Smile44 Posted August 13, 2014 Author Posted August 13, 2014 No not Weapons and Armor Fixes.esp but Improved Close faced Helmets_Legendary.esp. If you don't have that esp then go and read the install notes again for both Improved close faced helmets and WAF. The latter one has all the files that the Close faced helmets mod needs the former does not. I was obviously not clear about that in my post I assumed you would know that the Requiem patch has to be linked to the same mod e.g. Requiem WAF has WAF as a master, Requiem ImpCFH has ImpCFH as a master. WAF provides a merged esp for ImpCFH which is why STEP says to remove the plugins from the original mod. Which is why you need to remove the imp_helm*.esp masters from the Requiem patch and add the Legendary plugin provided by WAF as a master then all will work as planned. Hope this helps.
Fell_MTK Posted August 14, 2014 Posted August 14, 2014 Your support here and azirok's nexus is amazing, btw azirok is patching machine took a look at your updated Load Order, you could include Requiem - Potions Weight.esp and some mods that are on STEP, Requiem - Bring Out Your Dead.esp and Soul Gems Differ - Requiem.esp (that comes in the Soul Gems Differ installer) & BetterQuestObjectives-RequiemPatch.esp.. both that are early on your guide on Mods to be removed or adjusted.
Jverv Posted August 14, 2014 Posted August 14, 2014 Wow, just found this pack after using SR:LE for months! Thank you for all the work!!
BUBISHI Posted August 14, 2014 Posted August 14, 2014 I was about to tweak the patch today but it looks like azirok has done the work for me. Will try his new patch.The new patches for Hard Times and Dragonborn should replace the old ones, so its just delete the old patch load the new one and place it in the old ones load order I guess? Need not to merge or overwrite anything?
Smile44 Posted August 14, 2014 Author Posted August 14, 2014 Yes just use the single legendary patch. Azirok responded quickly to my request and so you no longer need to make any changes,
BUBISHI Posted August 14, 2014 Posted August 14, 2014 (edited) On 8/14/2014 at 4:20 PM, Smile44 said: Yes just use the single legendary patch. So after loading the patch into MO I right-click it go to Information -> Optional ESP and move the Requiem - Closeface Helmet patch.esp and Requiem - DB - Closeface Helmet patch.esp up so only Requiem _ Improved Closeface Helmet Legendary.esp is active. Right? This means that if a Requiem patch includes more than one .eps: for instance the Requiem - SPTConsistentOlderPeople Patch I always chose the one that fits my original one. Requiem - SPTConsistentOlderPeople Patch includes1. Requiem - SPTConsistentOlderPeople Patch.esp2. Requiem - CRF - SPTOlderPeople Patch.esp3. Requiem - SoT - SPTOlderPeople Patch.esp4. Requiem - SPTOlderPeople All-in-one Patch.esp As I use Consistent Older People 21 All NPCs BOYD Compatible version with only SPTConsistentOlderPeople.esp I will only need 1. and hide the remaining three... Trying to understand how it works. And when updating the patches. can I just overwrite the old .esps with new ones manually or do I deactivate the old one and load the new one in MO? Edited August 14, 2014 by BUBISHI
Smile44 Posted August 14, 2014 Author Posted August 14, 2014 Using Merge in MO should work fine for updating a mod that had several plugins. Important to make sure that you only have the plugins that you need. A legendary edition generally has the main plugin plus all DLC plugins merged into one. The all in one plugin for COP may have more or less of what you need so check at the mod page what it covers if it covers the patches that you use then great use it and it alone but if it does not then install all the patches you need and then merge them into one using TES5Edit,
Thamantis Posted August 14, 2014 Posted August 14, 2014 Hey Smile, I know load order is not complete yet, but I am a little bit confused by some of the current instructions. Especially concerning OBIS. In the first list you state "All mods that this first list patches should load before Requiem.esp"This means I would normally have OBIS.esp, OBISDB.esp and OBISDB-FaceMasksFix.esp were they are installed in SR:LE and then just add the "Requiem - OBIS.esp" and "Requiem - DB - OBIS.esp" as indicated in your list. Confusion starts when I get to the second part of the load order, saying "This next list is for mods that need to load AFTER Requiem.esp ... etc."Because here we have OBIS.esp and OBISDB.esp again and it adds in the "OBIS FALSKAAR PATCH.esp" which SR:LE does not mention, though Falskaar is in SR:LE too? Then it says to add the "OBIS - Requiem Patch.esp" and "OBISDB - Requiem Patch.esp". Are these the same as "Requiem - OBIS.esp" and "Requiem - DB - OBIS.esp"? If not, were can I find these patches? Hope these are not complete noob findings ;)
Smile44 Posted August 14, 2014 Author Posted August 14, 2014 Yep you are right, things have been moving quickly and there have been changes that I have missed - OBIS mod loads before requiem.esp no need for an override - I have updated the guide. Thanks for pointing this out. Soon there will be a wealth of information about load order available just waiting for the patch-meister to get to it which will be soon ish. Important changes to load order section - I have removed all reference to mods not in STEP, SR or REGS - this will I hope simplify things a tad, I hope.
