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A Few Questions About Installation and Compatibility





I just have a few quick questions.


1) Can I use aMidianBorn and/or Immersive Armors/Weapons with STEP:Extended?

2) If using any/all of the above, where in the installation order should I install them?  I ask because the 29th mod in the guide is Weapons and Armor Fixes, and some of the optionals are for aMidianBorn and Immersive Weapons.  Would I install WaAF with those optionals, and then install aMB and IW at the very end of the guide, right after WaAF, or right before WaAF?



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You should. It just wouldn't be officially supported. I know Neovalen places Immersive Armors after Cloaks of Skyrim but before Jaysus Swords and Winter is Coming. I never liked Immersive Weapons, too many additional types of swords (that were all kind of meh) and next to no bows, crossbows, or anything else (if any at all) it just cluttered the crafting lists which can be a BAD thing.


For an Extended install I'd say at the end of section 2.I. Clothing and Equipment is a safe bet.


Here's a link to the position of Immersive Armors in Neovalen's guide, hope it helps some.


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Posted (edited)

I've got another question.  I want to use Frostfall along with Wet and Cold, and when I get to the XP32 Maximum Skeleton mod in the guide, the detailed instructions mention that the options given don't work with Frostfall.  They are designed to work with Wet and Cold instead.  Which options do I pick to allow both mods to play nicely?  I intend to use a backpack and, when in cold or rainy conditions, a cloak.  So having the quiver play nicely with both the cloak and the backpack is ideally what I'm looking for.


EDIT: I know that quivers will always clip through the cloaks added by various mods (Cloaks of Skyrim, Winter is Coming, etc).  I'm just looking for help with which options to choose for the XP32 Maximum Skeleton while using Frostfall with Wet and Cold.  Like I said, I plan to use a backpack and wear a cloak, so having the quiver affixed to the belt rather than on my back, underneath the backpack (using the Frostfall option in the XP32 installer) sounds like what I should choose.  I just want to be sure though.



Edited by ADD1CTED_GAM3R
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So... what it's sounding like your wanting is less STEP Extended more Skyrim Revisited. Just follow his guide LOL it has all of the mods you've mentioned so far. Scroll to the top of the link I posted earlier.

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Posted (edited)

Honestly, I'm starting to get confused again...


The vast majority of the mods I want to use in my game are covered by STEP, between Core and Extended.  There are some that are missing though, as I've mentioned already; Frostfall, iNeed, Immersive Armors, Immersive Weapons, and who knows how many more.  A quick glance at Skyrim Revisited reveals that 3 out of those 4 are included in it, but I don't know which ones aren't.


Maybe I should take the list of mods I want to use in my game and find out which are covered by STEP Core, which by STEP Extended, and which by Skyrim Revisited?  Then I can try to narrow down which one would be best; STEP Extended or Skyrim Revisited.  I suppose the two are incompatible?  STEP Core is still needed for Skyrim Revisited though, right?


Sorry to be such a pain!  I'm confused.  :confused:  ::(:

Edited by ADD1CTED_GAM3R
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Posted (edited)

Aren't a good amount of what's in Revisited actually available in some of the various STEP packs anyway?


And no, Revisited is stand alone, doesn't need Core or Extended as such.

Edited by Nozzer66
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Aren't a good amount of what's in Revisited actually available in some of the various STEP packs anyway?

I have no idea; I've never actually looked through them in detail.  I've only done that with the main guide; 2.2.9 (and 2.2.8 when it was current).


As I said, a lot of the mods I want to use are included in either Core or Extended, but there are quite a few that aren't.  A quick glance at Skyrim Revisited showed me that some of them are included in it, but I don't know how many.  I also don't know for sure if it requires STEP Core, or if it's compatible with Extended (I assume it's not though).


I consider mods such as Frostfall and either iNeed or Realistic Needs and Diseases to be essential to my game; I won't play it without them.  I mentioned the aMidianBorn Book of Silence earlier because I didn't realize it was included in the main STEP guide (I don't know how I missed it).  Immersive Armors is another nice touch to add more/nicer armors to the game, but Immersive Weapons I could live without if I needed to.  


More than likely I need to sit down with my list of mods and note which are covered by what; Core, Extended, or one (or more) of the packs.  Maybe I'll get lucky and Skyrim Revisited can be used with STEP Extended, or maybe it will be okay to just add the mods I want to use to Extended after I've finished installing it.  That's where the confusion comes into play, but I'm hoping the STEP Staff can help me sort it all out.


STEP Staff: Would it be helpful if I posted a complete list (attached as a document or posted in spoiler tags) of the mods I want to use in my game?

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Posted (edited)


As I said, a lot of the mods I want to use are included in either Core or Extended, but there are quite a few that aren't.  A quick glance at Skyrim Revisited showed me that some of them are included in it, but I don't know how many.  I also don't know for sure if it requires STEP Core, or if it's compatible with Extended (I assume it's not though).


I consider mods such as Frostfall and either iNeed or Realistic Needs and Diseases to be essential to my game; I won't play it without them.  I mentioned the aMidianBorn Book of Silence earlier because I didn't realize it was included in the main STEP guide (I don't know how I missed it).  Immersive Armors is another nice touch to add more/nicer armors to the game, but Immersive Weapons I could live without if I needed to.  


More than likely I need to sit down with my list of mods and note which are covered by what; Core, Extended, or one (or more) of the packs.  Maybe I'll get lucky and Skyrim Revisited can be used with STEP Extended, or maybe it will be okay to just add the mods I want to use to Extended after I've finished installing it.  That's where the confusion comes into play, but I'm hoping the STEP Staff can help me sort it all out.

