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Using SR guide and i'm getting some strange darkness on my shadows, see atached pics , it's amost 100% dark on dark places, shold it be like this?

this pics are w/ Ihora prefs : https://forum.step-project.com/showthread.php?tid=2252

but tried his only because it was already that dark....

any advices?

i'm using enbseries 1.77




11 answers to this question

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  • 0

Looks like I will have to update my preset to a newer version soon, so I can actually help people again!


On a related note to this, then presets made for something earlier then v.170 would most likely look a bit odd if used since the variables have new names etc. so it is not just possible to make a smooth transition into the new stuff without some tweaking.


Alternatively then whenever you have really deep shadows, then it is most likely due to some contrast settings in enbeffect.fx which cause blacks to turn all black.

  • 0

Ugh...just looked at the ini changes from v.170 and beyond...WHY...WHY BORIS WHY?!?!


I'm just happy I finally got a solid ENB working (again thanks to Aiyen, Neovalen and Vond!) - once the new Skryim Revisited is done I'm going to explore the waters again with other ENB presets and some tweaking so starting from scratch with one of the new format versions from Boris won't be that bad.

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Agreed, and if you find a stable 1.70+ please let me know

i'll start everything from scratches when new Neovalen guide arrives, not going to play till there (got some ocd, cant play if it's not 100%, maybe going play in some months only)

btw, is there any aproximated date to release it? coudn't find this info

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sry for double post, but my Edit button is not working now idk why.

just to correct my preview post, what i mean with "it's not 100%" it's because it's not 100% on my machine because something got installed wrong with MO 0.99, my animations are ***** (nothing too serious) and AV not working. the guide is awsome, cant wait for the new one to play :]

  • 0

mokuro, I'd advise downgrading back to MO 0.12.9, which is the stable version: the beta has a LOT of bugs in it and I wouldn't use it for serious game play/management.

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sry for double post, but my Edit button is not working now idk why.

just to correct my preview post, what i mean with "it's not 100%" it's because it's not 100% on my machine because something got installed wrong with MO 0.99, my animations are ******(nothing too serious) and AV not working. the guide is awsome, cant wait for the new one to play :]

Please refrain from using swearwords in your posts. 
  • 0


I need help... my game look like this every time when i install enb.


Project ENB and Seasons of Skyrim ENB

ENB series 221 and 262


Windows 8.1 64-bit

Intel core i5 4440


  • 0

Make sure you have your inis set up properly. Open your Skyrimprefs.ini and check  if you have  the following settings.


iMultiSample = 0

bFloatPointRenderTarget = 1

  • +1 1

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