Thamantis Posted August 15, 2014 Posted August 15, 2014 Great, thanks for the quick answer and update! I have now been able to finally get my SR:LE + Requiem install complete :-) If I have Hard Times installed I do not need the Heavy Shield Fix, right? I then place Deadly Dragons directly after Hard Times, I assume? I stress-tested the game and it seems pretty stable so far. Then played for a while and stumbled upon some weird things, though: Raise Dead BugWhen I use "Raise Dead" on humanoid creatures (I tried bandits, forsworn, vampires) then sometimes the raised enemies just walk on the spot they were raised and cannot be killed. Like an immortal, useless on-the-spot walking corpse so to say ;) They also do not count towards the summoning limit, I can raise other creatures and they behave as they should. But the on-spot-walking immortal corpse stays where I raised it. "Disabling" and then "enabling" it through the console gives me a naked dead enemy, which has completely different equipment than when I killed him, so this is not really an option, especially if it's a boss or something else with special loot on it. I had one instance in White River Watch were all enemies attacked the raised immortal on-spot-walking corpse and completely ignored me, i.e. I could kill them without them fighting back (they were to busy trying to slay the corpse). Sometimes they just ignore the corpse though, as if it was not there. Really strange and quite annoying. Draugr, bandits etc. have "names" (Bandit Highwayman, Draugr Deathlord, etc.)But in Requiem I thought they should all just be named "Bandit" or "Draugr", no matter what? At first I thought it could be caused by OBIS, but since it affects Draugrs too, it must be something else... Mass effect and Stamina regenerationI'm wearing heavy armor and this does not always calculate correctly for me. Sometimes my stamina regenerates while running, though it depletes as it should when sprinting. Movement speed is also different from time to time (with full stamina, so I do not mean the slowdown caused by a loss of stamina). Going into the inventory and putting my armor off and on again fixes the issue most of the time. This could perhaps be caused by a miscalculation of the player's mass or heavy armor effects? Falmer are quite weak Maybe related to OBIS - bandits are much tougher than Falmer (made a lvl 30 warrior/necromancer hybrid to test more dangerous areas). I can kill Falmer in 2 - 3 hits, whereas some bandits are a real challenge. I bet Falmer should be harder than bandits normally, even with OBIS installed? Don't know what is causing this, the only things I have loaded after Requiem are Alternate Start, Moonlight Tales, Neo's Conflict Resolution, the bashed patch and the things from SUM (ASIS + ASIS dependency and Dual Sheath Redux). Checking "information" in MO also says that Requiem is not overwritten by anything. I'm still a noob when it comes to modding, so please be patient with me ;)
fireundubh Posted August 15, 2014 Posted August 15, 2014 (edited) For anyone who creates a bashed patch with Requiem, remember to unlevel the leveled lists in the bashed patch. With TES5Edit, you can do that easily with my script: { Purpose: Unlevel Leveled Lists Game: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Author: fireundubh Version: 0.1}unit UserScript;var slParentElements: TStringList; sTargetLevel: string; bDebug: bool;//============================================================================function Initialize: integer; begin bDebug := true; slParentElements := TStringList.Create; if not InputQuery('Enter', 'Target Level:', sTargetLevel) then begin Result := 1; exit; end; if bDebug then begin ClearMessages(); AddMessage('Applying script...' + #13#10); end; end;//============================================================================function Process(e: IInterface): integer; var h, i, j, k: integer; L0, L1, L2, L3: IInterface; s: string; begin slParentElements.Clear; // signature check if (Signature(e) = 'LVLI') or (Signature(e) = 'LVLN') or (Signature(e) = 'LVSP') then slParentElements.Add('Leveled List