Image

Changes to first post inis(shouldn't be important):

enblocal: borderless both =false; EnableVSync=false(done with nvidia);

skyrim: iMinGrassSize and uGridsToLoad not in ini => default value; [Camera],[interface] and [VATS] not in ini

skyrimprefs: fGrassStartFadeDistance =7000; fMouseHeadingSensitivity =0.0125; not in ini: bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry = 1 iMaxDecalsPerFrame = 256


Autumnwatch tower is my newest test area. After installing SRO HD Misc and Tobe's highres textures and getting nearly no problems(just one time stutter while turning around. second and following turns ~60FPS) i tried running around a bit more.

Then down the Autumnwatch tower i already got big stutters, that didn't vanished after the first turn. Those lags were gone after removing tobes hd misc and SRO and were just those one time fps drops. Again it occurred  when vram hit 2gb.

Edited by Simondererste
Posted (edited)

(Bump) May have found the issue.Changed the automatic settings to those suggested by TechAngel in the ENB Thread.Voilà smooth 60 FPS like a baby's butt in every area i was running through while testing. Just had 1 short lagspike, but who knows where this came from. Feelings of microstuttering was due to something blocking my way i guess. I even used the 2K textures from Serious HD.[spoiler=enblocal.ini now has those different settings from first post:]ReservedMemorySizeMb=512VideoMemorySizeMb=9216AutodetectVideoMemorySize=false[WINDOW]ForceBorderless=falseForceBorderlessFullscreen=false[ENGINE]...EnableVSync=false

 No more FPS drops due to turning noticeable anymore. Also used an older full step profile for fast testing and it seemed to work ok.(40)-60FPS VRAM <~2,7GB RAM <2,4GB CPU% and GPU% mostly under/around 60%. GPU peaked to 96% but why not use what you have ^^.I will continue testing other settings. Hopefully this was the cause of my FPS drops and i will be able to mod my Skyrim into the skies :gnome:.As my PC didn't exploded yet, i suppose it's an error with the automatic setting.Someone may know what is wrong with the automatic settings and may be able to correct it.


With a nearly full core install(some from extended added some from core dropped) i got a nice playing experience. Most of my mods should be installed with the higher option than baseline now.

While playing and stresstesting:

Lowest constant FPS where in Markath with ~29FPS. Most of the time i get between 40-60 FPS.

Big Cell loading stutter ::P: without collision and 1500 speedmult ^^. For me it runs smoothly so far. while playing and running around with 300 speedmult i just get some stutters here and there. So far it seems like it is working good but not optimized so far.

If i found my optimal setting i will edit my first post, but this may take some time as i also want to use an enb.

I will mark this as solved with this:

On a 32bit system you set it equal to you VRAM in MB. 2GB VRAM=2048MB so you'd set it to 2048. On 64bit systems the official formula is: (VRAM + RAM) - 2048. Recently another formula has popped up that is: (VRAM + RAM - 2048)/2. The max value can't be greater than 10240 so if you have a value greater than that using the formulas, set it to 10240.Formula 1 example: if you have 2Gb of VRAM and 8GB of system RAM then you'd get this:2048 + 8192 -2048 = 8192Formula 2 example using the same numbers is:(2048 + 8192 -2048)/2 = 8192/2 = 4096Both formulas are safe so you might just experiment and see which one works best for you. Here are the lines from Vividian ENB from my own profile:

ReservedMemorySizeMb=512    // Reduce to 256 or 128 if you have less than 3GB VRAMVideoMemorySizeMb=5120        // Formula: (VRAM + RAM - 2048 / 2) , max value: 10240EnableCompression=trueAutodetectVideoMemorySize=false
Edited by Simondererste
  • 9 months later...

Try disabling the borderless window settings and see if things improve. I know my system doesn't like the borderless window settings for whatever reason.

@and hishutup.....This is an old thread, but for anyone reading, I have been modding for several years and missed this simple fix-mistake! Had bfullscreen=1 AND borderless to true in enblocal.ini....game is the smoothest it's ever been....just proves RTFM and forums!

  • +1 1
  • 1 year later...

Hey guy's! I wonder if anyone here can help me? I have started a new game, same ini's and mods, just a fresh game and re-install of mods. I started to get stutter, not affecting my FPS either, most noticeable when looking around or with weapon drawn, and in certain areas interior, but not as prolific outdoors. So I re-installed Skyrim, still had the problem. So got enb Boost, got the crashFix's, and this fix also. My AMD is set for app, only vsync is enabled outside. I'm very stuck with this, and depressed lol I had a stable game before re-start, I re-started because there were mods I no longer wanted, and didn't want to use a save tool to remove them. Any help would be awesome, I'm not a smart egg (too many bumps to the head lol) So I really appreciate any help.

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