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Questions from a new STEP user



I've read through the STEP 2.2.8 guide a couple of times now but before I start applying it, I just wanted to ask a couple of n00b questions to clarify some things:


1). In looking through the list of mods, I'm interested in installing all of the core mods and *some* of the non-core ("extended"?) mods.  My understanding is that I should first install all of the "core mods" beginning in step 2.A. Configuration and ending in step 2.M. Gameplay *before* I install any "non-core" mods, is that correct?  Or is it simply that I need to install all "core mods" within a particular section (e.g., 2.G. Landscape & Environment, for example) before installing any "non-core" mods in that same section?


2). Section 2.A. Configuration talks about the STEP patches and says that they're for users who plan to install *all* of STEP Core or all of STEP Extended.  If I'm going to install all of the core mods and *some* of the "non-core" mods, would I only install the STEP Core Patch?


3). When using MOD Organizer to install mods in the past, I've seen a dialog asking if I want to unpack a BSA file.  I assume that's just for speed purposes so the game can load "loose files" without having to deal with the BSA?  I'll be installing on an SSD so I don't know how noticeable of a difference there would be between using a BSA and using unpacked loose files.  Does anyone know?


3). I have 2x GTX 780 Ti in SLI.  Is 3GB VRAM enough to install all of the core mods using the HQ option where available?


Thanks very much for taking the time to read my n00bish drivel.  :-)  I appreciate any information or advice you're willing to share with me!

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14 answers to this question

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1. It is much simpler now if you go ahead and install all the mods you want, installing them in the order in the guide, both core and non-core.

2. You probably are safe to install the STEP Core patch in that case.

3. There generally isn't much difference. I've heard arguments going both ways on which is faster. If you want to conserve a little bit of space, keep the BSAs and check them in the Archives tab, and it won't be a problem in Mod Organizer (it is a different case in Wrye Bash).


3). You probably can go with the HQ options.

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I'll point out that you won't always be able to tell the difference with the HQ Texture mods. If you have SLI'd 780's you probably have a monitor that's good enough to notice, but I tried and couldn't really tell the difference between 2048 and 1024.

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I'll point out that you won't always be able to tell the difference with the HQ Texture mods. If you have SLI'd 780's you probably have a monitor that's good enough to notice, but I tried and couldn't really tell the difference between 2048 and 1024.


Your right about the difference being dependent on screen resolution. Anything 1080 and up will have a more noticeable difference. I'd say with his setup that he'd be okay with 1k exterior and 2k interior textures. Also armor and weapons at 2k if they come that way.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I'm just chiming in from my own STEP experience the last few month. If I were to start over on a new install I'd...


1 ... download all mods in the right order right away. Then just activate CORE mods and leave the rest unticked for another day. This will spare you some MO quirks later (like sorting a very long mod list manually, or that newly installed mods end up at the very bottom, for example).


2 ... Installed the CORE patch and looked at the notes more clearly. If you only use some of the extended mods look at the patch notes and manually add the needed patch or create your own (check Neovalens excellent Skyrim Revisited Legendary Edition wiki for that). The Extended patch only if you use all the mods that need the patch... Which you only can see in TES5edit.


3 ... Leave all mods that came in BSAs the way they came. Even though I made an extensive test on my machine and found the speed difference negligible, it'll save you about 20-33% hdd space of the total STEP install. If you run into trouble (I didn't) you can unpack later. Going the other way is more cumbersome imo.


Second 3 ... Installed more high res versions. I have a 675 and go 50/50 HQ options. You should be relatively safe with all HQ (but don't go nuts - it'll just crash and you'll never know why).






/ edit

Grammar police.

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This is just what I have been trying to find.  This project is simply incredible, but it is a little daunting for a complete noob like me to figure out what I should do.


I was wondering if I could add on to this thread just asking for a little more clarification.  Is it recommended that I install ALL of the CORE mods?  As mentioned earlier in this thread, I can either install all or some of the Extended mods, but it was recommended by another user to download them all first, then I can choose whether or not to actually install them.  Is that correct?


What about the other packs?  Are those further in addition to the CORE and Extended packs, or do they replace some of the mods in these packs?


Thank you for taking the time to clear this up for me.  What an incredible resource!


Oh, if I may, can I get any suggestion about mods/installs based on my computer? I have a Core i7 3.4GHz processor, with 24 GB memory and NVIDIA GeForce GT635 with 1GB memory.

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Yeah you should install all of the Core mods. Mod compatibility, general game stability and overall balanced looks is dependent on installing all the core mods.


The packs are completely optional. As a new user, I'd first install STEP (which is no small feat for the 1st time), play the game and make sure everything is workign as it is supposed to. Only then start thinking about packs tbh. There's a lot to learn :)


Does your computer have 24GB Ram and 1GB Vram? Seems like quite a big difference :P Your modding limits are (these days) largely dependent on your VRAM limits. I hate to break it to you, but 1GB should be barely enough for STEP performance version. It's likely going to be a tight fit, but if you follow the Core (performance options when possible) directions I'm sure you can squeeze it in. 

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Hello! Another newb here who has discovered this incredible resource and this thread has practically asked and answered what I wanted...thanks!


I just want to clarify one thing:


The Core Patch is for the mods with the green marker


The Core extended patch is for the mods without the green marker


Is that correct?


Thanks guys :)

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3). I have 2x GTX 780 Ti in SLI.  Is 3GB VRAM enough to install all of the core mods using the HQ option where available?


You only need 2 GB VRAM for the entire STEP:Extended, literally everything in HQ, as long as your memory bandwidth is up to par. Your 3 GB will have room to spare to eliminate most, if not all, sources of fps drops caused by major texture (re-)loads. For comparison, my GTX 770 is pushing stable 60 fps at 1920x1080, except when there's a major change in scenery.


Although scaling the resolution past 1920 x 1080 still seems to produce unexpectedly non-linear strain on the system, so YMMV. But STEP:Core, most definitely!

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