Entries') else exit; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for h := 0 to slParentElements.Count - 1 do begin // level 1 L0 := ElementByPath(e, slParentElements[h]); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for i := 0 to ElementCount(L0) - 1 do begin // level 2 L1 := ElementByIndex(L0, i); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for j := 0 to ElementCount(L1) - 1 do begin // level 3 L2 := ElementByIndex(L1, j); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for k := 0 to ElementCount(L2) - 1 do begin // level 4 L3 := ElementByIndex(L2, k); if CompareStr(Name(L3), 'Level') = 0 then begin if GetEditValue(L3) sTargetLevel then begin if bDebug then s := GetEditValue(L3); SetEditValue(L3, sTargetLevel); if bDebug then AddMessage('Updated: ' + GetElementEditValues(L2, 'Reference') + #13#10 + 'New Level: ' + GetEditValue(L3) + ' (Old Level: ' + s + ')' + #13#10); end; // end if - level comparison end; // end if - path comparison end; // end for - level 4 end; // end for - level 3 end; // end for - level 2 end; // end for - level 1 slParentElements.Clear; end;//============================================================================function Finalize: integer; begin Result := 1; exit; end;end. Edited August 15, 2014 by fireundubh
Smile44 Posted August 15, 2014 Author Posted August 15, 2014 (edited) Useful, thanks Fireundubh. @Thamantis - it does sound like a bashed patch issue. Make sure that you only have leveled lists and merged mods checked. If not you get all sorts of weird issues like steel doing more damage than ebony etc. I will look at this script when I get time (see post above). It should also help with equipment etc.. Just save it as a *.pas file and stick it into your TES5Edit script folder then select your bashed patch and load it up, right click on Apply Script and follow instructions, should help. Make sure that your bashed patch is not carrying forward any stats or names etc.. first. Edited August 15, 2014 by Smile44
Thamantis Posted August 15, 2014 Posted August 15, 2014 (edited) Ok, thanks! I followed SR:LE before and therefore had "Merge Patches", "Import Names", "Import Stats", "Tweak Settings" and "Leveled Lists" checked. Then I just rebuilt the patch after installing Requiem.Now I rebuilt the patch again and only checked "Merge Patches" and "Leveled Lists".Also saved the script as a .pas file and run TES5Edit with it. After applying the script, TES5Edit prompts me to enter a "Target Level"? What do I enter here? Adding Requiem below the bashed patch should work too I guess?Or are there any advantages in having a bashed patch with Requiem included that I would miss otherwise? Edited August 15, 2014 by Thamantis
fireundubh Posted August 15, 2014 Posted August 15, 2014 (edited) To delevel, you set all levels in the leveled list to 1. On 8/15/2014 at 9:28 AM, Thamantis said: Adding Requiem below the bashed patch should work too I guess?No. Use LOOT to sort your mods. The Bashed Patch should always be last unless you have SkyProc patches.Workflow:1. Use LOOT to sort your mods.2. Use Wrye Bash to create a bashed patch.3. Run any SkyProc patchers you might have.4. Use TES5Edit to delevel the leveled lists in the bashed patch. On 8/15/2014 at 9:28 AM, Thamantis said: Or are there any advantages in having a bashed patch with Requiem included that I would miss otherwise?The advantages are the same with and without Requiem. You should always have a bashed patch, even with vanilla Skyrim and DLC. Edited August 15, 2014 by fireundubh
Smile44 Posted August 15, 2014 Author Posted August 15, 2014 LOOT does not sort Requiem correctly and you lose too many deliberate mod changes from Requiem AFAIK. Or has that changed? Interesting to have some knowledgeable assistance in here but I have been generally encouraging users not to use LOOT. So could you please let me know your thoughts on this as it could prove useful. For those using SR:LE Neo very deliberately, is not using LOOT so it would be a good idea to stick with BOSS if using SR:LE (until Neo changes over of course).
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