Skyrim Revisited is NOT 'compatible' with STEP (either Core or Extended). They are completely different installation guides. Meaning this: it's not advised to install STEP: Extended and then go and install Skyrim Revisited on top of that.


Regarding your questions for installing mods outside of the STEP guides I would advise this:

   Before installing STEP, make a list of the extra mods you want to use (like Frostfall, iNeed, etc.)

   Then proceed through the STEP install and keep in mind the extra mods and for any special install instructions just add the extra mods as instructed by the mod install directions.

        If a mod has an optional checkbox for Frostfall then go ahead and check it. Likewise for any other mod you want to use.

   I personally install all the extra mods I want to use (I use all the ones you mentioned) while I'm going through the STEP install. For example, I consider Frostall a 'Gameplay' mod so I install it after the mods listed in the Gameplay section of STEP. I would consider Immersive Armor part of 'Clothing & Equipment' so i install it after the mods listed in the Clothing & Equipment section.

Edited by Vaportrails
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STEP Staff: Would it be helpful if I posted a complete list (attached as a document or posted in spoiler tags) of the mods I want to use in my game?

I don't think you'd get very far with this approach. The STEP staff supports only the official STEP installation guides. Any mods outside of those are not officially supported. By that I mean that if you provided a list of mods outside of the STEP guide that you want to use, they might (and probably would because they are awesome) answer questions as best they could by they aren't going to provide detailed instructions on where to place mods, conflict resolution, ini tweaks, etc. on these extra mods. Which is what I suspect might be what you're ultimately looking for.

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Skyrim Revisited is NOT 'compatible' with STEP (either Core or Extended). They are completely different installation guides. Meaning this: it's not advised to install STEP: Extended and then go and install Skyrim Revisited on top of that.


Regarding your questions for installing mods outside of the STEP guides I would advise this:

   Before installing STEP, make a list of the extra mods you want to use (like Frostfall, iNeed, etc.)

   Then proceed through the STEP install and keep in mind the extra mods and for any special install instructions just add the extra mods as instructed by the mod install directions.

        If a mod has an optional checkbox for Frostfall then go ahead and check it. Likewise for any other mod you want to use.

   I personally install all the extra mods I want to use (I use all the ones you mentioned) while I'm going through the STEP install. For example, I consider Frostall a 'Gameplay' mod so I install it after the mods listed in the Gameplay section of STEP. I would consider Immersive Armor part of 'Clothing & Equipment' so i install it after the mods listed in the Clothing & Equipment section.

Oh, so Skyrim Revisited is completely independent of STEP?  Why is it listed as a STEP Pack then?  That just seems strange, lol.  ::P:  No matter though.


Your advice on how to install extra mods seems sound though.  I actually went through the packs earlier (briefly) and found that a lot of the extra mods I want to use that aren't part of STEP Core or Extended are available in some of the packs.  I'll have to do more investigating to see which pack(s) I could use with which STEP version though (Core and/or Extended).  It might still be a good idea for me to go through my mod list and note which mods are covered by what; Core, Extended, packs, etc.


I don't think you'd get very far with this approach. The STEP staff supports only the official STEP installation guides. Any mods outside of those are not officially supported. By that I mean that if you provided a list of mods outside of the STEP guide that you want to use, they might (and probably would because they are awesome) answer questions as best they could by they aren't going to provide detailed instructions on where to place mods, conflict resolution, ini tweaks, etc. on these extra mods. Which is what I suspect might be what you're ultimately looking for.

That's more or less what I would be looking for, yes.  Not to say that I wouldn't be pulling my own weight though.  It's not like I'm asking for other people to do all of the work in checking for compatibility issues, figuring out where to place each mod, etc.  I'd help too.  But, I understand if no one is willing to lend a hand with that.  More than likely I'll be able to cover everything between Core, Extended and the available packs.

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The reason I said to follow the Skyrim Revisited guide is you'll need a bit more knowledge on how to make compatibility patches for some of those mods. REGS (Real Explorer's Guide to Skyrim) might be a bit more like what your looking for; there is a Skyrim Revisited compatible version of REGS.


Skyrim Revisited Legendary Edition is Neovalen's own personal guide that is STEP like but has a lot more detail in a few regards.

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Posted (edited)

So, I've spent the majority of my evening going through the list of mods from STEP (both Core and Extended), as well as most of the packs, compiling a list of what mods are in each.  Then I went through the list of mods that I want to use, which I compiled not too long ago, and marked which was contained in which; STEP (Core or Extended), any pack(s), etc..  It was done in Excel, and I uploaded the spreadsheet to a free website called Zoho for anyone interested to look at (it's free).


Much of my list is covered by STEP (Core and Extended), and much of the remaining are covered by packs.  There are some that aren't, but that's to be expected.  Hopefully all of them are compatible.




What I'd like assistance with is screening the list for conflicts.  Keep in mind that there are STEP mods (from both Core and Extended) that aren't on that list, as many of them aren't mods I would have thought to use on my own (without the list requiring them).  I'm also having some trouble placing mods in the appropriate STEP Category, so some help with that would be nice too!


Anyone up to helping me out?   ::):




EDIT: Updated the categories for a bunch of mods in the spreadsheet.  The ones with question marks I'm unsure of, so advice would be great!

Edited by ADD1CTED_GAM3R

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